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'You saw anything?' Jisung says while pushing a hand full of fries in his mouth.

'No, he put his hand for his mouth. And his hair was just normal, but cute' Hyunjin says while drinking his milkshake.

'Weird, it must be really bad if he's ashamed of it's

'Yeah, I guess' Hyunjin says. 'But he really didn't like it while I was talking about it so I think I should stop'

'Are you serious! No, no you have to!' Jisung says.

'Well, I still have a heart instead of you' Hyunjin mumbled.

'Sometimes a little to much. But why would you not be nice to one of the guys who have been annoying an bullying us for 1 year' Jisung said.

'Stop, I could see he went trew some shit. I mean, he convinced the principle that he could wear a mask and a beanie to school. We can't do that' Hyunjin says while standing up to pay for his food.


'Seungmin? Seungmin!' Minho screamed. 

Seungmin his head shot up.

'W-what?' he said while yawning.

'Why are you so damn tired bro?' Changbin asked.

'Just, studying' Seungmin sighed

Minho and Changbin looked at each other.

'Seriously? You, learning? What's this?' Minho said laughing.

'Well, maybe I want to get my exams and leave this shit school' he said while packing his books.

'I will skip last period. See you tomorrow' Seungmin said while pulling his beanie in right place.

He stood up and walked out of the class. The teacher rolled his eyes and started typing things on his laptop.

'He's acting strange, don't you think?' Felix said.

'Do you think it has something to do with-' Changbin started.

'No, it can't be' Minho mumbled while looking at the door his best friend just walked out.

Seungmin walked out of the classroom and walked straight to the library.

Hyunjin his head shot up when he heard the door open.

'Hey, I thought you still had class?' Hyunjin asked.

'How did you know?' Seungmin said with a confused face.

'Totally not checked your schedule' Hyunjin chuckled.

Seungmin rolled his eyes while secretly smilling.

'So did you do what is asked you to do?' Hyunjin said.

'Yes I did. I worked on it all night. I hope I did it well' Seungmin says while getting his book out of his back.

'Uhm, I mean yes but I just scrabbled something on' Seungmin quickly said giving Hyunjin the papers.

'Hm, yeah sure' Hyunjin said smilling while looking at all the work Seungmin had done.

'I'm proud of you Seungmin! I knew you could do it!' Hyunjin said and placed his own work on the table.

'Now if only Jisung would show up-' Hyunjin said while being cut off by a door slamming open.

'Okay, here I am. I'm so sorry. There was traffic and shit' Jisung said out of breath.

'It's okay, you're just in time. Look, we did all the work. Now only yours and we're almost done'

'Okay, so here's the thing' Jisung laughed. 'I didn't really make it' he said while looking down.

'HAN JISUNG, WHY?' Hyunjin said while standing up.

'I'm so sorry Hyunjin, it's just that Minho had a game and-'

'I don't give a damn fuck about your asshole boyfriend!' Hyunjin said and walked towards Jisung.

Seungmin was still sitting at the table smilling at the whole thing going on.

'He's not my-' Jisung tries to say, but gets cut of by Hyunjin.

'You know the damn deal'

'Yes, I know it' Jisung said while looking down.

'Then say it!' Hyunjin said almost screamed but saw the librarian looking mad at him.

'When you don't make your homework your out' Jisung squealed.

'Yes, indeed. So?' Hyunjin said calmed.

'I'm out'

'Yes, go to the teacher and say you need a new group. Bye Jisung' Hyunjin said while waving.

'Bye, see you tonight sis' Jisung said while waving at Hyunjin.

'See you!' Hyunjin said while blowing kisses at Jisung.

'Well, that escalated quickly!' Seungmin laughed.

'Yeah, well. He's used to it. I'm just really serious about school' Hyunjin said while lifting his shoulders.

'I like this side of you' Seungmin smirked.

'Well enjoy it, because you don't see it a lot'

'I will' Seungmin said.

'So, now it's just the two of us I guess' Hyunjin said kinda happy Jisung didn't make his homework.

Guess who's back?
So I didn't post a new chapter last week, I'm so sorry.
School has been killing me :((
But I kinda like this chapter, so yeah :))

xx Ylse

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