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It is I! Your favorite Queen and BoRhap obsessed author, Julie. I wanted to start this story so I had a place to put all of the one shots and imagines that came into my mind. I have written a couple on Tumblr so far (the first two chapters are the only ones I have written at this moment) and I wanted to share them with my Wattpad peeps. 

These will not come out on any kind of schedule as I have no idea when inspiration will strike and for who. I hope you enjoy what I have written. Plus, if you have any requests for something or someone, just tell me and I will write something up!


I have previously written a Joe Mazzello fanfiction called "Somebody to Love" if you would like a longer length story by me. You can find it on my profile. 

And FUN FACT! The font I used for the cover is one I made that's based on Roger Taylor's handwriting. Pretty cool, right?

Without further ado, please enjoy these short stories!

Bohemian Rhapsody ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now