Chapter 6

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Hey Guys, shall try to do one part a day:-)

Molly's POV

Oh God. I'm not sure i trust Beau yet. He's not telling us where we are going and i'm scared. I looked over at Zoe who was looking at me with a worried expression, i could tell she was nervous as well. I was sat in the middle next to Luke and Zoe. I felt a little awkward round him at the moment, i didn't like the way we made out last night. I was kind of pushed in to it, and i don't want to again.

'We are here!' Beau triumphs.

'Oh goody' I say with a sarcastic tone.

'Aw, c'mon Molly, this will be fun!' Luke encourages.

'I'm sure i would be more excited about it if i knew what it was..' I mumbled

'3 step door knocking!' Jai grins at me.

'Oh no.. I can't do that' I state.

'Please' Luke begs, looking into my eyes. How can i say no to thoes bright brown happy eyes. How can i say no to Luke full stop. Cut it out Molly, your leaving in a week or two.

'Fine, whos first?' They plonk a bucket on my head and take me to a house.'I guess it is me then?' I sarcastically question.

Luke rang the doorbell and took the bucket off my head. I saw a wall and jumped over it and hid behind it.

'Hello? Where did you go? Exuse me, what do you want?' this young woman who looked pretty rough asked me.

'Sorry i was cleaning your door..' I exused myself and ran across the street to where everyone was, litterally on the floor laughing.

'Ahah, good one aha cleaning the ahah front door!' Luke said inbertween laughing.

'Oh hush..' I said holing in my laughter.

'Haha, okay, Beau your turn' Jai laughs.

'Okaay' Beau said excitedly.

I took Beau to this house, where there was litterally no hiding spots. I rang the door bell, took the bucket and made a run for ir. Beau took 3 steps backwards and layed down on the grass. An old man walked out of his house and shouted at Beau 'What the bloody hell do you think your doing?!'

'I was er sun bathing Sir' That made me laugh so hard. I fell on the floor and just laughed untill i cried. Luke looked down at me laughing and helped me up. He was so stong, and i fell into his arms. I looked up at Luke and just laughed into his shoulder. I don't know why this was so funny.

'Your in hysterics, how is it that funny?' Beau says walks over to me.

'I ahaha don't even know!' i laugh at him.

'Shall we go now? If we do any more i think Molly might pass out' Luke said

'Yeah c'mon, we will go to maccas to eat lunch, my treat' Jai says

'Righty then, ill text skip and James to join us' Beau adds.

'Yaay, i really want to meet them!' Zoe squeels.

'Me too!' I chime in.

We all get into the car, Jai in the front and Luke, Me and Zoe in the back. Faydee's song Forget the world plays on the radio and me and Zoe look at eachother and start singing along, as do the boys.

'The week has only started'

'My phones acting retarded' Luke joins in

'And i just want to party' Beau shouts

'TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT!' We all scream and end up laughing at eachother.

We arrive at McDonalds and see Skip and James have already saved us a table knowing me and Zoe and here too. I see this red headed girl who i can only identify as Sarah DeBonno. We walk in to be greeted by a heard of fans. Me and Zoe step asside and go sit with skip, James and Sarah.

'Hey Guys!' I cheerfully greet them.

'Hey, you must be Molly and Zoe' James says offering his hand.

I move his hand and go for a hug, he hugs back and i go over to skip and introduce myself.

'Hey, im Molly' i say and he smiles, and gives me a hug and pulls out a chair for me to sit next to him. What a gentleman.

When the brothers had finished with the fans they came over to sit with us. Luke sat next to me and Jai next to Luke and Zoe, Beau next to Zoe and James, James next to Sarah and Sarah next to skip.

'So what we all having?' Jai asks

I walk up to the counter and order mine, also paying for it. Jai comes over with the rest of the orders and asks why i paid for mine.

'I don't want to be black mailed by this Jai' I wink collecting my food and sitting down.

'Hey Guys' I greet and everyone looks at me wierdly.

'What?' I say

'Why did you pay for your food? Jai said he would get it and that means free food' Zoe smiles at me and i just shrug. We all had little covosations between ourselves, but to be honest i was feeling a little sick so i exused myself to go to the bathroom. When i arrived i was sick in the toilet. Is this food poisoning or something? I didn't feel like this before.. I was sick at least four times before coming back to everyone. My phone buzzed. It was Zoe

Zoe: What took you so long?xx

I replied..

Me: I was feeling ill and was sick four times. I think i have food poisoning.. xx

I could tell Zoe got my text because she immidietly looked at me and asked to go home. Nobody questioned it and just got into the car. James Skip and Sarah were coming too so that meant people had to sit on peoples laps. Sarah and Beau sat in the front whist i sat on Lukes lap, Zoe on Jais and Skip on James, which i found hillarious. We were taking the mick out of them the whole way home. Whe i got through the front door i legged it to the bathroom. I was going to be sick again.

Zoes POV

'Whats the matter with her?' Everyone asked. I just shrugged not knowing if she wanted them to know or not.

'I'm going to go check on her' i announced.

I ran up the stairs to the bathroom and knocked on the door. I could hear wreching from the other side of the door.

'Molly, are you alright?' I asked knowing full well she wasn't

'Yeah, ill be right down!' Molly replied.

'Okay, well im going to wait here untill your out!' I shouted throught the door so she could hear me.

'Okay well i just need to brush my teeth and i will be right out!' Molly shouted back.

I just sat against the wall next to the bathroom waiting for her. Luke was at the bottom of the stairs.

'Is she alright?' He shouted up to me.

'Yeah, shes fine!' I shouted back.

Luke was so sweet. To be honest i think he has a thing for Molly. He is allways looking at her, and just in general allways with her. Like today he sat next to her in McDonalds and when she went to the bathroom he almost went to the bathroom too, i could see him contemplating on whether or not too.

'Okay im back' Molly announced, walking out of the bathroom.

'Great come downstairs, were watching RED, retired and extremely dangerous. Luke has saved you a space between him and Jai' I tell Molly.

'I don't feel like a movie. Just tell them im getting an early night okay?'

'Okay Molly, ill tell em' i said as she walked into our room.

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