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'You what?' Chan said surprising. 'W-why did you think that was a good idea?' he said as he still couldn't believe what just happend.

'Don't be so overdramatic, I just wanted to talk to him' Hyunjin said innocent.

'We know you longer than today. For the 100th time, stop trying to get his attention!' Chan said kind of mad.

'It's already a thing that Jisung has a crush on Minho, we don't need you too'

'I don't have a crush, I've never even seen his face!' Hyunjin says pissed.

'Okay guys, can you stop?' Woojin said. 'Look Hyunjin, Chan just doesn't want him to break your heart just like Minho did to Jisung' he says. 'I know Seungmin, he's not the guy to be friends with, especially with you'

'I just wanted to be nice' Hyunjin mumbled.

'We know, you always want to' Chan says annoyed. Woojin gives him a warning face and then focuses on Hyunjin again.

'It's just that we've been in a fued with these guys for 1 year now. We don't trust them' Woojin says trying to calm Hyunjin.

'Okay, I get it. I will stay back. And I'm sorry Chan' Hyunjin apologised.

'It's okay' Chan says and smiles towards Hyunjin.


But for Hyunjin it wasn't okay.

They have been in a on going fight for the past year. How has he never seen the boys face.

It's that he always has a hoodie and a mask on.

It had annoyed Hyunjin a lot for the past 1 year.
He'd always try to snatch his hoodie or mask but Seungmin is always escaping him.

He has a feeling that their is something good in the boy. He always had.

'Flashback 1 year ago'

'Have you heard it? Their are 3 new guys' Jisung said very exciting.

'What are you so happy for?' Chan mumbled.

'Well, they're really hot. Well atleast 2 of them. I couldn't really see the other guy his face' Jisung said disappointed.

When Hyunjin saw them walking past in the last period his hart skipped a beat.

Not for the two handsome boys. But for the quiet one in the back, whose face you couldn't see.

'Cute' he whispered to himself

'End flashback'

The reason of their fight is still a bit complicated amd dumb.

They just don't match.

Both groups are populair.
But also so different.


'So today we're going to make groups of 3 and make  a project' their teacher says while smilling.

'You get to pick your partner yourself. But when I notice you don't so your work I will remove you from the group' she said in all seriousness.

'Soo, I guess that's easy' Jisung smiled at Hyunjin.

Hyunjin smiled back but couldn't stop looking at the small boy behind Jisung.

'Owh Seungmin doesn't have partners yet. You know what, you're very quiet so why don't you go to Jisung and Hyunjins group? Maybe you guys can help eachother!' the teacher said.

Changbin and Minho laughed at Seungmin but stopped when he gave them a dirty look.

'So, who is going to do what?' Jisung said to break the akward silence (😏).

'First off all can you not look at me like that. It fucking annoys me' Seungmin spits at Hyunjin who kept looking at Seungmin.

'Wow, someone snapped' Jisung whisperd.

Hi, here i am again:)
Its 11:25 pm at he moment and i have to wake up at 6:50 am for work sooo. Maybe i should go to bed :) because ya girl can never fucking SLEEP.
I'm getting to tired of it mentally and physically 🙄🙄

xx Ylse
Love y'all

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