-It's over-

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Time passed quickly with laughters, games and tickles.

What a ride!
Wait that didn't sound good. 😂

Your cab stops right in front of the zoo entrance and so does the other one.

Eveyone jumps excited out, except form Yoongi, the sleepyhead of the team.

However in no time Hoseok stands next to him trying to cheer him up and somehow convince him that we'll have fun.

At least the most of us.

Only the thought of you and Tae breaking up is a clear load on your shoulders, which is gradually eating out your heart.

Was this the right choice after all?

Lost in your thoughts you feel an arm wrapping around your waist.

You know that touch.

After all this time, it seems amost like a dream that you may won't be able to feel that in a few days.

Or even see that person again.

Nobody knows how this we'll end.

"What's on your mind babe?" Taehyung's melodic voice just breaks your heart.

You still try to hide it.

"Nothing. I was just admiring how happy we all are. I wish it lasts forever." you put too much effort to hold back your tears.

"Maybe it can..." Taehyung's hand slip in his pocket revealing a small red box.

No it can't be.

"Kim Y/n, I have made so many wonderful memories with you. You helped me when I wasn't fine at all. You stood by my side." his words melt your heart, but you still don't say a word.

You can't believe this.

"And...now I'm completely sure I want it to be permanent. Kim Y/n, would you like to be my wife forever?" falling on his knees he opens the small box.

Your eyes widen, now filling with tears.

A diamond ring. A wedding diamond ring.

Taehyung's eyes are begging for one single phrase, nothing more.

I do.

Permanent, wife, forever.

These words ring in your head.

Your jaw stays dropped, but with no word coming out.

You just stay there in front of him, eyes teary stuck on the ring, absend-minded while trying to find something to say.

Well you couldn't have Taehyung. That would be greedy and selfish of you.

Taehyung is a loyal man, a perfect man. He is willing to facrifise himself for his love. But that wasn't you.

He loved you and you betrayed him with the worst way. Making out with his best friend.

He didn't deserve you. He didn't deserve a cheater. A slut.

He deserved a pure and loyal girl just like him.

You weren't that. None of that.

Having already made your choice, you take a deep breath, before kneeling down with him and hugging him tight.

"Taehyung, I want to break up." you confess feeling dirty and mean.

"Y/n what? Please tell me that you are joking. Tell me that's not true. Damn Y/n answer me!" tears fall from his eyes.

You destroyed him completely.

"Taehyung I'm not joking. I-I want to break up. I'm sorry." you drag yourself away from his embrase.

"Tell me the reason. Why? Why do you leave me now? What's wrong?" his voice becomes louder.

You just wanted to burry yourself.

"Taehyung I love Jungkook." you yell.

His face suddenly turns pale. His breath hitches. The light from his eyes just disappears. His heart seems to break in two.

"W-What did you say?" he stutters.

"I love Jungkook." you repeat now more calm but still broken.

You didn't expect this would be so difficult, so heart-breaking, so far from you.

Taehyung throws the box an runs towards the zoo entrance, leaving you alone sobbing.

"What have I done?"

Ειλικρινά λυπάμαι που κατέστρεψα την ψυχολογία σας παιδιά. Εγώ έκλαιγα για ένα τέταρτο. 😘😩😭

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