↠ fragile

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Requested by bohemianwentz ^-^
also I really hate this chapter ik it doesn't flow well and it's //rushed// so idrc if you flame me for this ;D

We'd just wrapped up filming the "Another one bites the dust" scene for BoRhap, and everyone was pretty exhausted from the long day at work. Though it was fun, sometimes we all get a little irritated.

"Good job everyone!" Joe tried desperately to loosen the tight atmosphere. "Shut up, that was a shit take." Rami mumbled under his breath. Sadly, he wasn't very good at mumbling, and we could all understand what he was saying.

Joe simply looked down at his feet as Gwil and I looked at him with shocked eyes. "Hey, it wasn't a shit take, I actually thought we did pretty good-" Gwilym's attempt to calm Rami down was cut off by the man himself, but this time, he didn't mumble. "It was shit!" He yelled. I saw Joe jump a little bit out of the corner of my eye.

"What's up with you today? Joe was only trying to lighten the bloody mood!" I fought back. This was completely out of character for Rami, and he was making everyone else's day worse- it really pissed me off.

"Shut up Ben, you're only confronting me because I hurt your boy crush's feelings." I froze. At that moment, I had no idea what to do. He'd just outed me to the entire crew, Gwil, and worse, he outed me to the one person I cared about more than anything. Joe.

He'd been my crush ever since the first filming day. I'd constantly catch glances of him, follow him around like a lost little puppy- I knew he didn't like me, I guess I just wanted to have something to believe in. (gOt nObOdY lEft tO bElIeEeEeEvE) (I'm sorry)

"I-" "Yeah, I said it, what else do you need to ask, huh?" He spat. I felt a single tear run down my face as I stared at him, my eyes screaming "how could you?" I felt all eyes on me. The film crew had left the set, giving us a bit of privacy- but it was all over for me anyways.

I panicked. I had no idea what to do, so I ran. I ran out of the set and into the lot, searching for shelter, but there was none, so I found a nearby wall and sank down, hugging my knees, and sobbed, hiding my face. I knew that Rami was the one in the wrong, but it wasn't hard to find a way to blame myself.

A few minutes passed before I heard the opening and closing of the studio doors. I was too scared to look up when I heard footsteps coming towards me, proceeding to slowly sink down and sit next to me.

There was a long silence before the mystery person spoke. "Thanks for sticking up for me in there," they spoke in a soft and gentle tone, and I instantly knew who it was. Joe. I was too scared to reply. "Rami's really sorry- he went through a nasty break up and took his anger out on the wrong people is all." I stayed in silence.

"Hey, I'm not mad at you, or upset or anything," he tried to reassure me, but how could I believe him?

"Please say something, Ben." He pleaded. But what was there to say? "Sorry." I muttered. Maybe a simple sorry was all I needed for him to leave and go on with his day. "No, no please don't be sorry." I lifted up my head and looked him in the eyes, tears fogging up my vision, my nose red. I was a mess, but it didn't matter anyways. He frowned slightly from the sight.

"Why shouldn't I be sorry? I disgusted everyone, I'm sure. Especially you- why are you even out here-" I was cut off by his lips crashing into mine, fast yet gentle. I tensed up at the sudden movement. I panicked and pulled away.

"You don't have to do that for me," I spoke, my voice shaking. I was sure he was just doing that because I wanted him to. "But I wanted to do that- for both of us." He replied, making my eyes widen.

He laughed softly before speaking again, "Ben, words can't describe how confused, and worried, and amazing you've made me feel. You- I like you, Ben." He exhaled. I looked at him again, my lips slightly parted, in shock. This wasn't real.

"Are you lying to me?" I asked. His voice too became shaky as he replied. "Ben, why would I lie to you? It's no good to lie to your crush." He playfully answered, watching my face turn pink.

We sat in silence for a little while, giving me time to think about everything that had just happened. Finally, I worked up the courage to speak up.

"So, if you really did it for both of us-" I started, "could you do that again?" I looked into his eyes, and he looked into mine.

"I never thought you'd ask." He smiled as he leaned closer to me, eventually causing our lips to collide once again. It was an amazing feeling. 

The kiss lasted for a while before we parted to catch our breath, touching foreheads and sitting there, just staring into each other's eyes for a little while.

"It may not have been in the best circumstance, but I'm glad I found out." He admitted. "Me too." I sighed.

"We're going to have to go back in there." "I know...I'm just scared." I got up and sighed. "Don't be," he said, grabbing my hand. "I'll be right there with you." He smiled.



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