Hospital room (Gerard's POV)

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       "Brendon," Gerard said. "I'm gonna need you to calm down."

The gang was currently at the hospital for Ryan. Everyone of course, was upset, shaken up. But Brendon was on the verge of dying. He had been crying ever since they found Ryan's body. That was 4 hours ago.

"H-how the fuck, am I supposed to 'calm down'? My bestfriend is most likely dead." Brendon laid his head on Gerard's shoulder continuing to cry. Gerard put his arm around Brendon and tried to comfort him. While doing this, Gerard looked around to see if other friends were alright.  Marina was on her phone. Tyler was stretched out on Josh's lap asleep. Josh was reading a magazine. Dallon was talking to Andy and Joe. Patrick was watching Netflix on his phone and Pete was at the vending machine for the 5th time in  the last hour. Gerard realized that Brendon had stopped crying. He looked down and saw Brendon was asleep. The door to Ryan's room opened and out stepped his parents.

"How is he?" Gerard asked. Ryan's mom looked down.

"He's alright," she started. "he's alive, but we don't know what happened to him. The doctor's can't determine what happened to him." Gerard nodded in response. "He'll be alright right?" Ryan's dad spoke up. "The doctor said he'll be fine. So that's what we're going to believe." There was silence for a second. "Well," Ryan's mom said. "we're going to head out. You guy's be careful." Gerard nodded. "Take care Mr. and Mrs. Ross." Gerard said. They gave a smile before heading to the elevator. A doctor soon came out of Ryan's room. "Um, hello guys." the doctor announced to the room. Those who were awake looked at the doctor. "Ryan is now available for visits, but we are asking only 2 people in the room at a time." Gerard raised his hand. "Brendon and I will go first." The doctor nodded and walked out of the waiting room. Gerard looked down and nudged Brendon.

"Wake up Beebo," He said. "we're gonna see Ryan." Brendon's eyes opened and he sat up. "What?!" he yelled, causing the rest of the group to look at him.

"First of all," Gerard started. "don't yell, and second, we can go see Ryan now." Brendon jumped up. "What room?" Gerard checked the paper he was given. "322" Brendon nodded quickly in response and darted down the hall.

When Gerard walked into the room he saw Brendon standing over Ryan. "You ok Bren?" Gerard asked, shutting the door behind him. Brendon sniffled wiping his eyes. "No," Brendon said. Gerard went in for a hug. Brendon accepted. Brendon buried his face in the crook of Gerard's neck. "I just wanna know what happened to him." Gerard rubbed Brendon's back. "We'll find out." Gerard said. "We just have to wait." Brendon sniffled again. "Ok," he said. "I'm ready to go back out in the waiting room." Gerard nodded and they went back to the waiting room. "Alright," Brendon said. "who's next?" Dallon and Marina jumped up. "Us!" The pair ran down the hall and went into Ryan's room. Gerard sat down next to his brother. "How are ya, Milky?" Mikey looked up at his older brother and rolled his eyes. "I'm fine." he said flatly.

"Aw, what's wrong?" Gerard asked. "This situation have you messed up?" Mikey shrugged. "Yeah." he replied. Gerard wrapped his arm around him. "Tell me what you're feeling?" Mikey let out a sigh and began to speak.

"I don't know. I guess it's the fact that whoever did this to Ry, is still out there and he could potentially do the same thing to us, except this time, we won't be alive. I guess I'm just... paranoid, and anxious." Gerard sat there trying to think of what to say in response. "Mikey," Gerard started. "you know I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. I'll protect you." Mikey sighed. "I know, but..." Mikey trailed off. Neither of them knew what to say. So, they sat in a comfortable silence, Mikey laying his head on his older brother's shoulder. Gerard's arm wrapped around Mikey's shoulders.

Gerard must've fallen asleep, because he woke up still in the waiting room. He looked over and saw Mikey, asleep on his shoulder. He looked around the room. Everyone was asleep, except Pete. "When the fuck are we going home?" Pete said, annoyance in his voice. "You could've left a long time ago." Gerard said. "Good." Pete grabbed his jacket and went to wake up Patrick. "Come on Stumpy, we still have school tomorrow." Patrick groaned. "I texted my mom and she said I didn't have to go tomorrow." Pete continued getting his things. "Well, I still have to go, and my dad is probably pissed so we need to head home." Patrick sat up. "What if he wakes up?" Pete rolled his eyes. "Petey, baby please let's just stay, for another hour." Pete sat back down. "Fine, another hour." Patrick gave a toothy grin.

"So, Gee." Pete said. Gerard looked at him. "Where's Frank? We haven't seen him since Dallon's party." Gerard ran his hand through his red hair. "I uh, I'm not too sure." Pete nodded his head slowly. "So, is he mad at the fact that you and Ray hooked up?"

"Why are you worried about this? It's my relationship, let me handle it." Gerard snapped. Pete put his hands up in surrender. "Fuck man, I'm sorry." Gerard uttered a 'mhm' and pulled out his phone. A few minutes went by in silence, when the doctor came in the room. "I have great news," he started. Gerard, Pete, and Patrick (who is still awake) perked up. "Ryan, is awake. We're doing some tests to see if he's alright, but in a few minutes you can go in and talk to him." The trio nodded and the doctor went back to Ryan's room. Pete began waking everyone up.

Those few minutes went super slow. But the doctor finally came back. Before he could say anything, the group shot up and ran into Ryan's room. There he was, awake, and smiling. Brendon pushed through the crowd and stood in front of Ryan's bed. "Ryan!" Brendon yelled. "Brendon!" he yelled back. They all said hi to each other, and told him how much they missed him and how worried they were. Finally they all go to the question all of them had been wondering. "So Ryro," Gerard started. "What happened. ?" The group all looked at Ryan.


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