Chapter 16

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Molly's POV

*Alarm goes off at 6:45*

Urgh. School. A place where hell isn't even the right word to describe it. It worse than hell. I dragged my self out of bed and got into the shower. Once the hot water hit my skin i was instantly refreshed and awake. I washed my hair and shaved before getting out the shower. I went to my room, dried myself and got dressed in my uniform. I went downstairs and ate some toast, then brushed my teeth. I then applied some masscara and eyeliner.

'Im going to school Mum!' I shouted up the stairs.

'Okay hunni, see you when your back from school!'

'I got to babysit Sydney with Zoe afterschool!' I shout informing her

'Okay, see you when i see you!' And with that i walked out of the door and headed to school. On my way to school Luke called..

'Hey Lukey'

'Hello Beautiful, how are you?'

'Bummed, i start school today, how are you?'

'Im okay, we started school when you left, ive finished schoole two hours ago'

'Lucky, i wish school didnt exist!'

'Same, then i could come on holiday to see you'

'Aw aha, well, i will be coming to Melbourne soon on holiday hopefully!'

'Yeah hopefully'

'It's our last year in school now anyway'

'yeah, and i cant wait for college!'

'Yeah! What are your options?'

'Mine are Music, ICT, History and French. How about you?'

'Music, French, ICT and Geography'

'Pretty much the same then'

'Yeah i guess'

'Aw, you sound tired Molly'

'Yeah, i feel tired'



'I love you, you know that right?'

'Yeah, i love you too'

'I want to see you!'

'Well, when i get home, i can skype maybe?'

'Yeah, sounds great!'


'Ill text you?'


'I got to go now, the boys are calling'

'Yeah, im at school now anyway'

'Okay, see you later beautiful'

'See you later'

'Love you'

'Love you too' Then i hung up. I wasn't in the mood for love stuff this morning. I walked into school and found Maddie, Zoe and Jess.

'Hey Guys' I greeted them.

'Hey Molly, how are you?' Zoe asked

'Im alright thanks and yourself?'

'Yeah, im great'

'Did Jai call you this morning?'

'Yeah, did Luke call you?'

'Yeah, he wants to skype later, but i cant be bothered'

'Haha, i know the feeling'

'Hey Brooks Sisters!' Jass greets us

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