I love you

133 11 1

Chapter 12


Why did you have to say that? Now she is going to think your a loser! Well fucking done shane!


Oh. It's okay shane. I understand!

Thank god she understood. I let out a sigh.


Want to watch a movie?




I looked down at my chest to see a sleeping lisa. She is so beautiful when she sleeps.

I gently slid her down so she was on the coach. I carefully lifted her head, not daring to wake her up, and put a pillow underneath.

I turned off the TV and picked up the eaten bowel popcorn off the table and walked into the kitchen. I quietly put the bowel on the table and tip-toed into the living room.

I walked over to lisa and covered her body in a blanket.

I placed a kiss on her forehead.


'I love you'

I whispered to her before leaving the room. I creeped up the stairs and went to my bedroom.


I started to feel tired as I slowly started to close my eyes. I snuggled myself into Shane's warm chest.

After a few minutes I didn't feel his perfectly warm heart-beating chest, instead the feeling of the cold coach. After trying to get comfy, but failing, I feel two loving hands lift my head up and place a pillow underneath.

I guess shane was trying to get me nice and snuggled as I felt a soft warm blanket place against my cold shivering skin.

Suddenly, I feel a light perfect kiss placed on my forehead, followed by Shane's loving voice.


"I love you"

These words made me feel butterfly's in my stomach, my heart beating quickly.

Shane... loved me? He loved me?

I knew he liked me... but loved me?

I love him. He loves me?

This good day... has turned into one of the best days of my life.


Awww this was too sweet.

Yes it was short but I tried to make it sweet for you guys.

I love you all.

Your cute!





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