Prisoner to my Own Memories - Part Two

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The Joke's POV

I put all of my weight onto the pressure point that would unlock the door. When the door had swung open, my shadow swallowed majority of the sunlight that had spilled into the room. In the minimal light, I could just see the faint outline of an object slightly more solid than the darkness that smothered it. I stood, horrified, as another scream echoed from the lump and I watched in mortified stillness as it twisted and turned on the dusty, concrete floor. It was only when my ears picked up a soft whisper that trickled through the tension charged air that the trance broke.


"Mum ..." The whisper came again, slightly louder this time. I began to move towards her when another deafening scream punctured the air. I clasped my gloved hands tightly over my ears, eardrums throbbing painfully.


"What the bloody hell was that, boss?" I whirled around to find one of the masked guards standing behind me. His eyes widened as he moved his gaze over to Kate's writhing form. He moved his eyes back to mine as I wiped an arm over my eyes.

"Get me something to shut her up with, will ya?" I was aware that I was yelling but my ears were ringing too much to hear anything less. I heard receding footsteps and turned back to Kate, who had curled herself into a ball and was moaning and releasing soft screams every now and then. The footsteps returned and a roll of dark grey duct tape was thrusted into my outstretched hand. Even as I turned around, I could feel their eyes on me. I can't stand people who stare. I thrust my hand under the velvet-y folds of the purple overcoat and slunk my fingers around the smooth barrel of one of the twin pistols I keep in holsters on my belt. As I was doing this I noticed that Kate's eyelids were beginning to flutter with consciousness. I felt another smile tug at the corners of my extended lips. In mere milliseconds I had spun around, aimed the gun, and fired a bullet through the guards heart. He dropped like a stone onto the ground and began swimming in a pool of his own blood. When I turned back around, Kate was sitting up with wide, terrified eyes and and her mouth covered with a hand. My smile only grew. She stood shakily and began to back away. I grinned like a predator stalking it's prey when her back slammed into a wall. She removed her hand from her mouth and sucked in a deep breath. The beginning chorus of a scream began tumbling out of her mouth. No way in hell was I letting that particular episode repeat. I lunged towards her and in the flash of an eye I was pressing a strip of duct tape over her mouth. I grasped her wrists in a tight grasp and unravelled the tape around them. I let out a small chuckle as she began to sob, enjoying her terror. I watched as tears trickled their way down her porcelain cheeks. I moved closer still and whispered directly into her ear, making her shudder.

"This is only the beginning, love."

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