Chapter 13

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Molly's POV

He leaned in close to me. I didn't want to stop him, but i knew it was right to stop it. I lowered my head but he lifted my chin. I hugged him, i had no other options to get away from that kiss he was leaning into. I pulled away from the hug and lay down again. I heard Jai and Zoe whispering so i decieded to get up and dressed and eat breakfast. I put on some skinny jeans, vest, a holey top and a beanie on. I applied eyeliner, masscara and some powder to help cover my black eye. I heaved my suitcase to the door and went to get some breakfast. When i got to the table Zoe had just finished and went to get ready. I made myself some toast and put some nutella on it. I made myself a cup of tea and drank and ate them quite slowly. I checked the time and it was almost 11 oclock. We need to leave by half 11 to meet out mothers at maccas.

'We need to leave in 30 minutes' Zoe points out.

'Okay well im ready to leave' I say.

For 30 minutes i just sat at the table in silence. I thought about putting some music on then but, then we were about to go. We all got into car, and all the way to the airport, everyone was silent. It was the most awkward place to be in. It felt like we were in the car for hours but we were only in the car for 30 minutes. When we finaly arrived, we checked in our bags and had to say our goodbye's.

'We are going you lots hunni, keep in touch?' Gina said.

'Yeah, i will Gina, thankyou so much for having us. You basically tok in two strangers!' I said back, almost crying.

'We couldnt have asked for any nicer young girls. You were no problem looking after' Gina said, this made me cry now. Gina pulled me into a hug and i cried into her shoulder.

'Talk to you soon!' I say to Gina.

'Yes, we will' Gina says back. I walk over to Jai to say goodbye.

'Bye Jai' I say holding out my hand.

'What are you? British? Oh wait you are!' Jai says jokingly as he pulls me in for a hug.

'Haha, well, don't be a stranger. Keep in touch' i say.

'Oh i will Molly, im sure of that, i hope to see you soon! It's like loosing a bestfriend, loosing you. I love you Molly!' Jai says back. I pull away, and im crying again. Jai smiles at me and i walk over to Luke.

'Im going to miss you Molly' Luke says.

'I will miss you too' i say back. I love Luke, so much it hurts.

'Kepp in touch yeah?'

'Yeah, sure' Luke said pulling me into one of his massive embraces. It was a long hug, just like when we were dating.

'See you again hopefully' I say. Then Luke crashes his lips into mine. I find myself kissing back, but i know this isnt right. But i really don't care as long as i have Luke. When i finally pull away Luke hugs me again.

'I love you Molly' he whispers into my ear.

'I love you too' i whisper back with a fat smile plastered across my face. I really do love him.

'Text me when you land. And when your on the flight. Just text me yeah?' He says pulling away from the hug.

'Okay, skype me soon?' I say back.

'Yeah, when you get back home'

'Yeah, of course'  He says. He kisses me on the forehead and waves me goodbye as i check in at the gate. Then i got on the plane and off we went.

Luke's POV

I was just stood there, watching the girl of my dreams walk away. I pull out my my phone and text Molly.

Me: Miss you already xxx

It is true, i am. I miss having her in my arms. I look over to Jai who looks like he is on the verge of crying. I walk over to him and give him a brotherly hug.

'Shes gone' He mumbles into my ear.

'I know, but we can text and skype and stuff' I say

'Yeah, but its not the same'

'It will do for now'

'Suppose your right, im going to ask mum if we can have a meet and greet there'

'It will never happen Jai, there is like 200 people on that island, and i bet none of them are that interested' I say

'Wait, didnt Molly say her dad lives in Newquay?' Jai said pulling away. He was right, she did say that.

'Yeah, she did, why?'

'We could do a meet and greet near there?' Jai asks

'Unlikely, but you can ask' I say, Jai ran over to mum and asked but she shook her head. Jai came back over and said she said know.

'I know, i saw her shake her head' I say. Oh well, i hope to see them soon!

Zoe's POV

*When back at home*

When i got home i went straight to my bedroom and cried my eyes out. Then i heard my phone ring. It was Molly.

'Hey Molly'

'Hey Zo, want to come to mine tonight? I have invited Maddie and Jess round too, to get our minds of everyone'

'Sonds great what time are they coming round?'

'They are coming at 5-ish but you can come whenever'

'Okay, will be down in 10, want to skype Jai and Luke? Did you text him as well?'

'Yeah, i did text him and he wants to skype, ill text him back saying in 10, Zoes coming down'

'Cool, see you in 10'



'Don't forget pyjamas this time'

'Haha, i won't!' I laugh down the phone before hanging up. I really do love Molly, she has litterally known me forever. She was there the day i was born. We have been bestfriends since we could walk. She realy knows me well and deffinatly knows how to cheer me up.

I pack my bag bringing my makeup, pyjamas, clothes for the next day, toothbrush and paste, hairbrush, popcorn, underwear and some chocolate. I can't wait to see Maddie and Jess. They are like our other bestfriends known since nursery. Once i had packed my bags i got on my bike and rode down to Molly's house. I just walked through the door, didn't even bother knocking because they know me so well.

'Hey Evan!' I say to Molly's little brother.

'Hey Zoe!' Evan replies

'When did you get beack from your dads?' I ask.

'About 10 minutes ago, mum picked me up'

'Oh cool, wheres Molly?'

'In her room, talking to her boyfriend' He said, saying 'boyfriend' in a high pitched voice.

'Haha, ok, see you later Evan' I say walking up to Molly's room.

'Yeah, Zoe should be here any minute now' I heard Molly say

'Oh cool, can't wait to see her!' I heard, which i could only recognise as Jai.

'Hey, Im here!' I said bursting through the door.

'Heeey!' Molly said running up to me and giving me a hug.

'Hey Zoe!' I heard Luke and Jai chorus.

'Hey guys!' I say

'How was your flight?' Jai asked

'Boring' I say

'What did you do?

'Did a lot of thinking and listening to music'

'Yo, Zoe text me yeah?'

'Urm okay?'


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