Make sure no one comes

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'What is that' Lance thought ' and why dose it smell so good.' Our only be knew what it was. 'I have to find it.' If pour lance New that it was good friend up stair that had started his heat.

-------Keith POV --------

 "Fuck why today our of all days" I groaned "why did they have to schedule a meetup today." I couldn't find my pills, there the only reason my friends don't know that I'm an omega. When I say no one I mean no one. What's even worse there are three alphas in our group Shiro, Allura, and the worst our all my crush Lance. I guess I'll just see if they'll reschedule the meetup.

Knock Knock

"Who is it," I tell from behind the door.

"Lance" grate know he's at my door " what is that smell coming out of your room, cause it's grate "

I thought off something fast "Ummm...tell the group that I want to reschedule the meet up then maybe I'll tell you what it is. "

"Ok. . . anything else"

"Ummm, make sure that no one comes back up with you" and with that, he left.

-------Lance POV -------

'I wonder what this is about' I thought as I started walking back to the cafe to tell them."Guys Keith told me that he wants to reschedule the meetup."

"Do you know why?" Hunk asked curiously.


"We should go see him then!" Pidge said excitedly. 

"Kieth said before I left that I was the only one who could go back and see him," I said with no tone in my voice.

"Fine" Pidge said, " We'll leave but I wont to know what happens," Pidge said mischievously. 


"Well bye then," HUnk said as him and the rest of the group left.

I walked back to Keith's apartment.

"I'm back" I yelled while standing on the other side of the door, " they said they hope you get better." 

All I could think about is the smell had gotten stronger. Then the door started to open and what was standing in front of me was about to make me crazy.

It was Kieth in nothing but his red under ware. With a painfully beautiful face. That's when I lost it.


Hi! I don't really think that anyone is going to see this but ima going to update everyone in a while. 

Share if you want.

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Idc, If you have any questions just use the term mommy and ill try to replay

So yeah see you next time maybe. :)

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