day 2

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2d was woken up by the door rattleing. Murdoc was trying to open it again. He saw two cereal bowls on the floor and picked it up so murdoc wouldnt knock it over.

He sat down on the edge of the bath and put murdocs bowl on the sink and began to eat his breakfast. "Stop trying murdoc. Your gonna hurt yourself" 2d didnt care if murdoc hurt himself he just didnt was to get hit for it.

Murdoc glared at 2d for a few seconds. "Why should i? Im stuck in here with YOU. I dont care."

"But i do. Your stubb your toe and whack me in the head for it." He said with his mouth half full with soggy cearel.

Murdoc just rolled his eyes and sat next to 2d. He actully really liked spending time with 2d but he never trusted himself to even tell anyone.
He knew 2d was scared of him and he honestly hated it. He wanted to make it right but just one beer can mess it all up.

2d handed murdoc his bowl but murdoc put his hand in front of it "i hate milk in my cearel" he lightly growled "plus its all soggy and shit."

2d couldnt help but giggle and put murdocs bowl and his now empty bowl on the sink. They spent a few minutes in silence, just sat there starring at the floor. One occationally looking over at the other...

"Mudz." 2d broke the silence.


"Why do you hate me?"

Murdocs eyes widend. He didnt hate 2d, he never did. He was hoping the question would never cone but there it was...


Hey guys!

Thank you so much for being paitaint with me! Its currently 2:13 am on  a saterday. And all of this was made during school. I apologize for it being so short but

A) i like cliffhangers.
B) i dont know how to answer the question.
C) im talking to some peeps
And ..
D) im tired


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