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    The music blared at an obnoxiously loud volume. It bounced around the walls of the room. Moving back and forth as the lack of obstacles created a free space to travel. The vibration of the bass near shook the few items actually placed in the area and the large glass mirror that surrounded one wall created distorted images of it's reflection. Piercing pitches of the artists voice practically drilled itself into every little thing it could. It was loud enough to make the people passing by stop and look through the window.
    From people going to work to students heading to school and everyone in between. They would all stop to stare. To watch the graceful movements of a certain sixteen year old. Some adjusted their glasses to see if this boy was in fact a teen or just a professional dancer that stopped by. It was no surprise to be the former- both from the confirmed fact that no one came around to the little town, and because this kid was pretty well known in this part of town.
    As the music pursued on, the tall, lithe figure of the teen continued to dance. His movements were graceful and purposeful. Every move he made was with intention. From the flick of a wrist to the full spin. Everything he did, he did knowingly. He was in full control of his movements, full control of his mind, full control of his body. But in spite of having full control of himself, his mind was wandering elsewhere.
    Thoughts and consciousness slipped out of his grasp. Taken away by the seducing waves of the music and being pulled into the ocean, to drown in the bass and be lured deeper by the siren singing. And he welcomed it. Welcomed it with the full awareness that his mind could be at peace for just a little bit as his figure flowed along to the melody. He let it be so as his eyes closed in concentration and serenity.
    The crowd that had congregated smiled amongst one another and whispered to their friends and colleagues. Mostly words of awe and amazement rung through the small group of spectators. They turned to one another and chattered about how well he danced to the song. They muttered about the school he was practicing in. They recalled the other multiple times where they watched him dance- to a different song; to a different tone; with a different emotion. With every morning practice, the watchers would gather and share the common interest of awe.
    However everything silenced as the song slowed down to stop, and with it so did the boy. Eyes still closed, his chest heaved as he recovered from the emotional intensity his body went through. He combed a hand through his hair, the sweat of his forehead slicking it back as he turned to grab a drink of water.
    Whilst he did so the crowd started to disperse. They knew from previous times before not to engage with the teen- because once he stopped performing, he became closed off, aloof and an all around timid person. Of course the girls in particular who would swoon only fell for him harder as the lone wolf motif floated around in their head.
    Nevertheless, as soon as the sixteen year old turned around, there was no sign of the crowd that once stood there. Sighing out in relief, he went across the practice room and quickly picked up his duffle bag before going to the change rooms. On his way, he fumbled with the zipper of his bag and pulled out his phone. He put on some music as he went to put on his school uniform, every so often checking the clock to see how much time he had left- and what he could do within that time.
    It wasn't like he was extremely worried about being late. He had done so multiple times before. But for now, with his guardians pretty much breathing down his neck and watching his tardiness, he would have to keep a track record of arriving on time.
    As if on cue, a voice called out from outside in an annoyed manner.
    The orange haired boy turned to the door and adjusted his blazer before exiting the change rooms and striding to the main lobby. "I'm not going to be late Ten. It's literally a five minute walk from here and I have fifteen minutes until my first class starts." He walked by the front desk where one of his guardians were. "Also I'm not a snail, I don't walk as slow as you and Taeyong when you two stare at each other all lovey dovey."
    Ten's eyebrows furrowed for a second before a smirk graced his face. "I'm sure you'll find someone to slow you down at one point Jisung." He leaned against the counter, shoulders hunching. "And when you do, I'll have more reasons to ground you for being late. In more than on situation."
    Rolling his eyes, the teen pushed against the door. "I really doubt you'll be paying attention."
    Before the other could retaliate with another jest, Jisung was out the door and pulling in hood up to cover his head.
    The morning chill nipped at his face and neck as the dew of spring created small stains across the concrete of the streets. He could hear the small splashes as his sneakers hit the minuscule puddles, almost being drowned out by the ongoing chatter of the people around him. This time was about the busiest part of the day as the citizens of Goldenleaf scurried to class or work. It was about the same time that everyone started their day which was both a blessing and a curse for some. In Jisung's case, it was a bit of a difficult task to slip past groups of people- however in retrospect not a hell of a bad time. As long as he put his AirPods in his ears and blasted music, no one would annoy him. And so like countless times before, he did just that.
    With an eidetic memory of the town, the dancer was able to deduce the quickest route to the local cafe. If today was going to be anything like the others, he was obligated to get a cup of hot chocolate before heading off to class. However he knew deep down that today and the days to come were not going to be the same old loop of days he's went through.
    Jisung hummed along to the song blasting through his ears. He wondered if the police had found any new evidence of the suspected serial killer roaming town.
    It was a very passive way to address the serious problem hovering over the city but it was the only way the orange haired boy could perceive it. There would be too much of a hassle if he got involved any further and become worried about his family. Although Taeyong and Ten could easily defend themselves- Jisung was never one to risk it.
    He now knew from experience not to get too involved with anything, or anyone for that matter.
    While making a quick turn right, his eyes caught onto the four posters pasted onto a stoplight. The paper was faded. Worn out from having to go through the trials and tribulations of the winter. It was starting to deteriorate on its own. Jisung made no time to stop and look at it. He knew what it was about.
    There was a faint flash in his mind as near transparent images floated around. Despite this, the teen was easily able to distinguish the copy of the posters. The large missing typed out in large bolded letters. The number written below. And the pictures of his friends, smiling as if being rid of this town was the best thing that's ever happened to them. Which could very much be the case. But Jisung didn't want to think to much into it.
    He thought about it all for a while now. He thought about it for months on end. There was no use in thinking about it any longer.
    'Right, no use.'
    Yet the idea of a serial killer being responsible perhaps had rubbed him the wrong way. Maybe not enough for him to spring into action. But only time could tell the result.
    Coming in close proximity to the coffee shop, Jisung peered in to see the line. It seemed to be a bit of a rush hour around this time and so the employees bustled behind the counter to get orders out in quick pace. The line in general was short, but the crowd waiting for their drinks were anything but small.
    The student swiftly took out one of his AirPods and stuffed it in his pocket for the moments time before pushing the glass door open.
    He could hear the droning of the people in the cafe. Some talking amongst one another while others held their phones close to their ear as the select few conversed with workers behind the counter- either complaining or just making small talk. Either way, Jisung steered clear of the swarm and moved to stand in line. He wasted no time in peering at the blackboard hanging high. He had come here enough to understand what he was getting. And he knew that the employees would also have a clear idea on what he was going to order too.
    The line up of people moved at a slow pace and the dancer checked his phone for the time every thirty seconds.
    'Maybe Ten is going to jinx my fate today.' Jisung swore under his breath. Before immediately stifling a sardonic laugh. 'If that's the case then I won't be able to contact my friends who are dead.'
    It was a dark thing to joke about and the student himself had noticed right away. With guilt welling up in his chest, he instantly mumbled a sorry in his mind. Instead of thinking too much, he tried to focus on something in the glass case- see if there were any new pastries to try out or any drinks being advertised. And in spite of him previously swearing off the idea of thinking too much about all the negative, his eyes ironically caught the warning sticker placed against the glass.
Jisung flinched at the small sticker stuck to the case. The sticker that was warning people about the very device his best friend had been hooked on. Of course it was only logical for the town to put out this warning after the incident surrounding his friend. There was no guarantee on if the headset was truly the danger of it all but there wouldn't be any risks taken. The city was already uptight enough before, and now with everything that was going on, it wouldn't be long until something snapped. Or maybe it already had.
"Hello Jisung! Did you have a good dance practice?"
A voice took the student out of his daze and back into reality. Time seemed to pass at an alarming rate and he was already at the front counter. There stood the friendly face of well known employee Moon Taeil. His visage was calm as he smiled kindly to the younger, fingers poised against the register to check in the order.
    The orange haired teen blinked for a moment in silence before nodding. "It was as good as it can get." He smiled slightly. "The regular order please."
    With a hum, Taeil tapped it in, swiftly taking the money Jisung had dug out of his pocket before exchanging it with a receipt. It was perfect timing as another employee replaced the man's place as cashier and the two moved along at the same pace.
    "I bet it did good to get some exercise before going out into the chilly weather this morning?" The red haired man went on as he started to prepare Jisung's drink.
    "Oh hell yeah." The teen spoke out without thought and he flushed at his straightforward answer. He tried to ignore Taeil's quiet laughs as he himself coughed a bit; trying to compose himself. "I mean, it's really refreshing."
    "You don't have to be so tight lipped Jisung." The worker grinned, placing the cap onto the cup and sliding it across the counter. It cause some customers, who had waited for their drinks longer, to silently protest at the discrimination. The dancer was used to ignoring it and easily took the cup. "I won't be telling Taeyong or Ten about your 'disrespectful' way of talking."
    Taking a small sip of his hot chocolate, the other sighed. "Thanks Taeil."
    The man leaned closer across the counter and with a sly smile whispered. "Between you and me, those two have some disrespectful ways of talking themselves."
    "I don't know how to perceive or react to that." Jisung shivered a bit, frowning at the obscurity of that sentence but decided to push it aside. Staring at his phone, he saw the time getting closer to the start of school and his breath hitched. "Anyways, thanks again for the hot chocolate Taeil! See you later!"
    With a quick wave and smile, he pushed through the crowd, hearing the slight mumble of farewells from afar. In a few movements, he was back outside and making his way across the street- to where the school was situated. His feet picked up pace as he started a light jog past the gates and into the building. In his might, he ignored the odd looks being sent his way and continued on to his locker, which was fortunately placed right beside his first class. And as he started to turn the dial to the lock the familiar tune on the news started chiming through the hallway.
    He dared not to look behind him as the TV nearby played the channel on. As students stopped their hustling and gathered in their last few seconds before the bell rang to watch what would come on. Jisung on the other hand, already new what would happen and swung his locker door open nonchalantly. There was no reason to assume otherwise and the student continued to push his bag in, taking all the books he needed. However as he closed his locker and turned around, he was only met with the far off shot of a house.
    Along with it cam the headlines:
    'New murder case, suspected serial killer on the loose.'

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