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"I can see that!"
The Doctor let up her hand to catch the device as Jenny threw it. She activated it and blasted the generator. That was the final blow needed to keep it open long enough to suck the alien tech and the evil master mind along with it. The Doctor slid into the same spot where Jenny was just in time to escape the approaching gravity field.
After a moment of holding on for dear life, the gravity well pulled closed and everything settled. The Doctor looked at Jenny and they both burst out laughing.
"Did you see that?! I cannot believe you actually convinced him you were with the Structural Integrity Association!" Jenny mused.
The Doctor nodded enthusiastically. "I don't think there even is such a thing." She commented. She caught her breath and flipped Jenny's sonic in her hand.
"Another day done, another world saved." She smiled and handed the device back to Jenny.
She popped up and offered Jenny a hand. "Come on." She said with a smile, but her tone had evened out a bit now, seeming to hide something that was a little more serious. "I want to show you something."
Jenny took her hand. "What's that then, Jane?" Jenny asked curiously. The Doctor winced a little at the name. It wasn't right that she was calling her that.
"My ship!" The Doctor finished.
They went to the same street that they had met on and the Doctor walked up to the TARDIS.
Jenny laughed. "You came in that? Oh sweet heart we need to get you a ship, this will never do!" Jenny joked.
The Doctor grinned. "Try me." She pushed both doors open and Jenny's face lit up in wonder. She slowly entered and gaped at the massive size of the place. "No way! It's dimensionally transcendental!!" Jenny spun around!
Of course she knew how it worked.
"Yes well, MOST people say it's bigger on the inside but I expect nothing less from you." The Doctor said as she closed the doors.
"It's incredible...the only planet with this technology is..." Jenny looked at the Doctor. "Is the Time Lords.."
The Doctor watched her quietly. Wanting to see if she might piece it together herself.
They had just spent this adventure together for the past two days and they had really hit it off. The doctor had wanted to wait a little before she told Jenny who she was. She prayed that Jenny wouldn't be mad at her for being gone so long, let alone regenerating!
But it had been over 1,500 years and three regenerations since she had last seen Jen. She had needed time too.
" father. He was the last." Jenny looked at the Doctor, stepping back a little.
The Doctor forced a smile. "Regeneration can be trippy, never know what you are gonna get." She smiled but let it fade as Jenny put it all together.
"....Doctor?" The Doctor nodded. "Yeah. Here I am." She held her arms up and spun around once. "Do you like it? I'm just running this face in. Brand new."
Jenny shook her head. "It's been so so long, I thought I would never see you again." There were tears in her eyes. But there was a little smile too.
"I didn't either. But look at you!" The doctor stepped closer. "Jenny you are saving the world. Having adventures! Got your own ship! For someone who should be dead you are doing amazing!"
Jenny laughed and wiped her eyes. "I really missed you. Sometimes I wanted to stop, but I knew that somewhere out kept going."
The doctor placed her hands on Jenny's shoulders. "And because you kept going, here we are. Together. Like we should be. Because you are my daughter and that hasn't changed."
Jenny shocked the Doctor as she wrapped her arms totally around her in a tight hug. Happy tears stained the Doctor's jacket as her face squished into her mother's shoulder.
The Doctor held Jenny's head and laid her own upon Jenny's.
"I found you, and I remember you."
She assured. "I won't leave you behind ever again." She pulled away and held Jenny's face gently in her hands. "Have you got
Jenny nodded and wiped her eyes again. "Okay." She hugged her again. "It's gonna be weird calling you mum." She joked.
The doctors eyes widened. "I'm a mum! That's new!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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