-My hero-

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"What have I done?"

You stay in the middle of the sidewalk in front of the zoo, tears never stopping to flow from your red eyes.

I didn't listen to Hoseok's advice. I messed up, but I couldn't be helped.

He proposed me. He asked me to be his wife forever. What could I have done?

I had to tell him the truth. He had the right to know who I really am.

You instantly pull out your phone calling Hoseok, while running in the zoo.

Taehyung has only one thing in his mind now and that is to find Jungkook.

This can't be for good.

"Hello Hoseok? Please don't leave Jungkook alone. Please protect him. I'm coming to find you." you say breathless.

"Y/n what's wrong? Hello?" Hoseok asks exceptionally worried, but you had already ended the call.

The biggest problem now was that...Hoseok wasn't with Jungkook!

He immediatelly starts to run, hopping to find either you or Jungkook before anything bad happens.

You both run non-stop for a few minutes untill you bump to each other, which caused you to fall on the cold, hard ground.

"Y/n! What's going on? Is everything ok?" his eyes are full of fear and stress.

He was worried.

"No nothing is ok. Taehyung proposed me and I told him that I want us to break up. I told him I love Jungkook and now he is mad!" you literally yell.

"You told him what?" he also shouts.

"Hoseok-ah not the ideal time for lessons. We should find Jungkook and quickly!" you both stand to you feet.

"Right. Let's get it." the last phrase causes you to freeze.

It's one of Jungkook's favorite lines.

The thought that he may be at danger due to you now just kills you from inside.

You won't be able to stand with Jungkook be seriously harmed or even worse...

You don't even want to think about it.

"Earth to Y/n run! Here they are." Hoseok gets you out of your thoughts pointing at a crowd of people.

Oh no.

You instantly run towards their direction, pushing random people in order to get to them.

In order to save them.


Even though you and Taehyung are no longer together, you can't tolerate of him get hurt.

Ok maybe it's too late for that.

The sight leaves you breathless.

Both Taehyung and Jungkook's faces and hands are covered with blood and bruises.

You still manage to get in the middle before Taehyung punches Jungkook.

"Stop! I love him. If you want to hurt him, you will have to hurt me, too." you literally scream at his face.

Taehyung's eyes widen at your words.

"You don't love him. You have no heart. Neither you nor him." his strong arms push you away down on the floor.

This is not Taehyung.

Before He can turn to Jungkook, a highly strong punch leaves him unconscious on the ground.

"Nobody touches Y/n except me!" Jungkook whispers before collapsing.

You quickly rush to his side and burry yourself in his warm, secure hug.

He did that for me?

"Are you ok, kitten?" he chuckles while forcing a smile.

"I'm the one that should be asking that right now, don't you think?" you cup his cheeks in your palms while laying a kiss on his soft lips.

This kiss says everything.

It's full of care, love and relief.

"Sorry for interrupting you guys but we should really go to the hospital for both Taehyung and Kook." says Namjoon.

"Yeah right." you answer helping Jungkook stand to his feet.

You look deep in his eyes seeing a lot of pain but also love.

Love for you.

"I love you Kook."

A/n ❤
Aww Kookie you're a real hero. Ωραία το στενάχωρο part της ιστορίας τελείωσε. Ή μήπως όχι; 😘😘😘

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