Chapter Ten

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I let out an exhausted sigh as I begin my work day at The Coffee Bean. It's been six months since the show had opened on Broadway. They replaced the cast and crew just last week, so I was back to working at the coffee shop. 

Patton was glad to have me back for many reasons. One: I'm apparently an amazing employee even though I hate people. Two, and probably the most influential reason: I'm the boyfriend of a famous Broadway actor who happens to come visit me at work whenever he can. Fans have of course picked up on this and will come flooding to the shop almost every day to see if they can talk to me or catch a glimpse of my boyfriend. 

It would be funny if I wasn't so anxious when it comes to talking to people. 

"Good morning, Virgil!" my manager greets me with a smile. It's too early in the morning to smile, so I give him a small nod. "How are you today?" 

"I mean, I guess I'm alright. I've got a date tonight," I admit, making the man beside me grin even wider. His smile has the tendency to be so wide it can give you a headache. I feel myself blush at his knowing gaze. "Hey, it's not like I haven't been on dates with him since I've started working here full time again."

He shakes his head. "No, you have, but if I remember correctly, I think you mentioned today being your anniversary."

"So? We've only been together six months!" I argue. 

He just laughs to himself and walks off to the other section of the counter, leaving me with my bright red cheeks that I unfortunately have no foundation on to cover up. Patton has an active imagination when it comes to my relationship with Roman Prince. He seems to have it in his head that we're soulmates joined by a special bond, and every date we ever go on has some sort of great significance like it's proof that true love exists or something.

Personally, I don't think there's such a thing as fairy tales' true love. True love isn't flawless, love at first sight shit; it's when you love someone even with their flaws, when you put them over yourself, but also still take care of yourself when the time calls for it. They're there for you when you need them but they should be able to admit when they're not needed as well. True lovers fight with one another, but this is because they love each other so much that the passion you feel for each other in any situation translates to conflicts, but those who are true lovers will get through the fights. They'll become stronger because of them rather than weaker. 

I think that Roman and I are on the right path. When faced with our first big challenge as a new couple, being forced to go public, we were able to get through him. Granted, it's only a challenge because I'm not used to being in the public eye, but if it weren't for his dedication and feelings for me, we wouldn't be together today. He believed I was worth the trouble of convincing me first to go on a date and then to give us a chance even despite the public's opinion.

Roman Prince is very persuasive.

The morning starts slow, as it always does on the weekends. It begins to pick up speed around 7:30, when all the teenage fangirls in the area head down to The Coffee Bean with their free morning to see if the actor shows up. 

I look up as the bell on the door rings again. I'm the cashier on duty today while Patton and another employee we've hired recently makes the drinks, so I was just waiting for the next customer. An almost warm smile reaches my lips upon seeing the young girl who entered the shop. This fan was a sweet girl who always took the time to talk to me, about me, whenever she came in. 

"Good morning, Virgil! Is everything going well today?" the girl, Rose, asks as she steps up to the cash register. 

I nod a little, offering a small smile that doesn't quite match hers but that's enough to show I'm doing okay. "I'm doing fine, thank you," I reply. "What were you thinking about ordering this morning?"

"You know, I'm in the mood for a double chocolate chip frappuccino," she says with a decisive nod to herself. I begin ringing up the drink and she begins to talk more. "Hey! Isn't today you and Roman's anniversary? You've been dating for like six months now right? That's a pretty long time! Like, half a year! Pretty soon you guys will be celebrating one year! Are you guys doing anything special today, if it's not too personal of me to ask?"

"No it's alright, and yeah, I'm doing a small shift today so we can go out to dinner and stuff tonight," I tell her, purposefully leaving out when or where we're planning to go. She thankfully has the respect not to ask for the details. 

She thanks me after she pays for her drink and goes to sit down while she waits for it to be made. A few minutes later, the bell on the door rings again. I look up as the person approaches my cash register. "Good morning, welcome to The Coffee Bean, what would you like-" I cut myself off as my eyes land on who it is. They go wide as I take my boyfriend in and a smile spreads across my lips.

"Well hello beautiful, what's a guy like you doing working in a place like this?" Roman says flirtatiously as he grins at me. 

"Hey, don't let Patton hear you say that, and this place is actually really nice, not to mention I gotta do something to pay for my rent," I point out, ignoring his flirting to annoy him.

He huffs just as I predicted he would, wanting a more embarrassed reaction from me. "Well, you wouldn't have to pay rent if you moved in with me, now would you?" he says, puffing out his bottom lip and making it quiver pathetically. 

"What would you like to order Princey?" I ask, rolling my eyes at the suggestion. 

This princely man hasn't been able to get the idea of us living together out of his head for the last month. I'm not against it by any means, but I don't want to be a burden on him financially. I'd feel guilty if I was living with a rich Broadway actor. 

He hums as he thinks of his order. "Can I order dinner for the cashier?" he asks, winking at me. 

I smile, shaking my head as I decide to indulge my ridiculous boyfriend some. I lean forward on the counter. "You will, later," I say, shooting him a wink of my own. I then catch the shocked expression of a familiar girl across the shop watching us. I chuckle. "I'll get you your usual on the house if you go say hi to that girl over there. She's been super sweet to me and she's a huge fan of you."

"The one with the reddish-brown hair?" he asks for clarification as he follows my eyes. I nod to confirm and he smiles at her. I notice how her face grows impossibly even more shocked as he begins to walk toward her. 

I avert my attention to get his drink. I switch assignments with Patton for a bit so that I can make it. It only takes me a few minutes to do so, as I make it for him whenever he comes into the shop. I can hear Rose's rushed and nervous talking from across the shop and Roman's charismatic and charming laugh

He's always been good with fans. It honestly amazes me every time I see it, wondering what it must be like to be confident in your ability to talk to someone. I'm sure it helps to know that the person adores you. 

Rose gets a picture with my boyfriend and then he comes back over to the counter, watching me make his drink. "You were right, she's sweet as hell," he says with a smile. 

"Told you, we're still on for dinner tonight, right?" I ask as I hand him his drink.

Our fingers brush as he takes it from me. He leans forward to give me a lightning quick peck on the cheek. "Of course we are, my love," he murmurs as he pulls back. "It's our six month anniversary after all! We've got to celebrate it!"

"Yeah, I suppose we do," I agree, blushing a little.

It only fully hits me as he says it after kissing me on the cheek. I've been going out with this man for half a year. It's been half a year since I entered the public eye as Roman Prince's boyfriend. There's been some rough points, some nasty people on the Internet, but I'd never trade it for anything.

He leaves the coffee shop to go finalize things for our date tonight, leaving me smiling to myself as I think about all the good to come. This has got to be the greatest adventure of my life, and I can't wait for the next chapter with Roman Prince by my side. 

The End. 

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