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'You annoying piece of shit' Jaewon whispers in Seungmin his ear.

Seungmin doesn't like to show it, but Yeji notices how scared he looks.

'If I'm so annoying, why do you keep me with you!' Seungmin screams.

'Hush baby, you're just so easy to manipulate' Jaewon says while smirking.

Yeji is still on top of the toilet seat, speechless and very uncomfortable with what is happening.

And without a warning Jaewon punches Seungmin in the face.

Seungmin crumbles to the ground.

But Jaewon wasn't done, he starts kicking him in his stomach.


Jaewon turns around.

'Who is there!' he screams and walks towards the toilet stall where he heard the sound coming from.

He kicked the door in and sees a girl with her hand in the toilet and coming back with a phone.

'What the fuck are you doing here?' Jaewon asks trying to keep his patience.

'Taking a wee! What else does it look like' Yeji says as she's trying to dry her phone with her dress.

Can't a girl get some privacy in her?' she says and flushed the toilet.

'The better question is. What are you doing here' Yeji says and points here finger towards Jaewon and walks his way.

Seungmin is still sitting on the ground looking at what's happening with big eyes.

'Seungmin get the fuck out here' Yeji says and points towards the door.

'Don't you dare Seung-' but he was cut off by Yeji.

'Don't say another word you psycho!' she says.

'You're lucky you're a girl, otherwise I would have punched you in the face already!' he says.

Yeji scoffed and looked at Seungmin. But he wasn't their anymore.

She smirks and says 'do it pussy' and looks him straight into his eyes.

But before Jaewon could say a word Yeji, with all her power, kicks him in the balls.

'Ughhh' Jaewon moans and falls down.

'Little bitch!' Yeji whispers and looks at the door opening and Hyunjin, Chan and Changbin comming in.

'Where's Seungmin?' Yeji asks.

'He went to Minho, but what the fuck Yeji?' Hyunjin says as he looks at the guy moaning on the ground.

'I kicked him in his balls' Yeji says proud.

'With what? A rock?' Changbin says.

'Hmm, no but close tho! My heels' she says and looks at here black heels.

'Nice! But Seungmin said the phone with the footage fell in the toilet' Chan says concerned.

'Yeah, but surprise' she says and grabs the phone out of her handbag and turns it on.

'It's waterproof' she says and smiles at the 3 boys.


'I'm staying in the car because 10 people is a lot of people to storm into a police office' Woojin says as he parks his car infront of the police office.

'Okay?' he says and looks behind him and sees 7 boys and 1 girl being squashed against eachother.

'I'm gonna stay here too' Chan says.

Woojin smiles and unlocks his car.

'Okay get of me now' Hyunjin says and pushes Minho almost out of the car.

'Uhm hallo?' Minho says and looks at a laughing Jisung who jumps out of the car.

'Don't forget to take Jaewon and Changbin out of the trunk!' Felix yells.

Minho opens the trunk and Changbin jumps out of it.

'He's not going to be waking up for a while' he says and rubs his knuckles.

'That's so hot' Felix says and grabs Changbins arm.

'You're ready?' Woojin asks and looks at Seungmin sitting in the passenger seat.

'As ready as ever' Seungmin says. But before he goes he turns around. 'I'm sorry Woojin, for being a dick'.

'It's all good lil bro' Woojin says and ruffles Seungmins hair. 'Go get em'

Seungmin smiles and walks to the group and pushes himself between Hyunjin and Yeji.

As they walk away Seungmin sneaks his hand around Hyunjins waist.

Woojin rolls his eyes and smiles. He's happy everything worked out. He always felt like a mom or dad to Jisung and Hyunjin and seeing them happy made him also feel happy.

'Hey' Chan says opening the door to the passenger seat.

'Hi' Woojin says. Not taking his eyes of the boys.

'I'm happy everything worked out. I was genuinely scared it wasn't gonna work. I mean, Jaewon can be quite scary some times and-'

But he was cut of by Woojins lips.

'What are you doing. I was talking' Chan says smirking when Woojin pulled back.

'I don't know. I'm just happy that all of us are friends. Never knew the 9 of us would would work so well together' Woojin says.

'Neither did I. But it did, and I really hope we're going to stay togheter for a long time' Chan says.

'Same' Woojin says and smiles.


Did I write that woochan part just to hurt your ot9 heart? Maybe, idk.
Yes this is the end, but wait! There is going to be a epilogue about how everything went:)
Thanks for sticking with me through 2019/2020

xx Ylse

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