TAKE VIII- Disastrous Night.

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    “I am not going to rob! This is my house!” I yelled, protesting for the 123456789th time. The huge man in a bodyguard suit shook his head vigorously.

    “I’m sorry, young lady but I can’t trust you. There’s been so many robbing cases lately. I can’t let you climb the gate.” he said in a loud voice, fighting the sound of the rain that’s been pouring like cats and dogs since just now.

    Akashi’s driver had gone away, leaving me in front of my house, speechless. Because Shiori probably had fallen asleep and there were no electricity, I can’t ring the bell so I tried to climb the gate but then a bodyguard that guards the whole housing area saw me and threatened to call the police as he thought I’m a robber even though I refused for so many times.

    “It’s impossible, I’m a girl I can’t just rob peo—“

    “It’s not impossible, it’s just rare.” He cut me off.

    “No, please—“

    “No more argues, dear lady. You better go or I’ll call the police.” He said sternly. I gaped and bit my lower lip then glanced at the outside.

    “Just let me shelter myself—“


    “Okay then, lend me your umbrella—“


    I glared at him before turning away. The rain is threatening but for my sake, I had to brave it. So I walked aimlessly, shivering because of the coldness creeping within. I was completely drenched like COMPLETELY LIKE YOU WON’T BELIEVE IT. Where should I go now!?

    The bakery!

    I walked down the road and glad that the bakery had a sheltered porch. I sighed with relief and sat down on one of the chair. Great, I just realized I’ve been dragging my school bag on my shoulder along the way. I zipped it open and groaned. All my books and papers and all sorts of homework are wet! I wanted to cry but knew better not to.

    My phone is okay since it’s waterproof; thanks Sony Xperia. I had an unread message from an hour ago.

From: Shiori.

I’m sorry Kazuto. It seems that there’s no electricity and I can’t open the gate. The main problem is right now, I’m damn sleepy and I can’t hold it anymore. So you’d be safe in the rain by staying over at your friend’s house. It’s a girl, right? You wrote ‘her’, so you’ll be alright. I’ll come fetch you at 5am tomorrow to prepare for school. Okie? ;)

Love, Shiori <3

    I yelled something unintelligible to my own self and comically cried, burying my head into my bag. WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME!? I SHOULD BE AT HOME CUDDLING UNDER THE SOFT BLANKET RIGHT NOW IF I WEREN’T INVOLVED WITH THAT REDHEAD!!!!

    I mentally cursed at myself countlessly as I stared at the empty road. The rain is so heavy that there’s barely a car passing by. Now.... I can’t sleep here. Someone will kidnap me! Shiro’s house!! Ah.... but I don’t know where. I have no choice, I need to ask around for Akashi’s household since he’s so famous! BUT WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO FIND PEOPLE IN THIS HEAVY RAIN AT 11PM!? I wanted to cry again but pulled myself together.

    Of course, what’s the use of this phone I’ve been holding since just now!? I dialed Reo’s number. He wasn’t picking up as the beep went on endlessly. Come on, Reo! Where are you when I needed you the most!? I whined over and over. Someone, please! I gripped my phone tight and threw my head back, shutting my eyes close. I am shivering, it’s so cold I could actually hear my teeth chattering and feel my slightly parted lips shaking.

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