The Greatest

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    The air that morning was almost as cold as it was the night before. Nipping at the three's skin and wind combing through their hair as the stood behind the police department. If anyone hadn't known in the first place that two were possible suspects in a murder case, they'd probably try to grab their companions attention. Perhaps to talk about their attractive looks, with the way some strands of their uniquely coloured hair moved against the breeze. Or how the light of the sun that peeked through the cloud shone down on their faces, only giving onlookers a better view of their handsome countenances. It was a fact that most of the population forgot. The fact that they were all rather attractive could've had people swooning for them- if the case of the murders didn't shroud it all under suspicion.
    Either way, the trio of guys stood by the back door of the department. Each one with a different expression plastered on their face whilst they started to execute their plan.
    "Just to make sure," Xiaojun adjusted the body camera attached to the shirt underneath the letterman jacket. "I'm going inside to try and distract Jungwoo?"
    Jisung hummed out in confirmation, turning the bobby pin in his fingers as he picked the lock. "Just make sure that he doesn't look at the camera's while we try and check if we can rewire them somehow. Like... I don't know, complain about yesterday? Do something to try and get him away from the computer, just make sure it's not enough to be arrested or something."
    As the blue haired boy continued to move the trinket against the door lock, Chenle watched it all with furrowed eyebrows. It must've been the fact that he had never done anything remotely criminal as stealing from the police in his life. Because he sure was clutching the bag filled with gadgets rather tightly. Obviously hanging out with Jeno and Jaemin had restricted this much threatening danger from the kid. However, it seemed to also be the fact that the two people he was currently working with had criminal minds themselves. Uneasiness settled in his stomach, trying to overtake the growing excitement of it all.
    "If we can't find a way quickly, you'll have to contact us. Which is why we'll be on call the entire time. And why you'll need to pretend to be listening to music. If he is about to look back remember, just alert us somehow. We'll take a picture of them and run off." With a click, the door creaked open slightly. Jisung got up and dusted his jeans off. "The messenger will be able to get a model for us most likely."
    "And if you guys do find a way?"
    "We'll rewire them and gather the evidence." The dancer responded simply before turning back to the blond who was still nervous as ever.
    He looked into the taller boys eyes and almost stepped back. Chenle could hardly recognize this Jisung from the Jisung that was shy to the Jisung that was snarky. This one was eerily calm and capable of doing anything by the looks of it. The blue haired boy appeared to be in complete control of himself.
    Snapping out of his daze, the seventeen year old's eyes adjusted to a closer image of his friend. Hands working to quickly adjust the body camera on the elders own clothes. Chenle's heartbeat quickened.
    "It's almost scary how well you thought about this." Xiaojun teased, raising an eyebrow.
    The one being addressed laughed bashfully, rubbing his neck. "I knew some people who were really good at these kind of things." And in the blink of an eye, his visage hardened into a serious expression. "Alright, let's get going. Before any of us back out."
    Nodding, the dark haired man briskly walked around the building and towards the front entrance. The other two stayed by the door and opened up a monitor to check the camera.
    Xiaojun was correct in a sense. That it was weird how planned out this was with only a night to think about it. After they had drove away from the police officer, they had set course to Jisung (and now Chenle's) hide out. There were of course a few seconds of awe from the older as he asked how interesting it was and how useful it could've been to he himself in his own younger years. However after that, they were all down to earth, focused, and ready to try and figure out how they would exactly get the evidence they needed. In all honesty, it only took the two minds of the so called criminals- with their memory of the department; and a few improvisation plans to come up with a somewhat solid idea on how it would go down. And with the help of Renjun's inventions, it was almost certain to succeed. Only if they were able to execute it properly.
    As planned, the eldest of the three had barged in the doors. They couldn't see his face but the tone of his voice clearly displayed anger. The two nearly flinched at the loud yells invading their eardrums.
    "Where the fuck is he?!" The pressure in his voice sent a thrill through Jisung's body. He still couldn't completely get over the initial fear of Xiaojun. And by the look of Jungwoo's face in the monitor, the officer was starting to understand that too.
    The older man flinched just a bit under the influence of that voice and looked away from the monitor. It was enough for Chenle to be able to peek in and check how many camera's there were.
    "I.. I'm sorry?" With a voice as soft as silk and as quiet as the shyest kid in elementary school, Jungwoo asked as politely as possible. "Who exactly are you addressing...?"
    Quality blurring for a moment on the camera, Xiaojun must have been turning around in the most agitated manner possible.
    'Good on him.' Jisung smiled slightly, looking up as Chenle turned back to him.
    "There's one camera, one of those dome shaped ones?" The blond teens face was pale with nervousness. "I don't think there was a blind spot..."
    Frowning, the blue haired teen nodded a bit and patted his friend on the shoulder rather awkwardly. He was trying to comfort Chenle... in his own unique way. "Don't worry."
    "Eh? It seems like the bugger came to me this time." Piercing through the air, the grouchy voice hung around for a while, as if becoming the complete aura the previous officer possessed the night before. In more casual clothes this time, he slowly trudged over to the main lobby and crossed his arms.
    Jisung could hear a low grumble come from Xiaojun's throat. "What the fuck were you trying to accomplish yesterday?"
    He could see Jungwoo start to shuffle further and further away from the desk. Instantly, the dancer slipped in through the door and dragged his classmate in with him. Checking the monitor one last time, he pulled Chenle behind a large set of shelves. So they could at least be a little shielded from the camera.
    "I was only doing my job." The older man snapped back. His face was more scrunched then it was before, creating more wrinkles in his face. "I was only trying to keep dirty drop outs like you from doing any crime. Or maybe stopping you from killing another person?"
    The hiss coming from the dark haired teen was anything but fake. "Don't fucking accuse me for something I never did."
    "How about you don't prowl the streets again?"
    Basically feeling the tension leaking through the monitor, the sixteen year old quickly scanned some of the evidence room. In no time, his eyes quickly caught onto a box in the corner across from them. The writing on it was small, but not small enough for him to be unable to distinguish what it was. He turned to Chenle and whispered as quietly as possible. "Check the monitors for a sec. I'm going to retrieve the box."
    And before the blond could reject, the dancer was already dashing across the room. Ducking down as much as he could to avoid the camera just in case. His heart beat a bit too quickly. There was only the trust and hope in his heart that Jungwoo wasn't looking, and that his friend would alert him if the officer was. Nearly slipping over something, Jisung was able to slide over to the box. Gripping it tight against his chest, he was about to run back over.
    Except Chenle was staring him straight in the eye, shaking his head wildly. Blood turning to ice, his eyes flickered to the camera automatically. Although he couldn't see where it was pointed, the blue haired could only imagine Jungwoo staring straight at him. Even if he was rather well hidden, he could feel the spine tingling shiver prodding at his back.
    It was only a matter of minutes and the blood draining from his face before yells started to explode. Jisung didn't need the earphones to tell that the secretary was distracted. Of course if he wasn't sure, he could just see Chenle's scrunched up face and tell that the path was clear for him.
    Both made eye contact and started to approach the camera. Pulling out their own wired camera, Jisung rapidly opened the blueprint. "Ah shit...." He bit his lip and reached up to start pulling it out. "Chenle you're going to have to hold the instructions up."
    Humming out in agreement, the blond scanned over it himself. He started to pull out the tools that they needed.
    The time moved on as they continued to work on rewiring the cameras as it was detached. From the outside, the yells went through progressive arcs of settling down to riling back up again. Insults were being thrown left and write and criminal records were being brought up. Xiaojun was clearly doing his job properly and perhaps maybe enjoying it a bit too much. The officer, on the other hand, was obviously not enjoying it one bit and seemed to get more aggravated with each jab the younger took. All the while Jungwoo's quiet voice was barely even reaching their ears. But when it did, the secretary always sounded stressed, in a gentle sort of way.
    In no time, Jisung was able to figure everything out and was able to install their own camera. Throwing the other near carelessly in the box, they pulled out their own control pad. The rest of their work was easy as they started to move the camera in opposite directions on where they wanted to go. And despite who much more time they had in accessing the evidence, they still scurried around. Perhaps it was the adrenaline and excitement still pumping through their systems that got them through.
    Chenle in particular seemed to be the most affected by it all. As he came to sudden realizations how successful they were at the moment and how easy it was becoming for them. Not only that but they were almost becoming careless with controlling the camera. While the yelling outside started to become music to their ears when they worked.
    Most of their time, however, was wasted in searching for the DNA samples that were never there. As well as the weapons that seemed to have no place in a room like this. Which meant it must've been confiscated somewhere else. Somewhere they wouldn't be able to sneak in as easily. Come to think about it, there was something odd in how easy this room break in was as well.
    Looking over the top few shelves, Jisung held himself up in the upper corner with just the grip of his shoes, his strength and the walls. He forgot about how capable he was that it was almost a near shock that he was able to even do this. A pride swelled in his chest as he craned his neck to look. Except the slam of a door almost made it drop.
    His breath was suddenly taken away once he spotted the actual figure of the police officer that had fought with Xiaojun. Visage as grumpy as ever, he started to move along the shelves of the room. There was a clarity in knowing that this man had no idea about the two others in the room. Except there was no satisfaction in knowing that Chenle could still easily be found out.
    Jisung watched with his heart in his throat. As the blond was near face to face with the officer if it wasn't for the shelf blocking their way. Crouched close to the ground, the poor kid looked close to fainting on the spot as he clutched a set of sticky notes and a set of photographs close to his chest. Eyes wide with fear and brimmed with tears, he stared up at the dancer with helplessness. It made the blue haired boy almost jump off to come get him. But he knew he had to stay pressed against the corner. That was the only way to help Chenle at the moment.
    Staring at the officer move along, the sixteen year old started to tilt his head to the direction the blond should move. And the other clearly understood and crawled in the same path Jisung was creating for him.
    Left.... forward..... left.... pause.. right...... pause.... forward..... backward.... pause...
    The path was tedious before the old man stopped at the suspect list they had taken photos of. Thank goodness that they didn't take the whole thing physically. That would make the police aware for sure.
    Watching the policeman grumble and take out a pen, Chenle started to get up slightly-running as slowly as possible to get to a hiding spot. Jisung nearly crumpled and slid to the ground in relief.
    "That damn kid, I can't wait to see him behind bars... little fucker...." He circled Xiaojun's name multiple times before throwing the clipboard back onto the shelf. Looking around for a bit, the old man huffed out and tucked the pen back into his pocket. It wasn't long until the door opened once more, and shut behind him.
    That was when the blue haired boy slid down from his spot. Deciding that they had enough evidence for now, he snatched the phone and whispered something to Xiaojun. Chenle moved the camera away from the two and into a different corner so they could exit. It was as if they teleported out of the room with how fast they found themselves outside.
    Cold air hitting his face, Jisung let out a breath vision blinded for a moment by the cloud of air. He saw a glimpse of Xiaojun and was about to speak up some thanks. But all he could say was a gasp as pressure pushed his voice out. Something tight wrapped around his torso and he was surprised to see the tuft of blond hair buried against him. Arms resting against his waist, the blue haired boy could hair the warmth of Chenle's voice against him.
    "Thank you." His voice was barely a whisper and he practically buried his face further. "Thank you so much for helping me get out of there. I thought I was done for..."
    Jisung's face was so red he thought he would overheat. "I.... I was only looking out for you.... it's not like I would leave you helpless...."
    Looking up, the seventeen year old's face was tinted a light pink and he grinned. "Thanks."
    Meanwhile, while the two were pretty much lost in each others eyes, Xiaojun was scoffing with a grin.
    'These two really have it bad for each other huh.'

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