Chapter Six

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Patton comes and sits across from me about ten minutes later once his break starts. I'm more calm now, not on the edge of a panic attack anymore, but still a little shaken up. I'm just not sure what to do anymore, and I think he can see it in my eyes that I'm scared.

"So, you wanna tell me what's wrong?" he asks, giving me these large, sympathetic eyes that I couldn't refuse if I wanted to.

I sigh, reaching up to run my fingers anxiously through my hair. "You've heard of Roman Prince, right?" I ask, earning a nod from him. Of course he's heard of the famous actor; not only is he famous, but he's in the production Logan's working on. "Well... I kinda ended up kissing him the other day when we first met."

Patton's eyes go wide with the information, but he otherwise controls his response, which I'm grateful for. I can tell he wants to ask about it, so I beat him to it. "Logan assigned me to be his stage hand and quick changer for the show. I was staring at him because I didn't know who he was and I thought he was attractive, so..." I explain. "It was just a joke, but I figured it would be fine, just a little awkward for me because I'm an anxious person; but when I went to his dressing room with him, he asked me to run his lines with him. He's playing the lead, and the scene we were going over was one of the ones with his romantic interest. In the instructions, we were supposed to kiss, and I kinda got wrapped up in the moment."

"Did he get angry?" he asks after a few beats of silence between us.

I shake my head as I look up to meet his honey colored eyes. "No, he actually kissed me back and flirted with me a little after it happened," I say, feeling a blush rise into my cheeks. "I think he wants to go out with me..."

"Then why don't you go out with him?" Patton asks, smiling encouragingly as he nudges my arm. I shrug; it's a complicated topic and I'm not sure he'd understand where I'm coming from. After all, I came from a family where I didn't have a father for most of my life and my mother committed suicide. I imagine the most depressing thing to happen to someone as optimistic and lighthearted as Patton would be losing a dog, of which I would guess he has had many. "Why not? If he likes you, you should try and see if you work together!"

"But what if he just wants sex or something?" I question. He raises his eyebrow at me like he thinks I'm being cynical. "I'm serious! He probably doesn't get to get laid by guys often if he's not straight! He most likely has to keep his sexuality under reps!"

The cafe manager looks confused. "Why would he? A lot of Broadway stars are gay! Neil Patrick Harris was on Broadway, right? He's openly gay."

"I know, but there's always a bias against openly LGBT+ actors," I explain. "It may be less common among Broadway, but it's still there a lot. If it gets out that he's gay-which he might just be bi or pan or something but you get my point-if it gets out that he's attracted to men, he might be blacklisted from playing straight roles by some casting directors! I can't do that to his career!"

"I feel like you're making a lot of assumptions about a man you've only spoken to twice so far," Patton counters, shrugging.

I nod to him, eyes widening as I gesture toward him. "You just proved my point!" I exclaim. "I've only spoken to him twice! The first time involved a fairly passionate kiss and flirting, and I'm just so awkward around him now! He claims he wants to get to know me, but what if that's just to-"

"You can't know why he wants to until you give him a chance, Virgil," he interrupts, standing up. "I need to get to back to work, but I don't think you should assume Mr. Roman Prince wants to use you. He might just think you're a cool guy, and good kisser!"

He flashes a wink at me as he walks away, leaving me wondering if he's right.


I return back to rehearsal about five minutes later. They're getting ready to do a run-through of the show. Logan had said it would be a dress rehearsal, but he informed me as I reentered the building that it had been changed to a basic run-through, and I was to take note of where I need to help Mr. Prince change or with props.

I begrudgingly get out my script from my bag and head toward the dressing room with the intention of recording where each of the costumes appear in each scene. Unfortunately, I'm not alone when I open the door.

Roman Prince looks up as I freeze in the doorway, feeling myself pale and blush somehow within seconds of each other.

"Virgil, you're back! I hope you're feeling alright," he greets me. "Logan had mentioned you needing to go take a breather because you weren't feeling well. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Um, thanks, but it's kinda my job to make sure you're doing fine so..." I mumble awkwardly as I make my way into the dressing room. " I just needed some air. I'm used to it."

The actor frowns at this and gives me a curious and concerned look. "Are you sure? I would hate to think your disappearance had something to do with how I behaved," he explains, making me pause and swallow nervously. "If so, I apologize immensely. It wasn't my intention to make you uncomfortable, though if I might ask, why were you so quick to refuse the idea of becoming closer?"

I look at him with wide eyes as he stares back with sad ones of his own. "I-I... We can't do that, Mr. Prince," I whisper as he takes a step toward me cautiously. "Your career..."

"What about my career says I can't get to know a handsome young man?" Roman asks, sounding confused.

I shake my head, needing to explain further in order for him to understand what I mean. "If It were to get out that you were attracted to men, you'd be risking casting directors and agencies black listing you from playing straight roles. Not to mention, it's probably unprofessional to have a love affair in a work place such as this."

He looks thoughtful, as though he's trying to understand where I'm coming from. "It's... It's thoughtful of you to think of my career, but I don't care what people will say about me, or if directors pass up the opportunity to cast me because I'm gay."

I feel my breath catch at his words. "So... you are actually?" I ask shyly, ducking my head away. 

"Yes, I'm gay. I thought that was obvious by the fact that I've been flirting with you, and the fact that I kissed you back when you decided to attack me with your lips the other day," he says, chuckling lightly as I blush. He moves toward me, making me take steps back until I'm pressed against the wall. He looks deep into my eyes, staring at my face and its features. "I really think we would be go together if you gave yourself a chance to get to know me, and I you. You're a unique individual, I can gather that much, and I'd like to learn more about you."

"I-I... I don't know," I manage to stutter out, blushing down at my feet. 

He reaches out his hand, slipping it under my cheek as I look up with a slight gasp. He leans closer to me. I feel his breath hovering over my lips as he pauses to check my body language for consent. I don't feel uncomfortable, and I must show my ease with his actions, because he closes the distance between us. 

Our lips meet softly and move against each other effortlessly, as if we were just meant to do this. I find my legs feeling weak and I lean more against the wall for support. Roman presses forward and puts his hands on the sides of my head as we continue to kiss. 

It takes me a moment to remember who we are and where we are, making me gasp as I pull back with reddened cheeks. "No, no, no, we can't," I force out as I reach up to push him back. 

He's chuckling at my bashfulness and not backing off, though I'm not exactly trying very hard to get him away. He's not moving in for another kiss either. He's just smiling at me affectionately as I ramble and desperately try to calm my racing heart. 

There's a sudden knock at the door and I'm even more startled. Suddenly Roman's several feet away from me and the door opens. A techie looks at him and then to me, giving me a nod before focusing on the prestigious actor. "The run starts in five, you should probably head to stage," she informs him. 

"Of course, I'll be right there," he says, following her as she leads the way out of the room. He flashes me a wink as he goes, leaving me, once again, alone and blushing in the dressing room wondering what the hell just happened. 

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