what know (the end)

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*don't play song till told*
*no one pov*

Before anyone new what was happening they were all crying. Lance didn't know what to do he couldn't handle it. So he yell for everyone to stop and explain what was happening, but that didn't help. Lilac just yelled at him to. Lilac had finally settled down and had stopped crying.

*Lilac pov*

"Can you all please leave," I started, "I can't handle all of this at once. Can I have one person at a time talk to me alone."

" Yeah," mom was still crying slightly. " Who do you want to talk to first hunny."

"Let's start with you mom, ok." I tried to say in the nicest tone I could. "Can the rest of you leave. Mom will come and get you when it's your turn."

They nodded and walk out. Knox shut the door behind him softly.

"Mom I'm going to say this as nice as I can ok." He nods" You were the best. Then as we got older it all somehow turned in only Knox being alive. I tried so hard to not brake down when you blew me off. I really do think that your the worst mom ever."

More tear had started to roll down his face. " I'm so sorry, I didn't think that something like this would happen. I always got distracted. Then when we moved back I was just so scared that you or Knox would meet Lance and forget me. Then you did meat him and instead of you forgetting me, I forgot you and only thought of Knox." There were still plenty of tears coming down mom's face.

"Thats my thing you got so mad at me for hitting Lance when I new, if it were Knox in my position. He would get away with it like he does everything else. That really hurt me and I never wanted to talk to you again." I was breaking on the inside saying that but was trying to stay calm on the out side.

"I know. I know I'll never get those years with you back and I'm sorry. Can I please try again. To make your life better then it is right know. I love you hunny and I'll try to make things better. Now that Lance is here we can all spend time together." He was trying his but to smile at me.

" Ok and what if nothing changes what am I to do then." I knew nothing would actually change and if it did it wouldn't be for me.

"You won't have to do anything. I'll make a change. Please, Lilac can we start over."

" Ok." I whispered softly.

Mom leand in and gave me a hug and whispered "I love you." I didn't reply. He stood up and walked out.

*Time skip to later that night*
*Play song here*
*Lance pov*

Having a new family is kinda confusing. Right know me and Keith are just laying in bed and cuddling while he sofly cries.

"Lance, when I decided to come back it was because I knew that you would have to meet them one day. I never thought that this would be how you found out. The first time I saw you in the coffee shop I was tariffed, but my heart started to pound. I knew that it was because I still loved you." Keith was whispering. "Lance tell me that you won't cheat on me again. That you'll help me, Lilac, and Knox get through this."

"Keith, I never ment for that to happen. When you left I went to the caffee everyday. I never stopped loving you. When you came back I new I couldn't lose you again. Then finding out that the twins were ours made everything so much more. My love for you grew." I was holding him as close as possible. "Keith I love you. I'll never stop loving you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I will be there no matter what."

*No pov*

In the end Lance and Keith got married and made Lilacs life so much better. They all became one family they were always together.

The end


So that was the end I couldn't think of anything else.

I do have another story that you can read it is Klance. It's called "My best friend lives on the other side if the state"

I'm sorry that this story was so short.

For the last time


I'm out pease.

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