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    Breath heavy, the blue haired boy tried to block out the yell of Tobias. Dashing out the doors of the gymnasium. Listening to the multitude of yells and yelps of shock. Startled students that he passed staring at him in bewilderment and disbelief. There was a door slamming open as he crossed the gym to the door where he saw Chenle. A loud bark came out of no where. The coach's voice, reprimanding him, was fading away.
    The sixteen year old tried to focus on his goal. His vision staying on the figure he was chasing and hearing the muffled cries. The person wiping their face with their arms and stumbling off in a quick pace. Heart shattering in a million pieces, the dancer started to run after his friend.
    'I didn't use you Chenle.....'
    His sneakers hitting the ground harshly. The smacking noise echoing throughout the mostly empty halls of the school. Students peering out the windows to see their 'God' sprinting through the halls. Or at least a flash of blue.
    His eyes trained on the fleeing blond and he took in a deep breath- pressing harder on the ground. Propelling himself forward, he skidded around the corner.
    In doing so, his eyes caught four figures following him, Jisung felt his throat go dry. One with brown hair gelled back. Another with long black hair beside one with platinum blond hair. And one with curly dirty blonde hair. With a trembling heartbeat, Jisung forced himself to refocus on the task at hand.
    His feet shuffled against the ground. Finding the ground beneath him as he started to run at a faster pace. The rough surface of the walls scratching against his palms. Trying to push himself forward even more- he found himself slamming his hands against the windows and lockers harshly.
    This only made Chenle flinch and speed forward even more. The blue haired boy was half groaning, half crying out in desperation.
    'Why did I not speak?' He inwardly cursed. Movement came from his left and he skidded to the side. A student, stepped back in surprise when the tall teen passed them. Watching in surprise as four other people were chasing the 'newly crowned king' of the school.
    Whipping his head back, he saw Tobias leading the way for his friends. His grin was sick and sadistic. Fists clenched and ready to crack another rib in Jisung's body. Feeling the previous sharp stab in his chest, the dancer was only motivated to propel even further.
    Suddenly he felt a hard surface hit him and the world turned around. Nearly smacking his face into the ground, the dancer scrambled back up on his feet again. Quickly apologizing to another student he happened to bump into. Without another glance back he gazed back in front of him.
    There was only the fleeting body of Chenle turning the corner again. And Jisung yelled out once more. He continued to try and catch his friend. Who must've been in track at one point. Unless there was another explanation for his crazy fast running.
    'I should've stood up for myself for once.'
    Ducking his head from the classrooms as the students started to come out more and more; the sixteen year old frowned. Couldn't he have just denied the fact in the first place. If he did, this would've probably never happened at all. In fact he could still be in the gym, possibly talking to Chenle. Just continuing to enjoy his time on the top.
    He tried to ignore the kids coming out to gasp in awe and shock at what was happening. He tried to ignore the teachers starting to yell at him. Ignoring the yells of Tobias and his gang who were gaining ground with every obstacle that was getting in Jisung's way.
    Tripping over his own feet, the dancer caught himself swiftly. He could feel his heart drop when he nearly fell as well. Eyes flickering down as his breath was caught in his throat. He noticed his shoe was untied. The laces flopping around carelessly.
    'Maybe I should've just not gone to school today.'
    Watching the seventeen year old backtrack, Jisung caught on easily. He made sure to make a quick turn into the cafeteria. As he did he screamed in fear as a person popped up. He couldn't recognize them that quick, but he saw the proper way they were dressed.
    Resting his hands on their shoulders, he blocked out their own scream of terror and moved them gently aside. He felt himself step on his shoelace again. Launching him face first into the doors as they pushed open for him. Stumbling through the rows of tables, he clumsily regained his footing again.
    It wasn't an empty enough space to pass right through. And so Jisung leaped atop the tables.
    For a moment, the blond turned his head back to see who was behind him. The blue haired boy saw the emotionally pained face of his crush. But he wasn't able to see much as the seventeen year old turned back. Weaving through the maze.
    The dancer hopped from table top to table top. "Chenle wait!" He called out again.
    Missing a step, Jisung rolled against one of the tables and onto the ground. He let out a loud yell once his back smacked into the ground. Due to the extensive wisdom of doing free running, the blue haired boy was able to get back onto his feet.
    Chenle had made it to the door by the time his old companion nearly caught up. With that another slam of the doors as not only the four students came in- but now a larger group of classmates and teachers. Everyone at this point seemed to want to stop the older boy. Or maybe stop Jisung.
    Leading from the cafeteria doors was a small hallway. Filled with lockers and a large glass window to the courtyard. It must've been newly installed as neither of the boys knew about it before. Nevertheless, both of them made a dash to it.
    Watching his crush escape into the grassy fields, the younger boy grasped the glass door. He pulled it open harshly and felt another tough surface hitting his back. Heart jumping to his throat, Jisung slid through the crack. There was a tight grip on his wrist all of a sudden.
    Looking back, he saw Tobias.
    "Think you can get away that easily?" He sneered, pulling the blue haired boy back in.
    With the expression of a cornered animal, the dancer clawed at the dark haired boys hand. It wasn't long until he felt the cold breath hitting his previously warm arm. So he didn't look back and dashed off to the figure heading off into the woods.
    There was no doubt that the whole school was wanting to find them, as more students started to file out and try to chase the two.
    But Jisung was quicker, as soon as he spotted the blond disappear within the undergrowth, he had seen the flash scuttle up the trunk of a nearby tree. Hidden from most peoples line of sight- but not his.
    Wasting no time- the teen lunged for another tree nearby as soon as the sunlight became blocked out by the canopy of trees. Digging his nails and the tips of his shoes into the bark, the taller teen was able to effortlessly lift himself up and enter the plethora of branches further up.
    The rest of the chase was suddenly put into a hyperdrive. Because this was Jisung's territory. He knew how to navigate the woods. No one else. And after quickly tying his shoe, he was off on leaping bounds. Like a predator chasing it's prey, he was able to rapidly catch up to Chenle- who in turn was nervously crawling from branch to branch.
    In no time the blue haired boy had his friend pinned against a branch.
    Nearly screaming, the blond covered his own mouth when he caught sight of the swarms of students hovering below.
    They took two minutes watching the group rush off. Going farther and farther. There muffled conversations getting more and more inaudible the farther they went. The two breathed in as quietly as possible, as if one loud sigh from their height would bring the whole student body crashing towards them. Last few starting to fade away from sight, as their expressions of anger, shock and doubt burned into Jisung's mind.
He never knew that when he 'betrayed' Chenle, he betrayed the whole school. And with every passing second he was starting to realize that to be a horrid... horrid thing.
As soon as he let his grip loosen on the blond, the boy tried to scramble away. However the blue haired boy knew better and kept one of the others hands pinned against the branch. Despite being so aggressive and strong, Jisung's whole demeanour was nothing of the such.
He stared in a crestfallen manner. Watching every feature on Chenle's face scrunched up with heartbreak. His brown eyes glassy with tears. Cheeks wet as the water dripped down his chin, almost like a waterfall. Body trembling and racked with sobs, the smaller teen weakly tried to pull away. His voice was trembling with mutters. Stutters and hiccups invading the quiet words he was saying. He made no eye contact with the younger boy in front of him.
In turn, Jisung felt his own face reddening as water gathered in his eyes.
"Chenle.... please.." He begged, letting his grip fall away and watching the other carefully. Hand being drawn to the blond's, he felt a pang in his chest when the teen drew his arm back to his chest. "You've got to believe me.... I would never use you...."
The student was silent for a millisecond before clearing his throat of sobs. The best he possible could. "How can I know you're telling the truth though?"
"Why wouldn't I?" There was a crack in his voice. Jisung couldn't understand what his crush meant.
Taking a step back, the older teen felt around for the trunk of the tree they were standing on. He moved slowly backwards. Obviously trying to be as discreet as possible with how small and slow his steps were. But it didn't get past Jisung as he watched on with a heavy heart.
"I've seen how you can handle things..... you're a liar and a criminal."
"I only did that to help us with the case!" The dancer tried to reason, yet it only made Chenle wince and move backwards by another step. His voice got quieter. "Understand that please? I would never do it out of malicious intent."
"I...." The blond's voice got caught in his throat for a moment and his eyes darted behind him. "I'm sorry Jisung....."
There was no point in thinking that he was apologizing. Instead, the blue haired boy watched in despair. Watched as the one last person he had in this world shook his head.
"I just.... I don't think I can trust you..."
With that he was gone. Like a trick of the light. In the blink in of an eye Chenle was off. Finding his way around the branches. Finding his away from everyone else. Especially from Jisung. Far, far, far, far away from Jisung.
And the dancer just watched the person who used to be his friend run away with a broken look on their face. Looking on as the last person he was close to was slipping through his fingertips. He found himself completely abandoned and alone in the woods. Having no home to go back to, in fear of being horribly treated by Taeyong and Ten after revealing the truth. There was no school to pretend to not be in. No friend in the truck who could drive him around and chat with him. He found himself with no more Renjun, his friend who would make sure he was safe. No more Donghyuck, his friend who would make him feel like he belonged. And now no more Chenle, his crush, his friend. The person who had seen him at his weakest and stuck by him.
Except now that he was at the falling point from his strongest, he had managed to drive his last support system away. No. He drove someone he loved and cherished away. It was never a fact of simply getting help or simply being not along. It was him wanting to know Chenle in the end and wanting to be the reason the blond smiled or laughed. He just wanted Chenle to be happy again. He wanted to be happy again. He wanted everything to go back to normal.
Normal. The normal of everyday going on repeat. Nothing changing. No one leaving or entering the town. Just the same thing. Repeating. Looping. Day after day after day. People in their place. Doing what they only could based on what they were. May it be the most popular kid in school or the rebellious student on campus. That was the normal.
Jisung was starting to hate the normal. He didn't want to continuously be treated like a dangerous animal on the streets. He wanted to have a home to go to and relax. But with each passing minute he thought about it, he noticed how that wouldn't be possible here in Goldenleaf.
There was something wrong with this town.

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