Chapter 21 The Missing Pieces

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Author's point of view

Leo shifted into Walle's apartment in the faculty building with all of his belongings, the space was bit compact still the room was shared equally between them. Walle scooped all of his scattered items in one place just to settle down the mess and also hides some of his personal stuff in the closet.

Leo had the same space as Walle so now they both can stay together until they find a way out of here. Leo was wondering why Walle would help someone unknown to him, so he asked him straight.

Leo: "Why are you doing this?"

Walle: "What do you mean by that?"

Leo: "I meant to say that why would you help someone that you don't even know"

Walle: "Well the thing is that my mother once told me that never to stop helping someone that is in need of your assistance in hard times even if you not know him or her and beside I can relate to your story, we both are apart from our mothers but the only deference is that your is still alive and mine is not."

Leo: "What happened to her?" 

Walle: "she got ill, like really ill so that she can't do work and go to office or do normal stuff like other people do, and one day she took me on a walk, we were just chilling and the last thing I knew was the ambulance taking us away." 

Leo: "oh, I am really sorry and what about your dad is he still alive?"

Walle: "Yea he is fine, I hope he is doing well, he is a good guy as well. All he ever did was helping other people and by doing that sometimes he is misused by the world and that is what I am afraid of."

Leo: "so that means he is still alive right."

Walle: "oh yea he is, last time I left my house he was getting married. He must have been busy, I write him letters every week but he don't reply me. I think he is mad on me for leaving the house, probably."

Leo: "what! He was getting marry and you were not there, don't you have a cell phone?"

Walle: "Yea I had one but I forgot to bring it here with me, I think it is still in my room, and beside I was kind of pissed, he was marrying a women that kept him on a job and she also had a son along with her, my brain was not properly functioning. I also thought of it as it was not right, she must be using him but then I assumed, that it is his life, let him be. Who am I to interfere in his life?"

Leo: "Well you are his son, he must have asked you for your opinion."

Walle: "Nope, he never did and that was the only thing that triggered me to leave him be and find my own way so I joined here"

Leo: "why would you even like to come in this hell hole?"

Walle: "because this was the only paid intern my college referred me in and I had to take that money and beside that class room was a much bigger torcher than his hole"

Leo: "hum well true that, hahaha!"

Meanwhile back at Andrew's place the picture had turned gloomy and grey, Andrew never stepped out of his room, lying on his bed drunk and dusted. He was in sadness of losing his only son that had ran away because of his foolish decisions. He found himself stained in the color of guilt that reminds him of all the past wrong decisions that had made.

The doorbell ringed and Mr. McLaren opened the door and found Abby on the door again in search of Andrew, she was on their door for the seventh time in this week and every single time she had to go back because Andrew never meets anybody, this time she pleaded to Mr. McLaren to tell Andrew that if he not going to answer her than she will be gone forever from his life, just like his son. With these solid words she left the door step and promised to come up again soon for the last time for Andrew's answer.

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