Chapter 11: AmazingNate - Courtship Rituals

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Originally posted April 1, 2018 to AO3      

Florida's sunshine greets you warmly. You always love holidays here. Manchester could never compete with this paradise--there aren't enough beaches or palm trees back home.

You see the place through the cab window before you get to experience it. You don't have wait too long, however. As soon as you get to the house you grab your swim trunks and head for sand. Dusk is approaching, but you don't care too much. You're an adult now, and you can do whatever you want. You put on your swim trunks and go to the shore, hoping you can beat sunset there.

You do, and when you arrive, you can see the rings of pink and peach emerging from the horizon, contrasting the baby blue sky. It's a beautiful sight; you take it in, knowing that it's only here for a few moments.

Luckily, the beach will stay. You remove your shoes and feel the sand between your toes, still a little warm from the day's light. You walk toward the waves, eager to dip your feet into the water. It's cool and calming. The tide crashes against the sand, and your breathing starts to match the rhythm as you watch the sky become a cascade of fiery colour. Thump, thump, goes your heart.

It takes you a while to realise that the beat comes from nearby music, and not from within. Interested, you head to the source--a bar with a patio you can't remember the name of, the music getting louder.

"Hey, are you heading to the Caravel too?" A man about your age and height comes to your side, smiling. He's tan, handsome, and soaking wet in a pair of trunks. "Because I need directions." He touches your shoulder.

"It's just down the beach, you just follow the music, until you see the lights and band."

He gives another smirk. "Thanks." He runs off, the wet cloth sticking to his body. Not that you're looking.

The Caravel is not far, the bright strobe lights replacing the sun as night begins. You can hear the music, more the bass than anything else. You sit, counting your dollars to see what you can buy--you choose a soda and chips/fries, and sit down near the patio where couples and families are dancing in front of the band. A raggae band says goodbye to the audience.

"Next up--ooh, first timer--Please welcome Nathan Sharp!" Clapping ensues as a person walks up to the stage, carrying a guitar case. It's the guy you saw earlier, only he's dry, and has a different outfit on--very emo. When he's set up, he takes a breath in, a little nervous, and starts to play. He's got a lovely voice, and he's much less tense when he gets enveloped in the music, seemingly forgetting the crowd dancing in front of him.

As one night and one more time becomes we're going down, down and beautiful scars on critical veins transitions to Oh, it's Saturday night, it becomes clear that this dude has a genre. He finishes with loud applause, particularly coming from the younger folk in the audience.

The next group goes up and Nathan leaves the platform. You've finished your chips, and head to the bar. You'd like more chips, but should you order a beer? You sit and ponder this difficult decision.

"Hello again." Nathan seats himself beside you.

"Oh, hello," you reply, "uh, nice performance tonight. You played really well." You smile sincerely.

He blushes lightly. "Thanks. It's my first time playing in front of a crowd, ever, so I was scared as hell. Was it obvious?"

"A little." His face darkens. "But since it was also your very, very first time, I think it can be excused!" His small smile returns, so you've saved yourself. Probably. Let's change the topic. "So, are you from out of town?"

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