↠ coffee / shakespeare

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This is a continuation of last chapter, so I highly recommend you read that before you read this. :> also, this is gonna be a bit longer than usual ee

Also just look at that picture of fetus Joe above oWo how cute ~

aLSO this in Joe's perspective. :)

I looked over to my alarm clock and widened my eyes at the time

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I looked over to my alarm clock and widened my eyes at the time. Midnight. And I had to get up early tomorrow. I sighed as I set my alarms and shut off my light, falling into slumber.

The annoying familiar tone of my alarm clock pounded in my ears as I flailed my arm in a desperate attempt to turn it off. 6:30 AM.

I jumped in the shower, feeling the shock of the cold water which slowly turned into warm, comfortable water. If it was up to me, I'd stay in the shower forever, but I had to give myself time to look decent, so I quickly finished and dried myself off.

I grabbed an oversized college sweatshirt, some jeans, and my adidas superstars out of my closet and put on each article of clothing. I looked in my mirror and fixed my hair a bit before grabbing my things and heading out.

I looked at my phone to check the time as I closed my front door. 7:45 AM, that gave me a fair amount of time to drive to the coffee house.

I arrived at the coffee house on time, by some miracle, and picked a table a bit further towards the back, quieter and more isolated. I texted Ben to let him know I was there, to which he replied he was on his way.

A couple minutes later I heard the door open, and looking up, there he was. He was dressed in a burgundy adidas sweatshirt and some jeans. Casual, but still really fucking adorable.

He looked around before spotting me, giving me a quick smile before walking over to the table and sitting down in the chair across from me. "Good morning," he greeted. "Good morning," I smiled back, doing surprisingly good at hiding my panic and nervousness from him.

We both got up to order. I got a chai tea latte; coffee was too bitter to me. Ben ordered an iced coffee.

"So tell me about yourself, what are your hobbies, interests," he asked. "Well, I'm honestly not that interesting when it comes to hobbies- I'm really into theatre and,"
"You do theatre?" He cut me off.

"Yeah, I'm gonna be in the school play" I smiled proudly, not exactly knowing where I got my surge of confidence from, but going with it anyways.

He took a sip of his coffee before speaking. "Romeo and Juliet, right?" I nodded my head. "Yeah, lead role, but I mean it's not that big of a dea-" "Lead role!?" I laughed shyly. "It's really no big deal." I reassured. "But it is a big deal," he argued, "that's really cool."

"Thanks," I started, smiling at him shyly, trying to hide a blush. "So, are you into theatre?" I asked. He took another sip before answering. "Well, was involved in theatre from when I was four to a couple of years ago, so, yeah, a bit." He looked down at his coffee and fiddled with the straw.

"Really? Why don't you do it anymore?" I was finding it surprisingly easier to talk to him. Sure, I was still extremely nervous, but my voice wasn't so shaky.

He shrugged before speaking. "I guess I've just gotten too busy. After I joined the varsity football team, my schedule blew up. The stress just kept piling up, and I cut theatre off. I miss it, to be honest."

I was surprised at how much he'd opened up to me. I was slowly realizing how much of a softie he really was.

"That's a shame, at least you have football," I tried to cheer him up. "Yeah, I like them both, but theatre will always have a special place in my heart, you know?" I nodded. "I have no idea how the hell I'm going to learn all of my lines before the play." I stirred my tea before taking a sip. "I could help you run lines later if you'd like," he offered. I smiled, accepting his kind offer. "That'd be really helpful, thanks."

8:45. It was time to head to school, sadly. "Shoot, we should probably get going," I frowned slightly at the idea of school. "I guess you're right," he began, "this was fun, though." He stated, smiling at me. "Yeah, I agree. See you after school to run lines?" He nodded at my question before grabbing his coffee and heading towards the door. I followed behind him.

He held the door open for me as we walked out. Chivalry isn't dead after all, I thought as I smiled at him as a thank you. We headed to our cars and drove off.

9:10. I strolled through the hallways, a sense of happiness running through me- until my encounter with Ethan Iverson. We locked eyes. H'oh boy. He spat at me before throwing me aside, causing me to slam into the lockers. For good measure, he made sure to sock me in the face, leaving a nice bruise, I'm sure. The wind was knocked out of me for just a bit, but I was able to walk it off after a minute.

Things like this happened too often for me to cry anymore. Ethan had been my bully ever since I came out as gay in my sophomore year. Being tripped, shoved, or socked in the face or stomach had become a part of my daily routine.

I headed to class.

The school day passed by as normal. Nothing special, and certainly nothing nice. The only special parts of my school day were lunch and my off period, where I found sanctuary in the library, peacefully laying on my bean bag with a book.

The last bell rang, and I sighed out of relief. Over at last. I quickly texted Ben my address before heading home and tidying my room up a bit, even though it never was really messy. I headed to the bathroom to fix up my hair, when I realized the true damage Ethan had done. A very visible bruise ran across my cheek bone. Shit. I sighed anxiously as I ran a finger across it. Soon, my door bell rang. Thankfully, I had left the door unlocked. "It's open!" I shouted as I ran back to my room.

"Nice place," he stated, while gazing around my room, setting his backpack down by my door. "Thanks." I said, staying in front of him, making sure he couldn't see my face.
"Ready to run lines?" He asked. I nodded my head, heading over to my backpack to grab my script, facing away from him the entire time.

"Good pilgrim, you do wrong your-" he stopped reading, looking over at me. "Are you alright? I haven't seen your face since I got here..." he asked out of worry. "Fine- just fine." I sighed. "Sorry." I shook my head, apologizing. "It's okay...could you maybe turn around?" I tensed up at his question. If I turned around, he'd see the big ass, ugly ass bruise practically covering the side of my face.

Okay, okay, sure, I'm being a bit dramatic, but I mean, it's still a pretty big bruise.

I sat in silence. "Joe?" He questioned, concern in his voice. "Joe, turn around." I sighed and did so. Screw it, he'd see it at some point. Shock took over his face. "Jesus christ..." he muttered. "It's not that bad, really-" "who the fuck did that?" His voice was a mix of sadness and anger.

"It doesn't matter, let's just keep running lines-" "of course it fucking matters! Who did that?!" I began to cry. Shit, shit, shit. Can't fucking cry in front of him right now. His face softened as he pulled me into a hug, letting me cry into his sweatshirt.

He gently ran a hand through my hair while I calmed down. After a few minutes, I had stopped crying, but we still sat on my bed, my head on his shoulder, his arms wrapped around me.

"It's okay..you're okay.." he whispered, continuing to hold me. Ben grabbed my shoulders and nudged me away a bit so that he could see me clearly.

"Who would do this?" His eyebrows were furrowed in an attempt to solve the mystery. I sighed before finally answering him. "Some kid named Ethan." I didn't go in depth. "Ethan?" I nodded my head. "Iverson." I finished. He furrowed his brows once more. "Shit, I wouldn't know him. He's a junior isn't he?" I nodded my head again.

By now I'd calmed down completely. My face was recovering from the tear stains and red color resting on my nose. "Can we just run lines now?" I pleaded softly. I didn't want to answer any questions he had about Ethan. He shuffled a bit before hesitantly nodding his head and grabbing a copy of the script.

Ben got up and paced around as we read. Time passed by fairly quickly.

I grabbed Ben's wrist playfully. "If i profane with my unworthiest hand, this holy shrine, the greatest sin is this: my lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss." Small laughter escaped both of our mouths as we giggled like little girls having a slumber party.

"Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,
Which mannerly devotion shows in this,
For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch,
And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss." He began walking towards me.

"Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?"

"Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer."
Closer, and closer.

"O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do.
They pray; grant thou, lest faith turn to despair."

"Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake."

"Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take."

Our faces were merely centimeters apart as he peered down at me. I felt myself stiffen up. He laughed softly. "That's your que, Romeo." He whispered.

He leaned in as to let me know it was okay to proceed. I smiled shyly before leaning in as well, planting a small kiss on his lips.

"Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged." I whispered.

"Then have my lips the sin that they have took."

"Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged!
Give me my sin again."

We kissed again.

"I'm never letting anyone hurt you again."


But really, this was rushed ahah I know, but it's cute so stfu :>


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