Chapter 12

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Violet Baudelaires POV

I was scared. I was scared to return to the apartment, to the others. I was scared to return without the Quagmires mother. I was scared to have to break the news to them. Lemony was driving Quigley, Beatrice and I back to the apartment in Jacques taxi while Jacquelyn, Mom and Esme went in Jacquelyn's car. Quigley held my hand, trying to calm my shaking. I needed to think. And my hair being in my face was making it impossible so I reached into my pocket and tried to tie my hair but my hands were shaking so much that I couldn't. Quigley took the ribbon out of my hands and tied it for me. I looked at him with gratitude and he responded with a small and sad smile. My shaking eventually calmed down, my hands in Quigleys reassuring ones. How was he staying so calm? We eventually pulled up to the apartment building. I couldn't do this. Before we walked in, I plastered on a fake smile. Everyone was sitting in the living room waiting. "Alright everyone grab and pack your things, we're going to go live in the last safe place." I couldn't help but notice everyone staring at Esme with fear and disgust. I felt the same way. We all went to our rooms and grabbed our belongings and then split ourselves between Jacquelyn's car and Lemony's taxi. There was a sad aura in the back of Lemony's taxi, radiating off Duncan, Isadora, Klaus and Fiona. It's like they knew even though we didn't tell them. Thankfully no one asked.

When we arrived at the last safe place we were all able to pick rooms. I thought the excitement of it all would take our minds off Auntie E. It worked for them, however not so much for Quigley and I. I found a sky blue room which had a desk in the corner, a queen-sized bed, a small sofa and a flat screen T.V. . Isadora just so happened to be fond of the room on my right, and Quigley was fond of the room to my left. Klaus's room was on the right of Isadora's and Duncans was on the right of Klaus's while Fionas was on the right of Duncans. I didn't pay much attention to where Moms room was or any of the other adults but I'm assuming Moms sharing with Lemony, Beatrice and Sunny. Once we settled into our own separate rooms, Quigley, Isadora, Klaus, Duncan and Fiona all ran into mine, holding pillows and blankets. As if we'd spend the night without each other. Isadora was the first to speak. "Wheres, Mom? Is she still in the hospital? How is she?" I couldn't do this not now. Tears glided slowly down my face, as I prepared in my head what to say. Luckily Quigley spoke up " She's among the angels now, watching over us with everything that we do." He stopped. "She'll never leave our side, she'll always be with us every step of the way." "no" Isadora whispered before running out of the room, massive droplets leaking out of her eyes. I ran after her. She had hidden in the corner of her room and was crying. I went and sat next to her, wrapping my arms around her shoulders. She leaned her head on my shoulder and wept. I cried with her, as we mourned over her mother.

I woke up on the sofa in Izzy's room. Thank God she was still fast asleep in her bed, though her pillow was stained wet. I made sure she was asleep and not faking it, then quietly exited and went into my room. Quigley snuck in from his room and placed himself next to me on the bed. "Isadora has been crying herself to sleep for the last week, and she keeps on waking up in the middle of the night. She hardly says anything to me or anyone at all. What do we do? This isn't the Isadora we know." I whispered. "Well, what do we do? How do we distract her?" Quigley asked. "I don't know! She's your sister!" I said back to him. "Hmm." He thought. "Back at home, her favourite food was pancakes and ice cream."He said, "And I know someone who knows how to make her happy." He continued while wiggling his eyebrows at me. I laughed silently at him. I knew he who he was talking about. "Well while Klaus is distracting her, we need to do the finishing touches on the memorial. We'll have it at the nearby church, and then your mothers' burial and afterwards we'll go for ice cream. That's already sorted out. We now need to know who wants to speak even though we're not going to have a lot of people attending. Everyone in the hotel is obviously coming and we'll need to send an invite to Mr Poe and Justice Strauss even though Justice Strauss didn't get to meet her. We also need to drop by Esme's home and Jeromes. Apparently, Esme wants to attend." I said. "Sounds like a plan." He said, I nodded my head then kicked him out playfully so that I could get ready. I wore a black skirt, with a white button-up blouse and black ballerina flats. I put some money in a wallet then walked out of my room and peeked my head into Isadora's. She was sitting on her bed staring at the wall. "You didn't even let me say goodbye." She knew I was there. " She wanted your last memory of her to be a happy one," I replied softly. "Quigley and I are going into the city today, do you want me to buy you anything?" I asked. I walked over to her and hugged her "No thank you." She said quietly. What am I going to do with her? How do I help her? "Sunny's making breakfast so why don't you change your clothes and go eat something?" She nodded her head in response so I got up and left the room, leaving her to get ready for the day. I peaked my head into Duncan's room and he was awake too.



"How are you feeling?"

"Alright, I guess."

"It is a curious thing, the death of a loved one. We all know that our time in this world is limited. And yet it is always a surprise when it happens to someone we know. It is like walking up the stairs to your bedroom in the dark, and thinking there is one more stair than there is. Your foot falls down, through the air, and there is a sickly moment of dark surprise as you try to readjust the way you thought things." I whispered

"That describes how I feel."

"I heard Lemony say it once."

I told him the plan for the day but in more detail than to what I told Isadora. I then exited and went to Fiona's room and told her the same that I had told Duncan. I went back to Quigleys room and knocked on the closed door. It opened slightly at my knock and I see Quigley staring down at his favourite map while running his fingers through his handsome hair. I walked over to him and knelt down next to where he was sitting. "Come on, we have to go now," I said to him calmly. He stood up and grabbed my hand. We walked out of his room and towards the exit of the library but were stopped by Mom and Lemony. "Be safe." Mom told us. We nodded our head before she gave both of us a hug. I also hugged Lemony and Quigley received a pat on the back from him. We then climbed up the ladder and out of the hidden library, quick to cover our tracks.

Our first destination was Justice Strauss' house. We reached there by the rickety trolley but it heavily impacted me being in front of her house. The treachery of Count Olaf's house was behind us and I was hit with nostalgia. I remembered the terrible things that happened while we were in his care. How he'd threatened to kill Sunny by dangling her from the window of his mysterious tower. Or how he tried to marry me. I closed my eyes trying to ignore a headache and the dizzy feeling that I had acquired. Quigley noticed and caught me before I fell. He helped me regain strength "Hey. Hey, It's okay. He's gone now he cant hurt you, or your siblings. Nor can he hurt me or my siblings. I'm right here with you-you're going to be fine." He said to me reassuringly. I nodded my head, remember the reason why we were here in the first place. We walked slowly to the front door and he knocked. We were greeted by Justice Strauss wearing her white powdery wig and she was holding a freshly made hot mug of tea. I watched the mug drop from her hand and I jumped back as she realised who I was. "Oh, my dear Violet!" She exclaimed and embraced me tightly. I hugged her back and she started crying. I felt tears in my eyes, trying to blink them away. "You're Safe!! And you're alive! Where have you been?" "I'm so sorry we didn't come sooner, we meant to but we've had a very eventful time since we arrived back in the city," I told her everything that had happened since we sailed off The Hotel Denouement and all of the unfortunate and fortunate events that followed after. When I had finished explaining to her she turned and looked at Quigley. "You must be Quigley Quagmire." He nodded and stuck out his hand for her to shake. "Nice to meet you-" Instead of Justice Strauss taking his hand she gave him a warm hug, "Its a pleasure to meet you, Quigley. I am so sorry to hear what happened to your mother. I promise she is in a better place." He nodded his head "I know she is." He responded quietly. I invited her to the memorial and gave her a hug once again before we turned to get back on the rickety trolley.

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