-Secrets revealed-

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"Y/n whatever you think about me after this conversation you will give me my award." he says nervously.

"You have my word." you say feeling your legs abandon you.

"Ok. First of all your dad may worked as a police officer but I didn't. I lied. Y/n, I'm a criminal. I'm the master of one of the most popular mafias in Korea."

"Ju-Jungkook why would you hide this from me? I trusted you. I put you in my house with my boyfriend." you say with teary eyes

"Hold on. I'll finish up and then you can break out and say what you want. Good? Believe me it's not easy for me neither." he tries to calm you down.

Why. Why can't I understand the dark side of the people? Why did I even put him in my house. What whas I thinking? Y/n stupid. Grow up.

Now your behavior against Jungkook has completely changed just in a few seconds. You sank in the couch while trying to greaten the distance between you by pussing yourself backwards.

Ok is Jeon Jungkook his real name after all, or is that a nickname or something?

You're lost in your thoughts once again when Jungkook continues after taking a deep breath.

"I involved in this mafia just as soon as we finished school. And guess why. Because I was obsessed with you while you didn't even glare at me. I couldn't help it. I had to break free. Obviously this wasn't the most wise way. I understood that quite late. Me and my team started searching for people. People who hurt us, my parents for instance. They never loved me. They adopted me when I was two."

"You-You killed them?" you said with a trembling voice, still unable to believe all these.

"Yes I did. Just one day before the reunion. That's why I needed a home." he answered with a husky voice.

"How all these connect with my parents' death?" you asked obviously confused.

"Y/n..." silence. "Y/n I killed your parents." he said affraid of your reaction.

" What? You what? Jungkook why-why are you doing all this? What do you want from me after all? Just say it." you say bursting into tears.

"Your love." he said.
"Your love is all I ask. The love I was never provided with. I knew your parents never approved me. They always thought I could only harm you." he confesses.

"You harm me. And my family as well. What if I had a brother? Would you kill him too? Just for fun?" you yell at his face.

"I think you don't understand Y/n."

"No you don't understand. You can't understand what a family is. You can't understand how much they loved me and I loved them. You destroied everything. Will you kill Taehyung Jungkook? Answer me." your voice is so loud now that even your ears hurt.

"Calm down." he says half whispering.

"Calm down? You are the murderer of my parents and you want me to calm down. I have a criminal in my house and he also wants to complete his dirty desires on me. Do you boy think I can calm down?" you say in panick thinking the senario.

"First of all you girl told me that I can do whatever I want on you if I give you information about your parents' death in return. I have regreted for killing your parents Y/n and I'm terribly sorry. And secondly, it's time to give me this award." he sminks while lifts you bridal style heading to the bed room.

"Ah. You will regret this too Jeon Jungkook." you say hitting his back.

A/n ❤
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