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    The next day was as predictable as ever. The local news channel was abuzz with the reports of the newest murder of the month. This one, unlike the others, was picking up more attention and stirring the pot of fear and anxiety within the town. If no one was being cautious about serial killer before, they sure would be now. As the multiple echoes of the headline travelled through the streets and buildings of the town. Multitudes of whispers and words exchanged amongst the citizens who discussed the events in vivid details- some being more true then others. But one thing was for sure, this murder in particular was keeping everyone on edge for the time being.
    A freshman. A girl who had just entered high school this year. Rather petite in size and innocent looking to the vast majority of people watching the news. Yet it didn't really matter if she was a horrible person in the end of it all. She was dead. Found in her bedroom. Face flat against the carpet with a long thin cut circling around her neck. At least, that was the only information the police were letting on. And as per usual, the V was spray painted and the smiley face was plastered. This time, no weapon was left at the crime scene. Only the signature symbols and the corpse.
    "This isn't good Chenle...." Jisung mumbled, laying on the large velvety bed. Despite the horrible situation at hand, he was rather casually eating some snacks. A rather apathetic response to what was going on. Nevertheless, it was becoming rather fitting for his character.
    The blond only nodded to what his friend had said as his eyes stayed glued onto the screen. Unlike the sixteen year old, he was in a more uncomfortable mood. His blood was rushing and his heart was beating fast. The spine chilling realization that the note was right yet again only made it harder for the kid to breath normally. Realization must have struck him as his hands shook with terror.
    Because Chenle's gut feeling was right. The letter they had gotten was once again true. This serial killer wasn't playing around and actual people were dying. It must've just been so hard to comprehend when seeing it on the media. Then again, life in Goldenleaf before was completely and utterly void of action. This was only a wake up call. People he knew, even just barely, were dying. And no doubt there would be more to come if they didn't take more action.
    Jisung, on the other hand, was hardly affected at all. In a way it may have been a sick and twisted stance to take on but who would judge him on it? Everyone already thought he was the psycho guilty for this whole mess. At the same time, he had no inkling of an idea on who these people were. Sure, one day it could be someone he's close to. But until then he was completely cut off from the reality of it all.
    The smaller kid spun toward his classmate in a hurried manner. His eyes glazed over with some kind of panic. "We need to do something about this..."
    "Like what?" Jisung asked plainly while maintaining his relaxed stance. "We can only go so fast before we start making rash decisions. Maybe we need to slow down first."
    "Slow down?!" Gawking at his answer, Chenle was in a bit of a shock. "What do you mean slow down!? If we do that the serial killer will surely take advantage! Who knows how much murders will happen until we get to our answer!"
    With a shrug, the blue haired teen simply stared at his friend. "So what are we supposed to do? We can't exactly go to the department to ask questions again because we're supposed to be sick right now. And we can't ask anymore people because I chased who I thought was Renjun around the plaza, only disturbing the people around there at the time."
    It still seemed that Jisung was not over his sighting of who he thought was Renjun. Though, who could blame him? Seeing someone who looked exactly like your best friend is usually something that can only be registered as unbelievable. Making his mind spiral into more questions and thoughts about what exactly was being shrouded over. As his instincts took over, to just chase after that person. In hopes that the fact that Renjun was dead was actually false. That he only disappeared for a bit and came back to Goldenleaf. So he could somehow restore some peace. So that he could tell the city potent information on how they shouldn't have accused the dancer for the murders. So he could provide an explanation to at least some of the disappearances. So Jisung could know once and for all that his friends weren't in fact dead.
    The older teen was silent for a bit as he observed the other stare at the ground. His eyes empty yet at the same time filled with some kind of hope. It was obvious that they'd get no where if this was the only thing that would plague the dancers mind for the rest of the time they were investigating.
    He let out a small line of breath before pulling out a suitcase and gathering somethings. From clothes, to notebooks, to personal items, to even few comic books. Stuffing them into his luggage with nothing to say as the concentrated expression on his visage nearly spoke about it all.
    "What are you doing now?" A hint of curiosity started to spill into the taller boys voice. Eyebrows raised and head tilted upward slightly. The younger tried to sneak a look to see if there was any ulterior motive that Chenle was hiding from him. "Why are you suddenly packing? Are you—"
    "You mean we."
    The blond turned back to his friend with a weak smile. As if to assure himself that this was the right thing to do. Even if his eyes were still glazed over with the uneasiness of what they had just watched. His knuckles were almost completely white as he clutched the suitcase handle tightly.
    "I think you're right with the slowing down part." Chenle's expression soured when he admitted that his classmate was right. It almost made Jisung smirk a bit with amusement and pride. "So how about we stop focusing on our own households so much?"
    His boastful energy had instantly dimmed when the seventeen year old had finished speaking. The look on his visage did a complete one eighty and the corners of his lips- which had been previously quirked up- suddenly drew downward in a confused frown. There was a sudden weight on his lap and once his eyes flickered downward, he could see his sleeping bag rolled up tight.
    'Don't tell me he's actually thinking of...'
    "We need to have some stake outs Jisung!" Chenle announced rather loudly, raising a hand in the air. It was honestly so hard to take him seriously when he was posed like the exact action figure he held in his hands.
"You have got to be kidding me." The other snorted, getting up off the bed and walking over to the blond who was still in the pose. Staring down at his classmate, Jisung tried to suppress a blush fighting it's way onto his cheeks. He couldn't help it when the smaller teen was just being a little too cute for his liking. And despite his complaints against the idea. (Even if it was only one.) He picked up some of his own things. "This is seriously going to go horribly wrong."
"Oh really?" Chenle seemed to take that as a challenge. Even if it may have not been, although in this case it totally was. "I actually just whipped up a plan in my mind right this moment on how it's going to go down!"
Jisung only hummed, the sarcasm of his tone pretty much slapping the cheerful boy in the face. Still, he continued to pack up himself.
With a stomp  of his foot, the blond let out a noise of anger, much too similar to a scream. "I'll show you! Just wait until it's all complete! You'll be basically like a servant worshiping his king!"
'Yeah ok.' The blue haired boy rolled his eyes. 'We'll see about that...'

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