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It was 2pm and the boys were sitting at a table in a café.

'So, this is weird' Jisung said holding Minho's hand and looking at the 5 boys sitting at the table.

'Can we just get this over with' Chan said and sighed.

'Yes, so what are we going to do about Seungmin? He isn't home anymore and I'm really concerned' Woojin said.

'It is noticeable that you only seem to care about him when he's hurt' Minho says looking at Woojin.

'Well, it's just that. He's really mean. But when shit like this happens, I just feel very concerned' Woojin said looking down.

Chan put his hands on Woojins knee and looked at him concerned.

'Go easy on him' Chan says looking at Minho.

Minho saw the concern in Chan his eyes and nodded.

'Okay,  playtime is over kids. It's time for the reall shit. What the fuck is going on with Seungmin and how are we going to find out?' Hyunjin said.

'So, I last saw him entering the library today. He's their a lot of times' Changbin said.

'It's the only time I don't see him with his boyfriend' Felix says.

Hyunjin noticed Felix was sitting very far from Changbin, which is weird because he's basicly stuck to that guy.

'I don't know why he would go to that place so often. The service is terrible their' Jisung says poking in his food with his fork.

'So, he goes to the library. A lot. And he always goes without his boyfriend. Which he's with, all the fucking time' Hyunjin says typing it over on the notes on his phone.

'Okay this is bullshit. Look Hyunjin I love you, but this takes too much fucking time! Have you seen how he looks? We need to do something right this instant' Minho said slamming his hand on the table.

Hyunjin looked at Minho in disgust because he said the L word.

'I'm sorry, my gay jumped out' Minho said bowing his head.

Jisung rolled his eyes and smirked at Hyunjin.

'So what's your plan Minho?' Chan said.

'Okay, so I had came up with this thing' Minho said while wearing the biggest smirk.


'We are really doing this?' Chan said sighing while looking at his all black outfit.

'Yes, we are sneaking in this guy his house. We need to do it hard way if we want to know what is happening to Seungmin' Minho says while throwing a flashlight towards Chan.

'So we're going over the plan once more. And if you don't remember then it's not my problem' Hyunjin said shifting his eyes towards Jisung who tries to avoid eye contact.

'We are indeed breaking in in Jaewon's house. Me and Minho have a feeling something isn't right with this dude' Hyunjin said looking at Minho while Minho nodded back.

'I just love seeing you 2 working togheter' Jisung said clapping his hands.

'Let's give everyone something to do. Chan, you're coming with me and Hyunjin. We are the ones breaking in. Jisung and Woojin are going to stay here. If anyone is comming, you have to say it to us. And lastly Felix and Changbin. You're going to go to the front door and cancel the alarm. Stay there waiting till we comeback so you guys can install it again' Minho said.

'Okay, we ready?' Hyunjin said and put his hands out.

Everyone put their hand on Hyunjins.

'Ready' they said in unison.

'Honey, you got a big storm coming' Jisung whisperd.


Didn't check for grammar mistakes, so I'm sorry if there is any.
Shit is about to go down in the next chapter :)
xx Ylse

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