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'Oh my fucking god!' Jisung said and stormed in Hyunjin room.

Hyunjin his head shut up and looked at Jisung. 'What happend? You didn't like, kill him. Right?'

'No! He confessed and now he's my fucking boyfriend' Jisung said while jumping around in his room.

'You lucky bastard' Hyunjin said and grabbed Jisungs hands to jump with him.

'I have a boyfriend' Jisung said and started jumping on the bed.


'And the boom, we kissed' Jisung said moving his hands.

'Yes Jisung, you told me 100 times' Hyunjin said rolling his eyes.

'I'm sorry Hyunjin, I'm just so happy' Jisung said. 'Oh look whose their' he said happy.

Hyunjin looked up and saw Minho walking their way.

'Hi babe, what's up' Minho said and kissed Jisung on his head.

'Hyunjin stop making barf sounds please' Jisung said looking at Hyunjin with a serious face.

'Okay, well I'm going to class already' he said and waved the couple goodbye.

He still couldn't stand Minho. And he thinks Chan isn't going to be happy hearing the news about the 2.

Hyunjin walked in to the chemistry classroom and sat down at his assigned seat.

He looked around and noticed a small person sitting at the table in the corner.

'Oh, hi. I didn't know that there were more people here' he said looking at the boy.

When the boy noticed that Hyunjin was their he quickly grabbed his books and put them in his bag.

'Oh wait, no don't go' Hyunjin said and walked after the boy.

He wanted to grab his hand but the boy took his hand back really quick. While doing that he moved so fast that his hood fell off.

'Seungmin?' Hyunjin said, almost not recognising the boy.

'What happend to you?' he said looking at all the bruises and scars he had on his face.

'P-please don't, don't talk to me' Seungmin stuttered, put his good back on and left quickly.

'Seungmin wait!' Hyunjin tried to say, but Seungmin was gone already.

'What the fuck' Hyunjin whispered and grabbed his bag.

'Jisung! I have to talk to you' Hyunjin said walking towards the cafeteria.

'What's this?' Hyunjin said looking at Chan, Woojin, Minho, Jisung, Changbin and Felix sitting togheter.

'I know right' Chan said with an annoyed face.

'It was my idea, I thought it would be fine' Jisung said. 'Now what is wrong?'

'Have you guys seen Seungmin?' Hyunjin asked.

Jisung looked at Minho. 'No, we haven't seen him in days. Have you seen him?' Minho said.

'Yes, and he didn't look good at all' Hyunjin said.

'What do you mean?' Woojin said.

'His face was bruised and scarred' Hyunjin said.

'Oh my god, serious?' Woojin said.

'Haven't you seen him at home?' Chan said.

'N-no, my mom said that he was sleeping at his boyfriends house. Hyunjin you have to talk to him!' Woojin said.

'I- I tried already. But he ran away' Hyunjin said.

'Where did you see him?' Felix asked.

'In the chemistry classroom. I was early to prep for the test we have today' Hyunjin said.

Jisung his eyes grew bigger. 'We have a test' he said. 'Shit'.

'We have to do something. Why is Seungmin acting this way?' Changbin said.

'I don't know. Let's meet at the café after school. We can think of a plan' Chan said.

'Chan? You want to hang out with us?' Minho said with a smirk.

'Shut up Minho' Chan said and put his stuff in his bag. 'Let's go' he said and grabbed Woojins hand.

'We should go too' Felix said looking at Changbin and Minho.

'Yes we should, I will see you after school' Minho said and kissed Jisung.

'Bye Hyunjin' Minho said. Hyunjin waved at Minho while rolling his eyes.

'Be nice Hyunjin' Jisung said while glaring at him. 

'Yes sir' Hyunjin said

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