Chapter 11

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Violet Baudelaires POV

I awoke. My vision was foggy as thoughts rushed and ran through my brain. Auntie E. I sat up quickly, followed by a heavy dizzy spell. "Woah, Woah, Woah." A stressed and sad Quigley said. I jumped out of bed and ran to exit. He ran after me and grabbed me. "Where are you going?" He asked, "Wheres your mum?" I asked back, worry heavily drenched in mine and his voice. I tried to escape his hold and run to find her but his grip was too strong. "Where is she?" I asked. "She's in surgery." Quigley said quietly. "How long was I asleep?" I asked. "A couple of hours." He repsonded. "Where are our siblings?" I asked. "Waiting outside your room." He replied. I tried walking out but fell while doing so. Quigley helped me up and once again wrapped his arm around my waist, supporting me to be able to walk. We exited my room to find Isadora, Klaus and Duncan sitting quietly on the chairs, Klaus and Duncan with their heads hanging, Isadora hugging her legs, which were curled up to her chest. Mom and Lemony were standing in a corner, having a heated conversation, they were holding hands, while Jacquelyn and Esme were nervously pacing around. Quigley lead us to two chairs near Isadora, Klaus and Duncan. It felt like we had been sitting there for hours, when a doctor exited Auntie E's room and said that she had finished surgery and was awake. We ran into her room trying to contain our happiness that she was alive and also trying to not overwhelm her. We sat next to her and held her hand lightly. She was on a machine that was delivering air to her lungs. Tears ran down my face, seeing her like that. "Mom? Are you okay?" Isadora asked. Auntie E nodded her head weakly. We sat there and stayed with her, holding her hand. She watched us and attempted to talk to us, but we didn't expect anything more from her. When Mom and Lemony walked in, we headed outside the room and stayed. I decided to take this time to explain to Quigley who Lemony was to Mom.

"Wow." He said when I had finished. I nodded my head before Mom and Lemony exited. Lemony looked at us and nodded. Quigley and I then walked back into the room and we sat with Auntie E again, holding her hand. We talked to her about everything and anything. Anything we could say to her to keep her with us. Her breathing became extremely heavy and we heard her wheezing lightly. I looked away before I could start crying again. It hurt me to see her like this and I could tell it hurt Quigley too. Isadora came in and started chatting up a storm with her Mom. At least she was staying the happy and cheerful Isadora that we know. She tried to include us into the conversations, but I don't think that neither Quigley nor I were in a very talkative mood. Mom and Lemony walked in and asked us to return back home to get something to eat and to update the others on what was going on. They promised to look after her, and despite us not wanting to leave Lemony still shooed Quigley, Isadora, Duncan, Klaus and I into the taxi and on our way to the apartment. At this point, I was so sick of taxi rides I tried to fight him, but that didn't work so I settled and lay down on Quigley's lap. He played with my hair a bit, which helped me relax and I found myself drifting off to sleep.

My eyes fluttered open as I realised I was in Quigley's arms. I smiled at the boy I loved. I tried to get up or convince him to put me down, but there was nothing I could say or do to help my case. He walked inside and sat me down on the dining table and sat next to me. We ate in silence until Quigley finished and informed the men on what was going on. I distracted Beatrice and Sunny with a happier version of what Quigley was telling the men. "We've found your uncle, Bea. He's a lovely man and I can't wait for him to meet you." I then had a thought. What if Lemony wanted to take Bea with him and continue to live on the lam? I kept my thoughts to myself, as I put on a fake smile trying not to scare them. They could tell it was fake. "Vi, you okay?" Bea attempted to ask. I nodded my head "I'm fine there's nothing to worry about." I said. They didn't believe it but they didn't ask any more questions. Quigley then found me and the girls in their room, he tilted his head towards outside and I nodded my head. "Alright girls, we're gonna go. Be good to everyone." I left their room and headed to the door. 

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