Chapter 9

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Hey everyone! Sorry for the long wait. Like I said before, I have a hectic schedule at school with exams and stuff. I'll try to upload as soon as I can. Please don't hate on me or abandon the story because of my lazy ass updates. I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter.


"Veda, be my date" he said.

As soon as those words got registered in my slow functioning brain, I burst out laughing. But when I glanced up and noticed the serious look on Adam's face, I freaked out just as much I should have right when I heard him say that. Yup, I'm too dumb.

We definitely have grown to become good friends but this might probably destroy it. As far as high-school is concerned, gossips and rumors spread like forest fire, you can't do anything but watch. Going as his date will most probably earn me a lot of attention and might as well spoil his reputation.

Even though I want to be noticed and be the centre of attention, I don't think it's actually a good thing. Once you get noticed, you become popular, and then people slowly start invading your personal space which is definitely something I don't want.

"Are-are you serious?" I asked him and he responded with a nod.

"Do you even know that a student-teacher relationship can destroy your career as well as my school life?!"

"I just don't want you to go alone. This is not a real date!"

"Oh" was all I muttered.

"Wait, did you want to go out on an actual date with me?" he pointed to himself and I could see that glint of amusement on his face.

Did I? Did I want to go out with him? If we did go out it would be awesome. I surely am attracted to him, thanks to his sexy Greek God looks. But I don't know whether I like him more than a friend. And as far as I can see, he doesn't like me that way.

"No Mr. History teacher, if we were to go together to that ball everyone would think we're in a relationship, which we actually aren't. That might kindle all the problem." I replied.

"Oh Veda dear, if you want to kiss me all you gotta do is ask" he winked at me and I could see the cocky smirk on his stupid; correction: handsome face.

"Shut up already," I rolled my eyes.

"Look, nothing's going to affect my career or your studies. You do know how concerned I am about my reputation, so don't worry. We're just going there as a pair and probably you'll get some killer looks from your acquaintances but that's all. No one's gonna question us. It's the Mayor's birthday and everyone will be busy with their work. We won't even be noticed first of all," he explained.

Really? When did he get all that cocky?

"If no one's gonna notice anything, I would rather go alone," I stated as I crossed my arm across my chest.

"I'm not letting you go alone. As a good friend and your smoking hot history teacher, I think you should listen to me," he winked.

"Seriously? Smoking hot history teacher? Who put that idea into your head?"

My God, this guy is going to extremes!

"Scratch that; let's just say as your good friend, I'm suggesting that you consider my offer."

I heaved a long sigh before replying, "Okay, come pick me up at seven. But I still don't think this is a good idea. We need to be careful."

"Awesome. Will meet you tomorrow sweetheart," he winked as he got into his fabulous four-seater. Seriously, what's with all the winking?

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