Chapter Four

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    Chapter 4 is here! How's everyone doing? Tell me in the comments section. Let's get this underway!

    As sunlight slowly peeked through the curtains, Noelle pushed herself from her slumber and checked her clock. 9:34?! She dragged herself out of bed to her dresser to get some fresh clothes for the day.
    She chose a light green v-neck with some blue jeans to start the day off with. While she dressed, she recalled the events of last night. She had felt bad for Kris and his family. She had her fair share of family problems, but none as severe. She was glad that Kris was opening back up to her.
    A rustle from the other side of the room grabbed her attention. She grabbed a hair brush and looked around the room. Nothing that she could see, but still a lingering sense of dread. Out of nowhere, something leaped at her from behind and pinned her on the bed. She raised up her brush and pelted him in the face, making him fall to the ground.
    She looked down to find Kris, shirtless and noticeably pelted in the face with a brush-like object. Noelle immediately hopped down to see if he was alright.
   "Oh my God, you shouldn't have done that!" She looked at his now bruised eye, "I'm so sorry!"
    Kris got up and laughed as Noelle playfully slapped him on the shoulder.
    "I've been waiting forever!" He said, "What took you so long to wake up?"
    Noelle was confused for a second. "Does that mean you were watching me get dressed?" She asked, mockingly accusing.
    Kris just laughed again, though Noelle could see him blushing. That means he did. The power of women to notice every context clue!
    She walked the giggling prankster out of her room into the kitchen, where she prepared a breakfast of eggs and sausages. The boy in front of her perked at the sight of her cooking and made himself comfortable at the dining room table.
    She looked at Kris's eye. It was bruised, but not too bad. Maybe just some ice would help.
    While looking at him, she did notice a lack of shirt. Usually, she wouldn't care if there was a shirtless man, er, teen on her side of the table, especially since she had never really seen a male body, but the fact that Kris snuck into her room and watched her get dressed gave her enough motivation to tell him to go borrow a shirt.
    As he walked off, she took a look around the house. Even with the deer girl being right next to a stove, the house was always cold and empty. Mostly because she was always alone due to her mother being the mayor and her dad being in the hospital. It was nice having someone else over for company, especially Kris.
    She yanked her attention back to the succulent eggs and sizzling sausages that were being prepared. She grabbed a couple of plates and put the food on the dining table. By that time, Kris had emerged from the guest room with a cross-country running shirt, a bit too big for him. She mentally noted that that wasn't supposed to be in the guest room.
    She almost giggled at the sight, if she was being honest. Kris was still shorter than her, after all this time. The boy sat down and they enjoyed a nice breakfast.
    When they were finished, they put they're plates into the empty sink. Noelle decided she'd clean them up later as she dug through her freezer. She grabbed some ice and went to find Kris. He had plopped himself down onto the living room couch. She put the ice behind her back, planning on getting the edgy boy back for this morning.
    She took a seat next to him, ever so slowly lifted a cube of ice to his the back of his neck, and pressed down hard. Kris let out a cute little squeak of alarm as he felt the freezing sensation spread as the ice melted. He squirmed, but Noelle held firm.
    By the time the ice had melted in her hand, they were both in a laughing fit. Kris had sneaked his hand into hers, as well. She noted that it was apparently going to be pretty common.
    Kris looked over to her. Noelle caught a glimpse of something almost no one had the luck of seeing. Kris had a smile on his face. Seeing it made her feel almost prideful. They sat and cuddled on the couch, enjoying the other's warm embrace.
    Noelle woke up. Had she dozed off again? She tried to reach for her phone, but noticed her arms were weighed down. She groggily opened her eyes to see her school's logo being worn by Kris. She looked up to see that he was awake, and she had been using him as a pillow.
    "What took you so long?" He said as his hand played with her blond hair. Noelle could feel herself blushing. She sat back up and fixed her hair. The bright glint of the phone on the end table announced that only about an hour had passed.
    "Why'd you let me go back to sleep?" She inquired as she stretched, cracking her back. Not exactly attractive, she told herself.
    She turned to see Kris smirk, "Did you know that you drool when you sleep?" Noelle instinctively wiped her bottom lip off and blushed a deeper shade of red. She playfully slapped him on the shoulder and looked out the window. What a beautiful day outside.
    "Hey," Kris piped up, "I'm gonna have to go home today. Y'know, because of Mom." His confident smile had melted away as a brown curtain cut off his expression from Noelle once again.
    "That's okay," she said. She looked for words to say. Why was it so awkward? "I-I'll be sure to get your clothes back to you as soon as I can." With that, Kris walked out the door.
    Alone again.
    The loss of Kris's company left the household as cold and barren as she was used to. She sat on the couch, missing his calming warmth.

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