Ben Hardy x Reader - Stay With Me

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Notes: This was 100% inspired by Joe's newest Insta post with Ben and Cardy B. Just know that I wasn't a Ben slut before that video, but he just looked SO GOOD that I couldn't help myself with this. Please excuse my grammatical errors, too.

Warnings: SMUT 18+ (unprotected sex, fingering, and a blowjob)

Words: 6.1k



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You had known Ben for a while now, going on two years. You had on and off crushes on him the entire time you had known him. But, you were still friends and you liked your friendship too much to complicate it with your feelings. So, you stayed quiet and enjoyed his company.

He would often invite you over to his place when he wasn't filming, and you would watch a movie or have dinner together. You could have sworn there were times during the movies that he wanted to drape his arm over your shoulder. It would be sitting so precariously on the back of the couch, just millimeters away from touching you. When his arm was there, you couldn't think. You couldn't focus on the movie. All you could do was try to send Jedi mind signals to him, telling him to do it. But, he never did.

Even during a couple of romantic scenes in the movies, you could feel his arm fidget behind you and you would think, This is it. He's finally going to do it. Then, the scene would end as soon as it had started and he would relax. The moment had passed, but you still sat there wanting more. You never got anything more.

So, when he invited you out for drinks on one of his stops on his BoRhap press tour, you didn't think much of it. He said he was already at the bar, as he had been out with other friends, but they had all left and he wasn't ready to go home yet. He was in London, only a small drive from where you were, and he texted you the address.

I see I wasn't even ur first choice.

You joked. Joking with him was easy and fun. You did it to cover up your feelings for him because joking was as close to flirting as you could get.

You were, but I wasn't sure if u would want to come

You were his first choice. You shook the thought from your head before answering him.

Well...u know i don't really drink right?

You asked. You didn't like to get tipsy around him for fear that you would let your feelings slip out. Plus, you missed him so badly that you had no idea what might have escaped your mouth under the influence.

i know, just haven't seen u in a while, thought we could catch up

He texted. You hadn't seen him in person since he left for the press tour about 3 months ago. You smiled and giggled at your phone, but reminded yourself it was nothing. He was your friend and he hadn't seen you in three months. He just wanted to 'catch up'. His exact words. It was nothing more. But even if it was, you knew you were too shy to make any kind of move.

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