Hunny this is your daughter

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*Lance pov*

I heard yelling coming from Lilacs room but couldn't make out the words.  So I walked to her room.

The door was slightly cracked and I could see Lilac and Keith sitting on her bed.

"It doesn't matter who forgets about there own damn child! There child that has a twin that looks just like them!" Lilac was screaming at Keith.

I decided that I should go in there and save Keith cause he looked like he was hurting a lot from what she had been saying. I opened the door and she looked at me like she was staring at my soul or something.

"Looky, who we got her. The person you were to scared to tell." She said like she was about to kill someone.

"Lilac, please don't." Keith whispered to her.

" To late. Lance have you ever noticed how much I look like you." She was right she does look kinda like me.

" Not until know no. Why?"

" Because my so forget full mother, never told you."

" Told me what exactly?"

" That me and my brother are your kids and not only that we lived in Japan the whole time we were away. Cause that day he found you and that skank was the day he found out about us."

I was shocked and cunfused. Keith was crying, Lilac was angry, and the door had just slammed closed.

"Mija, I'm your father."

" Yeah you are."

Then something shuved me out of the way. It was my son. That I just found out about.

*Knox pov*

I walked in with Matthew and heard yelling. It was Lilac, but who was she yelling at. So I slammed the door and ran up stairs.

Lilacs door was wide open and there was Lance in the door way. Lilac and mom on the bed. Lilac looked like she was going to going to kill some one, she finally couldn't handle it. She's gone insane.

When we were younger Lilac would tell me about mom giving me something and how she wouldn't. I always thought she was saying it for the attention but I was so wrong.

I shuved Lance out of the way and ran to her. I tried to hug her but she just pushed me away.

"Why are you acting like this." I was so worried and I do think she could tell.

"Like you really care. You were the one who always got everything you wanted and I was stuck bye myself. While you always had someone!"Lilac was just mad at me and mom and all over life.

"I'm so sorry. I should have noticed you cry's for help and attention the worst twin every." I was staring to brake down.

"Yeah well no one payed attention to me. Want to know something. I don't care anymore. You both didn't care about me so why should I care about what you think, or are sorry for."


Hi I'm back. Sorry it's bee. So long I was cought up with school and stuff. I also had writers block.

Sorry if you think that this isn't forest on the Klance portion of the story it's coming soon. There will also be a story coming soon

Thanks for reading Bye 

Words 541.

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