we chilling or naw

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My heart begin beating so fast
Like she know she is the girl of my dreams
I bit my bottom lip
She scoots over closer to me
So wassup she say
I smiled n said , u tell me u always play play and shit
Naw that be u shorty she replied
I snap and look at her crazy, how is that when I told u exactly what I want from u.
She snapped back and said u got a girl remember
And I said yeah and that's not for long  she cheated again
She looked disappointed and said why u keep letting her do that and keep going back to her
I said sadly cause I love her. I love her with everything in me Taye that's why
She said angrily, well clearly she don't love u like that cause she keep fucking up.
I said u right while putting my head down
So we continued to talk I didn't even noticed my bestie walked off again cause I was paying attention to taye ass.
She said so who u come here with
I replied my gayboy bestie peaches he around here hoeing somewhere
We both laughed
I leaned over and whispered in her ear
I want you to come home with me tonight and fuck me hard
She looked at me and smiled
I can't tonight baby but I sure will come over tomorrow night
I was like mmmm why u can't Fuck me tonight and tomorrow ?
She replied cause you stay all the way on the other side and I been drinking tonight.
I was  like ok and rolled my eyes
She grabbed my chin and pulled my face toward hers
And with those beautiful lips she said
Don't do me like that lol
And I smiled and said whatever while looking at her seductively
U want a drink baby she asked
I said yes u know I do
She grabbed my hand and we walked to the bar.
she bought me three Henny shots
And we walked back to where we was sitting
My bestie walked 0ver and was like um who is this with her fine ass
I said taye this is my bestie peaches
Peaches this is taye
They shook hands
Peaches looked at me like is this  the stud u was telling me about
I looked at peaches and mouthed to him to  Shut the fuck up  and I just put my hand on my face 🤦 looking embarrassed.
I nodded and said yess bihh this the one that's always on my live and never says anything.
Peaches sat down like taye wasn't there lol
How she know u was here
I said like I said she knew I was coming here cause I said it on my live.
And taye interrupted and said I decided to take a chance and come meet her here even though she got a nigga
As she rolled her eyes at me
I snapped and said well that's your fault you should have got me when u had the chance too but whatever lol.
So peaches just looking at us flirt and shit
He smiles cause he knows I like this girl
So u taking my bitch home tonight or what owwwwwww peaches said being nosey
I said naw she drunk and she don't want to drive all the way to my side of town but I'ma see that ass tomorrow
Taye said yes u will
Peaches was like mmmmmm call me and let me know the tea bihh
And I said bihh u know I am
Taye was like yaw crazy lol
So the club lights came on
Letting us know its time to go
So taye walked us out and walked me to the car
We hugged I kissed her cheek and got in the car and watched her sexy ass walk off.
We left out the parking lot and went to the gas station.
Taye pulls up next to us
So u following me
She yup I'm stalking your ass
She said playfully
She continued, naw im getting some gas shorty.
I was like um hmm whatever u say as I smirked at her playfully
Whatever lol As she starts to walk inside the store

I love watching her walk off

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