Chapter Five

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I'm not someone who likes to do drastic things. I'm not someone who does grand gestures within seconds of meeting someone I'm romantically interested in, and yet, I had kissed Roman Prince within five minutes of being in his presence. I can't even believe myself and my actions. It had definitely happened, but I really wish it didn't. Of course on my first day working for a Broadway production I'd end up kissing the lead actor.

I didn't want to kiss him. I mean, he's very attractive, and his lips are really soft, but I'm not the type of person that kisses strangers who I think are handsome. I was just so wrapped up in my thoughts, in being my character, that I hadn't thought about the consequences.

I let out a sigh as I lean against a pillar, awaiting my subway again. As much as I don't want to go back, I have to; it's my job now, or one of them. As a techie, I was required to be at rehearsal at 6:45 AM sharp but the actors didn't have to arrive until 7:30 AM. This gave me a little over half an hour to come up with an excuse or plan to deal with the man I'd kissed in the spur of the moment yesterday.

When I arrive, Logan's already there and going through his notes. I check my watch, realizing that I arrived fifteen minutes early. "Ah, good morning Virgil," he greets me as I head toward him. He smirks a little. "How did yesterday's interaction with Mr. Prince go?"

"Not very good, I think he doesn't like me, can I switch assignments?" I say, desperately trying to sound convincing on the fly even though I know he won't change anything.

"Nice try, Virgil, but I talked to him already yesterday," Logan replies, looking mischievous. "He told me that he thought you'd be perfect as his stage hand, and that you were actually an incredible actor as well. Evidently he asked you to run his lines with him, and you got a bit overenthusiastic about a certain stage instruction-"

I put my hand over his mouth as my cheeks go red. "Shut up," I mutter, looking around worriedly to check if anyone was around to hear him. "If you want me to admit it, I can. Yes, I kissed him, but I didn't fucking mean to, and I don't know what to do, Logan."

My voice had gradually become less angry and more anguished as my sentence continued. I pull my hand away as I run my fingers through my hair uneasily. I'm so scared of what people think of me when I don't do anything that makes me stand out, but this was completely different. He won't forget about that. I will always be the guy who kissed him during the first impression. He's also a famous and respected actor; he could tell people in the Broadway community, and I could be blacklisted from working on productions.

"Virgil, he wasn't upset about that," Logan hurries to tell me, looking as though he felt a little guilty. "He wasn't upset at all, you shouldn't worry about it-"

"I always worry, it's what I do best," I snap before whirling around and hurrying away toward the dressing room that Roman Prince was assigned to. I close the door behind me and squeeze my eyes shut as I let out a heavy sigh. I feel kind of bad for snapping at the man who was supposed to be my new friend and higher up, but I hope he realizes that I'm not someone who can just forget about things and let them go, that I can't just not worry about things. I sigh again. "I always worry... it's all I'm good at..."


It's an hour before the actors start arriving. I've been assisting with anything I'm asked to, thankful that the other technicians have been pretty patient with me. They show me around and what I need to do, and fortunately, with my high school experience I've been able to catch on fairly quickly.

"So who are you assigned to quick change for the show runs?" the chief of the costume crew, Colin Rogers, asks me as we go through all the clothing and shoes.

"I uh- I'm assigned to Roman Prince," I answer shyly, feeling embarrassed from just saying his name. The non-binary nods and picks up each of the costumes that had the actor's name on them, handing them to me. "Oh, I take these to his dressing room, right?"

They nod and I nod as well, turning to head to his dressing room. I enter the room, assuming he hadn't arrived yet considering his bags weren't there yet. I let out a sigh of relief as I begin to hang up the costumes on his rack. It's quiet and peaceful in the secluded dressing room, but it doesn't last for very long.

I jump a little as the door to the dressing room swung open. I swallow nervously as I turn and look over my shoulder to see the princely actor standing in the doorway. "Ah, good morning, Virgil, was it?" he says, smiling warmly at me.

I just nod and turn my back to him, continuing the task at hand. Feeling Roman's eyes following me as I turned to pick up another costume and hang it on the rack, I hold my breath and risk a glance his way. He's watching me, looking curious and slightly wounded by my clear, silent message that I didn't want to talk to him.

"Are you going to ignore me for the entire run of the show? Because that'll make our relationship as actor and stage hand very difficult," he says, sounding disappointed.

I swallow at his words, freezing in place as I feel him approach me from behind. "I don't know what to say to you," I murmur, ducking my head as I feel his hand land on my shoulder. I flinch as he steps even closer, feeling my heart rate increasing immensely. "W-What are you doing?"

"I'm testing the waters," he replies honestly. "I like you, I think you're quite handsome and a good kisser. I'd like to get to know you better."

"Well that's not an option," I find myself snapping, pulling away and retreating from the dressing room without giving him a chance to say anything else about it. I don't want him to get to me, he'll be disappointed, everyone always is. I hurry, heading toward Logan who's giving out instructions. "H-Hey, can I go get some coffee and something to eat from Patton's shop? I'm about to have a panic attack if I stay here for much longer. I swear I'll be back in twenty minutes tops."

He looks at me with concern, nodding. "Make it quick, we're gonna start a dress rehearsal in about an hour," he says, understanding in his voice.

"Do you want anything? I'd feel better if I got you something as well," I say, looking down at my fidgeting hands. They're shaking slightly and my whole body's sort of trembling. Logan seems to notice and takes a hold of my upper arms. "Huh?"

"You're okay, just run down to Patton's, talk to him, calm down for a bit, and be back by 8:15, alright? I will let Mr. Prince know of your whereabouts if he asks," he instructs firmly.

I nod, rushing out a quick thank you as I hurry toward the exit. Once outside, I quickly hail down a cab. The driver seems nice but I'm not in any sort of mood to talk, so I tell him the address and put my headphones on, closing my eyes. He seems to notice I don't want to talk, and doesn't try to hold a conversation, only letting me know when we arrive in front of Patton's coffee shop. I thank him and pay before getting out and hurrying into the store.

He looks up as I enter the store, eyes widening in surprise. "Oh, good morning, Virgil, shouldn't you be at rehearsal?" he asks as I approach the cash register.

"Yeah, but I was about to have a panic attack, so Logan let me come down here to get something to drink and eat so I calm down," I explain, biting down on my lip. "I'd like a hot chocolate and that muffin I had the other day please."

Patton smiles sympathetically and nods. "It's on the house, I've got it," he says, moving away from the cash register to prepare it. I can't even protest before he's handing me the drink and the muffin with a warm smile. "Give me a few minutes, I'll come sit with you so you can tell me everything."

I nod gratefully and head over to an empty table by the window. As I sip the hot chocolate and watch the cars out the window, I think back to the my actions from the day before. I recall the way I had pulled Roman Prince into a passionate kiss and the way he hadn't pushed me away but rather returned it. Maybe he did want to get to know me, but I wasn't sure if that was something either of us could afford to do. I already know I have a crush on him, but he's a famous Broadway actor. Being labeled as gay could harm his chances to be cast in straight roles, and I couldn't do that to him even if he wanted to be with me.

I don't know... this isn't what I signed up for.

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