TAKE XXV- Free Fall

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A/N: Unedited. I know I am supposed to update "You're My Rainbow" but you can't predict ideas :3 sorry. And yesh, please enjoy <3


    Sunday came. For some reason, I seemed to be damn nervous. All the clothes don’t seem to fit my appearance today—wait…. WHY AM I EVEN CONSIDERING WHAT I SHOULD WEAR!?!! JUST TO SEE THAT MIDGET! My phone rang.


    “I’m outside.” Akashi’s voice echoed.

    “WAIT—“ I tossed the phone to my bed without pressing the “end” button. “I’M NOT EVEN DRESSED YET!” I yelled.

    “Kazu! Akashi’s outside!” Shiori called from downstairs.

    “I’M COMING!”

    “I bet you’re not even dressed yet.” Suddenly Shiori appeared on the door. “See? Told you.” She smirked.

    I cursed at myself. “Ugh!”

    Eventually, what I wore was a plain maroon t-shirt and black slim pants. I wore my socks, brushed my hair a bit and rushed downstairs. “Bye, Shiori!” I waved at her and exited the house. Akashi was standing by the door, chuckling at my appearance.

    “Funny how you haven’t even dressed when I arrived. I thought you’re wearing some kind of cosplay outfit ‘cause you were so late.” He said and we walked down the road.

    “Hey hey I woke up late, okay! Don’t get the wrong idea!” I lied. Truth be told, I woke up at 6 and helped Shiori with house chores and took shower at 9. I searched for an outfit for an hour before Akashi called.

    “Yeah, really.”

    “It’s true!”

    “I didn’t say it was false.”


    He reached out his hand for my hair and did something. I looked at him. “Your hair was like Medusa.” He commented.


    Rolling my eyes, I punched his chest hard.

    “Done.” He muttered and we continued to walk.

    “Where are we going?” I asked.

    He glanced at me. “Where do you wanna go?” he queried.

    I tilted my head and thought for a while. “I to the D to the K.”

    “From Iran to Dubai to Korea?”

    I ‘tch’-ed.


    In the end, we ended up in Akashi’s manor, to fetch Snowy. “Snowy darling! Mummy’s here to fetch you! Let’s have some fun!” I shouted as soon as I entered his room and saw Snowy on his bed. Akashi’s father is out for business and those who left in his mansion were his butlers and maids.

    Snowy mewed and rubbed its face on my chest. “How’s Daddy taking care of you? Is he good?” I whispered in its ear.

Oh shit.

    Daddy again huwaaaarghh!! This is a bad habit!

    “Daddy took care of you just fine, right Snowy?” Akashi played along.

    I shot a death glare at him. “Stop it!”

    “You started it.” He shrugged.

    I pouted and got out, following him outside, bringing Snowy along. He refused his driver’s offer to bring him to his destination. After a few minutes, he glanced at me. “You want to try riding a horse?” he queried.

Defying Gravity: Free Fall [Akashi Seijuro X OC]Where stories live. Discover now