-Happy news-

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"Good morning guys. I made you breakfast. Come. Take a seat." Taehyung says full of energy as you and Jungkook go down the stairs.

"You are amazing babe. But you should have let me do the breakfast." you say pecking Taehyung's lips.

Jungkook obviously tries his best not to show his irritation. His eyes burn your flesh. On the other hand you feel both dirty and guilty.

Calm down Y/n. Calm down.

"Where did you Jungkook sleep last night?" Taehyung asks while bringing the dishes with the hot pancakes.

"On the couch. Don't worry I was just fine." Jungkook answers clearly anxious.

You can feel it. He hurts.

"You sure?" Taehyung insists.

"Yeah it was perfect." says Jungkook.

Taehyung always trusted you. Now Jungkook got that too. He didn't even think of the senario of you two making out secretly. He was so calm, so pure.

Now everyone has started eating.

"Wow Tae babe you rock. The pancakes are amazing." you say with full mouth.

"I put all of my soul. I wanted you to like them Y/n." he answers rubbing your hand with his.

You smile at him. Then your eyes meet Jungkook's. He is irritated but he has such an ability to hide it. How? You will never find out.

That boy is amazing.

"Ok lisren up." you clear your throat.
"What would you say for a few days out? I mean, we're all tired and a break wouldn't be bad." you propose.

"What do you mean?" asks Taehyung confused.

"Vacation. We can all go on a trip just to get away from the daily routine. You in?" you ask both guys.

"Well that's a brilliant idea Y/n. Brilliant." says Jungkook really excited, his face bright like the sun now.

"Indeed babe. I really need some rest." answers Taehyung patting your shoulder.

"Perfect. So where are we going? I'll buy tickets." you continue, satisfied as your plan works.

"Well you can choose Y/n. Besides it was your idea." says Taehyung smiling and Jungkook nods in agreement.

"Great. I'll go to search for tickets. I have already chosen." you say while hopping up the stairs happilly.

"Hold on is this your shirt Y/n?" asks Taehyung and you freeze.

"Oh no. Actually it's Jungkook's. It's really comfortable. You don't mind babe, right?" you ask avoiding his gaze.

"Of course not babe." he says confident.

"Ok see you in a while." you say while you're disappear up the dark stairs.

You are now at your room laying on your bed. You open the laptop.

Almost. If Taehyung learns now everything is lost. Thank God he is easy convinced.

You quickly surf the internet finally finding tickets for the destination you want and a wonderful hotel as well.

Greece. Perfect weather, wonderful beaches, beautiful hotels, ideal destination. Excactly what I need.

You book eight tickets for you, Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jin and Namjoon.

You grab your phone calling Jimin. He had given his phone number to you at the reunion party.

"Hello?" Jimin's voice echoes through the phone.

"Hi Jimin I'm Y/n" you say.

"Y/n! How are you?" he asks excited hearing your voice.

"Great and so will you when I tell you that you're going on vacation." you yell.

"Vacation? What? When?" he asks in his confussion clearly shocked.

"I'll explain. Jungkook, Taehyung and I decides to go on vacation and we would like aslo you, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jin and Namjoon to come with us. What do you think?" you explain.

"Wow. Sounds great. I'm in." he answers happilly.

"Ok can you inform the others? We leave in five days for Greece." you clarify.

"Cool. I'll tell the others. See you Y/n." he says hanging up the phone.

Well done Y/n. Let the plan begin.

A/n ❤
Αχ αγαπώ τον Jiminακο. Έτοιμοι για διακοπές;😀🙌

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