-I love Jungkook-

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"Jimin it's not what you think."

Both You and Jungkook are looking Jimin, eyes widend, jaw dropped, expression shocked.

"Not what I think? Then what is it guys? Are you kidding me? How could you do this to Taehyung?" Jimin says equally shocked waiting for your answer.

"Dude can you just calm down? The others might hear us." Jungkook tries to calm the older because indeed his voice had started to getting louder, his tone graver, darker.

"Yeah you didn't seem to worry 'bout that a few seconds ago, uh?" Jimin asks heronicly.

"Jimin please let me explain." you try your best to convince him to keep his mouth shut, untill the ideal time has come.

"Ok here you go. Explain. Let's see what excuse you'll come up with Y/n." he insists like a father who is checking his child's dids.

"I love Taehyung ok? At least I did." you confess with guilty expression.

"What do you mean?" Jimin asks now calm in contrast to earlier.

You sigh.

"Well I think I come over him." you confess.

Jimin's jaw instantly drops.

"Wait what? You came over who?" he asks obviously extremely confused.

"I love Jungkook, Jimin." your eyes now start to fill with tears threating to fill at any moment.

Jungkook tenses at your words, his now sweet gaze falling to your eyes.

You burry your face to his hard chest finally breaking out. Tears are impossible to stop falling from your now red eyes, splashing on Jungkook's shirt.

As a responce Jungkook pats your back hugging as tighter as he can.

"And Taehyung. You know that he is not a calm person at all. What if he tries out something insane?" Jimin asks after a few seconds.

He is right. We can't know Taehyung's reaction if he finds out.

Your mind can't help but to think the worry possible senario.


Will it be him or anyone else? Is it impossible to happen?


"Y/n will explain him in person when she judges the time is the apropriate. So you don't have to tell anything to anyone. And I mean anyone." Jungkook answers still holding you tight emphadizing the word anyone.

"Jimin p-please. I'm not ready to face that yet. Please pretend you don't see anything. I'm begging you." you leave Jungkook's arms now grabbing Jimin's shirt, eyes begging.

As you expected Jimin broke.

"Fine. But only if you promise that you tell him someday. Yes?" he sighs.

"I swear." you answer hugging him relieved.

"Ah hyung. One more question." Jungkook breaks the minutes of sillence.

"How long have you been awake fir while we... you know...." he asks akwardly.

Jimin laughs and both you and Jungkook turn red at no time.

"Jimin-ah! Speak. For how long?" you punch his arm embarrased.

"A few minutes before the swich." he confesses chuckling.

Your face is on fire.

"Wait. Are you telling us that you used us as your porn just for your dick to have fun you bastard?" an angry Jungkook stands from the bed, his eyes stabbing Jimin.

"To be honest preety much. And I confess that it was one of the best of this kind." Jimin continues to laugh.

As soon Jungkook is ready to eraze that smile from the older's face with a hard punch, you grab his hand and his heart flutters.

"Come on babe calm down. Please." you drag him by the hand back to his initiall seat.

It's just so weird the way that you controll his feelings. In a good way. When you touch him he instantly turns from angry bull to cute bunny.

Your cute bunny.

Your cute bunny

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Αχ δεν ξέρω για σας αλλά εγώ γέλαγα μόνη μου όταν το έγραφα. Jimin naughtie. 😉😘😂

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