Fate of the Blondes

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"They've all got plans."
The Doctor flipped random switches and walked around the console jiggling nobs and pushing buttons.
"Weddings and finals."


The Doctor sometimes forgot that real life was important to her fam too. She squared her shoulders and smiled for herself, just to get her spirits out of the dumps.
"That's alright! I can manage on my own for a bit."
She smiled and looked about her TARDIS.
"What do you think Ghosty?? Should we look for some adventure?"
The TARDIS make a wheezing noise and the Doctor smiled. "Alright!!"
She pressed some keys on the randomizer and shoved the throttle.
And with that the TARDIS was off!!


"Oy! OYAA!" Jenny pulled her fingers out of the panel as sparks shocked and burned her hand. She shook her hand and pressed her fingers to her lips, as if that would make them feel better.
"That was very rude!" She scolded her ship. Except her ship was just a normal space clunker, no soul or consciousness at all. She only spoke to it to distract herself from the loneliness that would often set in when the adventures were at a stand still. She hesitated before going back in and connecting the wires. Suddenly the dim lights returned to their normal yellow glow.
"See? Was that so hard?"


Jenny's shoulders slumped a little and she crawled into her cubby. She stared up at the roof of the little slot in the wall where her bed was. After a minute or two her mind began to wander, soon the buzz of her ships hydraulics lulled her into an uneasy sleep. Her mind drifted to memories as she slept. It started with adventures and fights, friends that came and went. For her it had been thirty years since she had seen her father, since she had died in his arms. But her regeneration energy kept her young. Because she was from a machine, somehow she remained the same person when she regenerated, which she had done twice now. The first time was terrifying. She had been stabbed through the heart with a Dedarian saber blade. The teeth on those things are wicked. When it happened, she felt like she was falling, exploding and getting turned inside out, all at the same time. It was all very scary. That had been the one time in all her travels that she had wanted her Dad.


Jenny's mind floated into the oldest memories she had.
Those of her father.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Jenny suddenly woke to the sound of her ships proximity alert. She jolted up banging her head on the short ceiling. "Augh.." She pressed her hand to he temple and forced herself out of bed. She went to the console. The alarm stopped and she checked the readings. There was a blip. That was it. "Must be a glitch." She thought to herself.
Upon an double check however, she noticed that there was a huge energy reading coming from one of the cities on the planet below. It didn't match the signature of the planet's native technology.
Might as well check it out.
She sat down and switched on her engine. "Allons-y."
Jenny turned the ship and hit the gas.

~Two days later, for Jenny~
~Four minutes and twelve seconds for the Doctor~

The TARDIS stopped and the Doctor laughed as she lost her balance and fell on her back. She popped up to see where they were. "What have you got for me Ghosty?" The nickname had stuck and the Doctor was pretty sure that she liked it.
Doc checked her scanners and messed with the display. "Ooh! Terika-Four!! Fun!" She scrunched her face. "So much better than the third one." Her monitor beeped. "Woah-wait. What's that?" She saw the energy signal. And it was pulsing at full power. "That's not good."
She slammed the main throttle down and headed in.
Once she set the TARDIS down she opened the door and stepped out.
Before she even had the chance to pull out her sonic and scan, a girl scrambled around the corner.
"RUN!!" The woman yelled. As she came speeding by she grabbed the Doctor's hand and yanked her with her.
The Doctor was swept away and for the first time in a really long time, she was the one being pulled by the hand of a spunky Blonde that told her to run.
"This hasn't happened since Rose." Doc thought to herself.
The girl pulled her down the block and into an ally where she shoved the Doctor behind a dumpster. And then dropped beside her, peaking around the side of the dumpster, her back to the Doctor.
The Doctor sucked in a labored breath. What was this pain? Was she out of breath? That NEVER happens.
Seven armed Tarikan temple guards rushed by and the girl finally leaned back against the wall, a sigh of relief passing her lips.
"That was close."
The Doctor looked at her, getting her first good look at her face.
In that moment both of her hearts stopped.
She looked upon the face of someone she thought had been lost to her. Dead for a millennia.

She was alive.

Her daughter.


Doc's face was white and she was struck completely mute.

Jen finally caught her breath and smiled at the Doctor, offering her hand. "Hello by the way! So good to meet you, I'm Jenny."


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