Wine Red

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The two boys had reluctantly journeyed through the dense forest they were so used to. It's dark shadows looming over both as they walked past the towering trees. The branches sticking out at odd angles, jutting out of the trunks and pointing at them in an accusing manner. Cracks and crevices etched in the wood manifesting gruesome faces of anger and rage. Their non existent eyes glaring at the students from every which way. Watching them with the judgement of death's court. Deciding on how their fate would undoubtedly go with the choices they have made thus far.
Bushes, leaves and fallen branches alike were quick to block their path. Tripping and stopping them from using one route to where they were being directed. Sticks scratching slightly against their clothes and skin. While giant boulders covered the distance of a few trees- forcing them to climb over as walking around would take too much of their time. Roots lifted up and tangled to create a horrible, messy trap for them to trip over at random. The whole forest was basically screaming, begging at them not to come any closer to where their destination would be.
But despite the warnings of nature itself, the teens were oblivious to it. Their hands intertwined tightly and their pace quickening once they spotted a house placed in the once comforting escape from reality.
It was nothing too impressive nor anything that failed to exceed their expectations. A two story stood threateningly in the middle of a clearing. The sun streaming through the large hole of the trees canopy and making the dark blues of the old house brighten immensely. Broken wood was a frequent sight, making the home look broken down and abandoned. Its paint job, flacking, yet otherwise impeccable. Anyone strolling through would see it instantly once coming into the proper distance. The two story was simple in design with no notably unique traits if it had been placed in a neighbourhood. It only made the house look much more intimidating being so out of place in a dark part of the greenery. There was a fence near the back surrounding a certain part, creating a backyard of some sorts.
    An off putting sight for sure as all the curtains were drawn closed. Which did make sense regarding the fact that no resident of the home was inside. But at this point, it just added on to the ambiance of the area. And not in a particularly good way. Whilst a cold air hovered around the building, creating goosebumps on their skin as their breath came out in small puffs. Odd for sure, almost other worldly. Jisung was sure he could smell the stench of death and danger from where he stood, a few feet away. There was no denying that entering through the rickety door would seal his fate one way or another.
    He spared a glance to Chenle. Watching as his crush stared at the house, completely lost in his own thoughts. Bottom lip drawn in as he chewed at it and his palm getting sweaty. There was no denying that the blond was getting the idea of his own future if he pursued his initial decision. It was one of the most hardest choices hanging over both their heads.
    Eyebrows furrowed, the dancer thought about the blonds safety. How perhaps, just like during the evidence raid, he would be unable to hide in time. To save himself. The teen was unsure if he wanted to see his classmate become hurt because of a choice Jisung made- in letting Chenle tag along in his investigation.
    "Chenle... you should stay out here....." Jisung whispered, watching as the other stared at him in shock. "I think you should stay and get ready to call the police. Just in case I can't figure out something.."
    His crush's face contorted in annoyance, yet if the dancer stared long enough he could see hints of worry. It was enough to make him sure about his decision.
    "No. Why would you think I'd want to stay out here?" Chenle's voice came out louder than he wanted, harsh and criticizing just like his older brothers.
    A laugh nearly bubbled in Jisung's throat, sad and amused. "Unlike me, you have people who worry about you. I think you need to stay alive. Because I'm sure this town would fall into devastation without you, Chenle."   
There was a pause as the blond opened his mouth. He was making some noises of disagreement as he tried to search for words to argue against the sixteen year old. But he knew too, he knew that if he had gotten killed horribly or wounded for real then Goldenleaf would perish into despair and madness. Chenle was the only person left that was able to immaculately hold the youth of the city together. Which in turn held the town itself together.
    Jisung, on the other hand, could disappear once more and no one would care. He knew deep down that the town could probably become a better place if the last freak of the school died too. It was a sad epiphany that he came to realize all too late. But he also knew that this would let him save at least someone. And he was nothing but satisfied with that result.
    He was ready to turn and enter the house when he was tugged back.
    Chenle's face was somber and his visage dark with conflict. His brown orbs barely visible with the amount of tears falling from his eyes. Rolling down his cheeks and dripping from his chin in an endless waterfall. He looked like a kid who had lost his mother in a crowded place. Appearing like he was doomed to be alone forever. Continuously tugging Jisung closer and closer to him, the blond's crying was totally different from their previous conflict. Instead of any anger or doubt, it was only pure fear.
    "D.... don't leave me...." He stuttered out, his voice high and strained. It made the other stop breathing momentarily. Chenle continued to sob, holding the dancers hand and bringing it to his face. "I don't...."
    Taking in a sharp breath, he started to tremble. "I don't want you to die!"
    He wouldn't let Jisung speak as he started to shuffle closer as well. Shakily hugging the taller teen and pressing his head close against the dancer's chest. "You matter Jisung...... you matter so much to me...."
    "If you died..... I'd fall apart..." His crystal eyes stared at the younger student with teeth clenched. "You're the only one holding me together Jisung Park."
    There were a few minutes as the sixteen year old tried to process those words. While Chenle continued to weep against his chest. The shaking figure of the older boy making his knees almost buckle and his chest become a hole of complete confusion and doubt.
    Staring at the forest behind, Jisung considered just dropping the mission and leaving the town. It would definitely be a move filled with cowardice, however a decision that would secure his safety. At least somewhat. Because he didn't know if there was life out there at this point at all. Surely there was possibility. If he were to take his chances though, would he succeed or fail to truly escape from Goldenleaf?
    'If I want to escape, I need to stop this....' he reminded himself. 'I need to go in there. Cause I can stop this... or at least try.... maybe secure my safety somehow....'
    At this point the dancers mind was a bit tangled up- because despite figuring out this much. He wasn't able to understand the complete motivation of this serial killer. Whether it be protecting Jisung or using it as an excuse to kill people. The real reason was still shrouded.
    Letting out his own shaky sigh, Jisung gently placed his hands against the blonds arms. Carefully pulling the seventeen year old away, he smiled weakly and tried to appear strong. He hesitantly wiped Chenle's tears, letting his palms hover against the others cheeks.
    "It's ok Chenle.... it's going to be ok..." He soothed. "We can go together... we can be a team like usual... just you and me right?"
    Smiling back, his classmate's laugh was weak as well. "Right...."
    With a moment to recollect his courage, he rolled his shoulders back, turning and approaching the door. Feeling the tug of Chenle's hand as the seventeen year old followed. The height of the building slowly becoming more and more large with every step they took towards it.
    It wasn't long until the blue haired boy pressed his hand carefully against the door. The texture rough against his skin as he pulled back. Avoiding any splinters.
    Grasping the rusty golden tinted door knob, Jisung moved his attention to Chenle.
    "Are you ready?"
    The other seemed to swallow his fear and nodded a bit to quickly, betraying how terrified he was. "Let's get this over with...."
    And so he opened the door.
A strong scent of iron was the first thing to hit his nose and his vision was flooded with red. The beige walls of the houses interior were completely painted over with the horrible colour of blood. Hardly enough to cover every inch of the first floor, but from where they were standing, enough to make it obvious that they were at a murder scene. The liquid dripping down to pool at the floor in puddles. Some of it already dry and marking the paint job.
It was enough to make Jisung gag, and he surely heard Chenle do so as well. Both trying not to vomit as they moved throughout the first floor. Noticing how the walls were a continuous colour of red, like the killer was trying to keep it uniform in every area they went.
There was no carpet whatsoever, saving them from the squishy noises they knew they may have to endure on the second floor. Maneuvering through the living room, it became rather clear that the victim was trying to escape. With furniture knocked over and other items on the floor- either still intact or in pieces. The door that lead to the kitchen was wide open. Showing how disturbed it became as well. With utensils scattered across the floor and plates shattered. They chose not to enter that room for hazardous reasons. However when walking around the dining room, Jisung some of pictures and paintings laying on the floor.
One still intact, as the painfully crystal clear face of the family was present. A boy with platinum blond hair and bright smile. He was no younger than five in that picture as he sat on his fathers lap. There was a toy train in his hands, and his eyes were easily showing how he was itching to play with it after he was done with the family portrait.
    Jisung knew this kid. This kid had grown up. And become one of Tobias's lackeys.
    With a shiver, he felt another bought of guilt flood over him. It was because he bullied Jisung, the guy messed with the wrong kid as he ended up getting his blood painting on his houses' walls. Because a serial killer was all too keen on killing people who were somehow related to Jisung, in a good way or a bad way.
    He made sure to keep Chenle close as they started to pass back into the hallway. Climbing up the creaking stairs and carefully holding on to the loose railing.
    As he moved on to the second floor, there was a fleeting thought in his mind. The idea that perhaps this kid didn't even mean to be in Tobias's group. That it was just the wrong choices and wanting to fit in just like Jisung that this guy had unfortunately met his death. The mere thought made the blue haired boy let out a frustrated sigh. It was horrible concept that he whipped up that was way too true. To understand that it's how he got roped into this in the end as well. Maybe if he had just been true to himself.....
    "Jisung..." His companion quietly caught the dancers attention. The boy was staring wide eyes at the floor making the other automatically follow his gaze.
    The floor was dotted with specks of blood. Almost recognizable prints on the ground that matched the shape of a foot bounded around the staircase. Moving across the entire second floor, it stopped suspiciously at a ladder coming from the roof. A latch open as the dust and slight light from above came through. And thats where the blood was leading. The stench of death was stronger hear. So the corpse must've been in—
    "The attic," Jisung finished his thoughts out loud, causing the blond to jump slightly at the sudden words. In spite of the small display, the taller boy started to follow the bloody footprints. "The body must be in the attic."
    "Jisung.... are you sure we should go up? The serial killer may be wanting to trap us."
    "Believable...." He fished out his switchblade from his backpack, taking out a pair of scissors from his pencil case for Chenle. "But I think he wants to talk.... and if that's not the case then we have these. Not suitable for... fighting a killer... but the best we have.."
    Taking in a deep breath, he tried not to make any noises of disgust while he climbed the ladder. Feeling the blood still hot and sticky against his skin and shivering. He made sure to look back and see that the seventeen year old was perfectly safe when he came up as well.
    The attic of the house was basically the epitome of broken down and abandoned. Dust blanketing the entire area and cobwebs inhabiting ever corner. With boxes filling up the gigantic space and proving to be suitable for blocking out the brunt of the light that came from the slanted window of the roof. As things moved in the corner of his eyes, the tiny creatures that made their home in the holes and cracks of the rotting wood. And in the middle of it all was the corpse.
    He could only hear the muffled sound of Chenle vomiting behind him as he stared with wide eyes.
    It's skin paled, as if he had been dead since a few days ago, even if they had seen his blood displayed around the first floor already. His body was a combination or blues, purples and reds. With bruises and cuts and gashes littering his body. It looked like he did the burnt of the damage in the house. As if he has crashed and tripped and cut himself on all the broken, fallen over items that were on the ground. His eyes were wide and dead, but his expression still was frozen. As if he had died half way through screaming. But Jisung wasn't sure if that was possible. Not with the giant stab wound in boys neck. Limbs twisted in horrible ways, it seemed that he must've been killed in a different area of the attic and was just dragged to that specific spot. After his blood was smeared on the walls in a disturbingly organized manner.
    The blue haired boy's only visage paled in horror as he saw a single letter placed beside the corpse. And with the utmost amount of caution, they crept across the floor to inspect the letter. With shaky hands, the dancer picked up the parchment, surprisingly void of the iron scented fluid.

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