I been craving for that sex that drives you crazy even when that person isn't around.
The sex that make your pussy jump. Just the thought of her touch, her sensual kisses, her inside of you...mmmm
I been wanting that sex that gone have me trying to beat your girl up for not letting our bae come to me 😂
The type of sex that make you want to say Fuck everything in your current relationship🤦🏽♀️😂
I want that disrespectful sex
That Choke me daddy sex
That sex that have u crawling the walls and she pulls u back for more.
It's been a while. A whole lil minute for me especially that I'm in a relationship.
If I had my way I would have sex everyday but me and my girl certainly don't have a car and she stay 45 minutes away from me.
I stay where no buses come through
So it be a lil tough to see her all the time. And the fact she got caught up doing some extra shit didn't make it any better. So I been stingy not really wanting her to touch me cause I'm tired of being hurt by the same person .
Me and his girl been together 8 years off and on and she still doing the same shit. Yeah maybe I'm stupid but I gave too many years of my life to just up and quit ya know.
So one Sunday I couldn't get in contact with her. Not even the day before she was real short on text so
I made up my mind that I would not continue to sit in the house and driving myself crazy worrying bout her.
Plus I had been working all day and felt like getting out and have some drinks.
So I got on Facebook live and started doing my hair and makeup. The person that always gets on my live and watches me but never say anything. My crush........Please follow
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My Crush
Aktuelle LiteraturShe seen me on live saying I'm going out and she came to get my attention Names and places have been changed to protect people's identities