Chapter 9

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Luke's POV

I just looked at her and crashed my lips into hers. I could feel her kiss back. Our mouths moved in sync and it was magical. Sparks flying in all different directions. When she pulled away, my heart dropped a little. She was crying?

'Whats the matter?' I say concerned.

'I thought you were drowning, I panicked, that was silly and i thought i might have lost you!' she whimpered.

I kissed her again, this time i deepened the kiss and it became more and more passionate. I pulled away and hugged her. I whispered into her ear 'I will never loose you' i could feel her smile then we swam back in. The sun was setting and it looked gorgeous glisening on the deep blue sea. Me and Molly cuddled up under the sun set and Jai and Zoe did too.

'Molly' I whispered.

'Yeah?' She whispehered back.

'Will you be my girlfriend?' Oh my god, did i just ask that? What if she says no you idiot, how awkward would that be?!

'Yeah' she whipered back. She said yeah? Yeah! SHE SAID YEAH!! I don't believe it.I kissed her forhead and cuddled with her again and squeezed her hand.

Zoe's POV

Well me and Jai have spent the whole day together and feelings for him just keep progressing! We havn't kissed yet and he hasn't even started to flirt with me. I may as well just give up now and go for Beau. I know he has feelings for me, but i don't really feel the same way. I know i have a crush on Jai, a massive one. But i don't know what to do about it if i cant be with him. I will give it another day. If me and Jai dont progress, then i will just leave it. I looked over at Luke and Molly. They looked so cute. I wonder if they are together yet? I think they should be and i know that Molly fancies Luke and i know that Luke fancies Molly, but im not sure whether they know about eachother..

'Can we go home now? Im getting cold' Molly asked.

'Sure, im quite hungry anyway, how about a chinease when we get back?' Jai said.

'Sounds great, me and Molly will get the chinease and you two can well, get drinks' Jai said. Oh my god. Jai fancies Molly! I see it now.

'Okay, that sounds fine' Molly smiled at Jai. Molly likes Jai back? I thought she liked Luke? Im so confused.

'Cool, i will call a cab then' Jai said dialling in the number.

'I will see you at home then Luke' Molly smiled up at Luke.

'See you then sweetie' Luke said giving Molly a hug.

Molly walked off with Jai to the Chinease and Me and Luke maited for the cab.

'Do you fancie Molly Luke?' I blurt out on accident.

'Yeah, i think i love her, but dont tell her' Luke replied

'I wont' i said and Luke help out his pinkie.

'Seriously? Pinkie promise..' I sigh shaking his pinkie with mine.

The cab arrived and we got home. Luke walked down to the shop to buy some cola and lemonade. Beau was home so i hung out with him for a bit.

'So Zoe, what you doing tomorrow night?' Beau asked

'Um, i don't know, Jai and Luke sort of decied that for me' I replied, really not knowing what were doing tomorrow night.

'Well do you want to go to dinner with me?' Did i hear that right? Thoes words hovered in my skull for a moment. Does he mean a date?

'If you mean as in a date then i will have to refuse. I sort of have a crush on Jai..' I say.

'Oh, well um, err..' Beaus phone went off and he typed something back to them.

'Looks like im going to a party tomorrow night anyway' he smiled at me.

'Oh cool' I say. We just sit there in this awkward atmosphere and watched the television. We were watching some sort of soap. Like eastenders but an Australian verion. Then i heard a knock at the door. As i got up to answer they came through andyway. It was Molly and Jai.

'You don't need to knock, just go in..' Jai said to Molly.

'Well its rude if it isnt your house' she pointed out.

'But its your house as well for this week' he said

'Well i like to be polite' Molly said.

'Hey Zoe!' Jai said hugging me.

'Hey' I said back.

'Hey Zoe' Molly said

'Wheres Luke?' she added

'He's gone to get some pop' I say.

'Aweso-' Molly got cut off from the sound of Luke coming through the front door.

'Luuuke' she said running up to him to give him a kiss? What the hell?

'Whats going on here then?' Me and Jai chorus.

'Molly is my girlfriend' Luke said with a massive grin on his face.

'Yeah' Molly added looking equally happy.

'Congrats Bro' Jai said playfully puching Luke on the arm.

'EEK' I squeeled hugging Molly.

'He's a keeper' i whispered in her ear and she giggled.

'So lets eat! Im soo hungry!' Molly practically shouts.

Molly pulls out the chinease and hands us eat a fortune cookie.

'Okay, Luke you frst' Jai said

'Mine says, love is right infront of you' He said looking at Molly. Molly blushes and reads hers..

'Mine says, things allways happen in threes.. Zoe your turn' She said smiling.

'And mine says..' I opened mine and the little note inside said:

'Will you be my girlfriend? ~ Jai xx'

Oh my god.. He did this? That why he needed Molly, to help him and so i couldn't see!

'Yeah, Jai i will' I smile at him.

Jai's POV

When Zoe said yes, i couldnt help but smile. I reached over to her and gave her a kiss. Our mouths danced around eachother and fireworks were everywhere.

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