Ch. 2 ~The Day He Left~

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This is a bit of backstory chapter to help explain a few things. I hope I wrote this right. Also this whole thing I wrote on google docs @ school so it may seem a little different.

Virgil POV

I look back over at Deceit. Last time we tried to contact the "light" sides it ended badly, at least for me.

But you have to what you have to do to stay alive in the back of Thomas's mind. Here it was just me and Deceit. I know others but they usually stayed away from us let us do our own thing.

The only time we did get together was for food. I cooked while everyone else ate. I got the leftover scraps, if there were any, and then cleaned up everything. Kinda like in Cinderella but here there is no happy ending, at least not for me.

Now you may ask why I didn't fight back or tell them otherwise but that never ended well and I was never strong enough to, after all, I was the youngest. And I tell you what, I only ever found myself at peace when I was walking through the darkness looking for strange objects to collect: It was one of my hobbies.

Right now I was about to do one of Deceit's "amazing" plan to get to the other sides. Why did I do this? Because I am Deceit's only way to get them back for... something, I never asked him, and when I don't do as he says... well you can guess the last part but let me tell you, it is not pretty.

"Ready Virgil?" He asked using my real name to get my attention. I snap back to reality and nod. "Three..." he starts. "Two... " he continues. I feel a push before he gets to one and fall into the portal thing he found. Where? I don't know but what I do know is that he used my personal items, not that there were many, to fix it up.

As I fall I hear a faint "Come back to me when you find them!" And after that everything goes blurry and then completely black. I feel like I'm still awake but I still feel like I'm asleep. Then sleep hits me like a bullet and I can feel no more.

(I did this on google docs @school so imma keep this little thing here)

Complete: 3:03 @ school. Thanks for reading!



Deceit POV

    I counted down and as soon as I was at 2 I pushed him into the portal of the portal gun thing I made before it broke into pieces, with Virgil's tools of course. I yelled at him to come back when he finds the "light sides".

I hope I sent him to the right place. I still needed him here for my satisfaction. He was the only one not strong enough to say no.

As soon as I see him again I'll tell the others of our success and then bring him to the room. The room where we did things to him. The room where he went to when he was done with food. I just smile at the thought of everything we've done in there.

I turn and walk back to the screen. It shows Thomas and his feelings and I see it changing. Anxiety was taking over his life and if that is happening that means... Virgil is now a main side. He is going to meet the other sides and bring them here. That'll teach them.

They think they're the best but we'll show them that they are wrong. They shouldn't be putting us back here because they think that there should be order in everything. We'll make them pay. As soon as Virgil gets back well make them all pay.

    But for now we must make a plan of how we will get them back, I mean you can't kill anyone. But you can make them fade...Let me explain it for you: fading is when a side can't do its job anymore. Like if it was unable to do its job or didn't want to do its job it could fade. When you fade you get sent out of the main sides area and to the back of THomanss brain, where we are now, pretty simple.

If we trade places with the "main sides" we can show them how it feels to be locked away with trash and nothingness.

I return to the table and chairs we had set up. I clap my hands and Jealousy, Mischief, and Laziness (Which isn't all that lazy as you think *wink wink*) come out from the darkness surrounding us. They were the only three I was able to convince to help me get back at the other sides. The other "dark sides" said that they didn't care and didn't think anything would change no matter what we did.

"He has been sent and should be back soon, I hope. I think we should get to planning on what we should do with the sides," I say as they come out and take a seat at the table.

"But what shall we do if he betrays us?" Mischief asks. I smile and look at him.

"You can do whatever you want with him if he does," I respond. He smiles and we get to planning.

If he did betray us we would make his miserable life more miserable than it already is.


Complete: 2:52 @ school. Thanks for reading!



942 words

Finished 2/2/19

Wow, I don't know if that was good or not but I hope you are enjoying this book so far.

The other little things up above are a little strange so ill try to change that in the future.

Love you all, stay safe and keep on smiling! :)

- Ellie

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