Chapter 22 The Hidden Polaroid

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Author's point of view

Meanwhile back at the facility Walle and Leo were finally getting along. They were back on track, and Leo finally got someone who can back himself up when he was in trouble, they actually built a brotherhood between them both, Walle himself felt alone and away from home, so they both shared this feeling that they can relate to.

The day was going fine as Walle was in his office working normally, the mail man entered the room with his big cart along with all the packages and letters, Walle at first though that the mailman lost his way and came into the wrong room, but as the mailman asked that is there any Walle Andrew here, it got pretty clear to Walle that this time he was here for him, Walle immediately disclosed his identity to the mailman, as he handed him the letter that was from his father, Walle quickly grab the letter and signed the receiving.

As the Mailman left that room, Walle deliberately opens up the letter and starts to read it out, as it was finally the time he got to know about his father and his new wife doing great. But soon the picture turned around as Walle got to know that his dad didn't married the women he loved, as he wanted Walle to be by his side when he marry that women. Walle was amazed and also really ashamed for his actions, after knowing the fact that his father would have never left him out on such an important occasion of his life, that he always loved him no matter what and always value his opinion on every step of life, Walle burst out of tears, as it was quit emotional for him to hear from his only father after such a long time and that he was apologizing him for Walle's mistakes. At the end of the letter he got to know that he was on his way to get him, and take him to his wedding. Walle was now pretty clear what he had to do now. It was finally the time to make things right again but he also wanted to take Leo with him as he had formed an unconditional attachment with him.

On the other hand Leo was heading back to his room from the daily classes got to the room he was quit stressed up and feeling tired he accidently through his bag on the self a little too hard, which caused some of Walle's stuff to fall on the floor, Leo Immediately rushed in to keep everything back to its place, but there was a photo framed that got broke from behind, Leo tried to fix it.

As Leo was trying to fix the frame there was something that was sticking out from the back of the photo frame, it was a Polaroid, Leo pulled it out and kept in on the floor upside down so that he could not see what's on it, the frame got fixed and he put it back on the self. Leo trued back to the floor and picked up the Polaroid as he was curious to know why Walle would hide it on the back of the frame.

He flipped the Polaroid around and what he saw on that picture, shocked the ground of his feet's. It was a picture of Walle with his mother and father.

Leo never actually got to know Walle's father, as he never seemed to talk much about him, because of what happened between them. But what startled Leo was the fact that Walle's father was none other than Mr. Andrew!

The man that was acquainted by his mother, he was the reason they got saved by a pedophile and an addict that was hiding behind the mask of a father, Leo all of a sudden get hits by all the dark memories that were in his past, flash passing by him like it all happened yesterday. He fell on the floor having a nervous breakdown.

Walle rushed into the room to tell Leo about the letter that he received from his father, as he entered the room he found Leo on the floor crying while holding onto the Polaroid. He picked him up off the floor and embrace him without uttering a word to him, as he embraces the share existence of Leo that automatically give him a sense of protection and comfort that made a clear statement that he is here and everything is going to be okay. The shivering body soon stopped to rattle, as the panic attack was over and he got back to his senses. Leo showed Walle the picture that he was holding and asked him that...

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