Help Me (Ryan's POV)

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"Alright Ryan, How have you been?" The doctor asked. Ryan stared at the roof. "Fine." he replied flatly. The doctor jotted something down on his notepad. "Any pains?" Ryan shook his head. The doctor jotted something down. "Any memories coming back." Ryan shook his head. "Nope." The doctor jotted down notes. "Any-" Ryan cut the doctor off. "Why the hell are you asking me these same questions you asked yesterday? No, I'm not having pains, no, I don't remember shit, so stop fucking asking." The doctor stood there dumbfounded. "Alright," he said standing up. "I'll let you be." With that he walked out the room. Ryan sighed and looked out the window. He's been feeling funny since he woke up. He's heard these... voice's in his head. Tearing him apart. Telling him awful things, giving him awful dreams.  Ryan was also tired of being kept in this boring ass room all day 24/7 . Ryan had enough. He threw his feet over the side of the bed, standing up. He held onto the green wall for balance. How the hell do you forget to walk? Ryan inched his way towards the window. He looked around for a way to open it. Nothing. Well shit that plan back fired. "The chair, throw it."  the voice in his head said. Ryan tried to ignore it. Nope. It wasn't going away. Eventually, he gave in using what little strength he had , to throw the chair, shattering the glass. Ryan sat on the ledge and threw his legs over. "HEY! STOP!" a voice from behind him said. Ryan turned around and saw a nurse inching her way towards him. "Please, don't do this... come with me I'll get you help." Ryan flipped her off and jumped, 5 stories below.

He hit the ground with a thud. He looked up and saw the nurse looking down at him. There was no way he was going back in that building. Ryan used what little strength he had to get up and run. Ryan ran, and ran. He felt like he had no control of his body. He didn't know where he was going, all he knew was he was slowly getting there. Finally, he reached a building. A giant white building. "Go inside." The voice told him. Ryan obeyed and made his way to the door.

Ryan stepped inside the building. It was a blinding white. What was this place? A man walked up to Ryan. He had silver hair, he was tall and wearing a suit with a white lab coat. Most likely a doctor. "Ah, Ryan. Glad to see he brought you back." he said. Ryan had a confused look on his face. "Who brought me back?" The man just smiled. "Follow me." said, totally avoiding the question. The man grabbed Ryan's wrist and took him down a hallway. Ryan tried to pull away, but the man's grip got tighter.

Ryan stepped into a blinding white room. "Sit." the man said sternly, pointing to a chair. Ryan obeyed and sat on the chair. "Can you please tell me where I am?" Ryan asked. The man was moving things around on a counter. He washed off medical tools that Ryan hoped weren't used. The man turned around to reveal he was holding a needle. "W-what are you gonna do with that?"  The man stepped closer grabbing Ryan's arm. "You want to know where you are right?" Ryan nodded. "You want to know what's happening, right?" Ryan nodded once more. "Ok then, you're going to have to let me do this." The man then stabbed Ryan with the needle. Ryan winced in pain. "This medicine in here," the man started.  "will paralyze you, but only temporarily." The man wasn't lying. Within seconds, Ryan wasn't able to move his arms, his legs, not even his mouth. All he was able to do was blink and look around. The man threw the needle in the near by bin and came back in front of Ryan. The man knelt down in front of Ryan, his face inches away from his crotch. Ryan's heart dropped.  The man lifted up Ryan's hospital gown. He began to fondle Ryan, and Ryan couldn't do anything to stop it. All he could think was "Help me."

The minutes went by slow. Ryan was sure 15 minutes had passed. The man finally stood up, buckling his pants. The guy smiled a creepy smile and licked the side of Ryan's face. "You taste amazing hun." he said. A single tear running down Ryan's cheek.  The man pulled up a chair and sat in front of Ryan. "Ok," he started. "the reason you're here... we're trying to conduct a mind control test, to see if we can give people the ability to move things with their minds.  We chose you because you were drunk and vulnerable.  "What the fuck is going on?"

Hey!  This chapter was dark and I'm sorry. I wanted to thicken the plot and I didn't know how else to do it. Don't worry... Ryan will get revenge >:3 I'm going to write one more chapter tonight.. Maybe another who knows. See you in the next chapter- Tim

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