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"Why would you ever bind to her?!" Grandpa snarls as Tresor and they stare each other down, "You said you are a consort to Hel...how the fuck does my granddaughter play into that?! You took advantage of her and the way you twist-"

"Grandpa, stop! He didn't do any-"

Grandpa growls dangerously and retorts, "Stop feeding into his lies, jus-"

Not a second later, Grandpa's airway is nearly constricted. His hand grasps at his chest, his muscles expanding and tensing. He falls to his knees, gasping while looking up at Tresor. My gaze follows, my eyes widening as Tresor holds a hand out in front of him, his wings folded against his back as his eyes hold malice and anger.

"Do not interrupt your granddaughter again," Tresor's voice is surprisingly even. He lifts his chin slightly and states, "Your mates cannot feel the pain you are in, nor would they know if you were dying until the moment your existence extinguishes."

Grandpa falls to his side on the floor, his body contorting slightly when Tresor flexes his fingers. Grandpa attempts to say something, but nothing comes out, fear clearly written across his features.

"The blood bond between you and Keveon is what allows for this silent torture," Tresor enjoys this, my heart skipping a beat when he glances to me and says, "he has your attention, my goddess."

There is hesitation in my voice at first, but I can't help but let everything out the second I state, "My father no longer exists in our future," as I say this, Grandpa's eyes shift slightly, "the moment I came here, to a time when his life exists, he no longer exists in our future. Mother has been keeping Aeon at bay and containing the pocket universe for Edith...alone."

Breathing out steadily, Tresor nods at me, encouraging me to continue as he restrains Grandpa.

"When mother is born here, our future is gone. She will cease to exist there, Aeon able to take the world with ease and in doing so, killing everyone and thus ending our future," I pause a moment, not realizing how easily the tears cascade down my cheek. Brushing them away, I continue, "What happens to Edith? Will the pocket universe collapse now that it can no longer be sustained? Will it collapsing kill her?"

Slowly, Tresor eases back on the containment he has on Grandpa, Grandpa coughing as he gets to his knees.

"Will I cease to exist too? With mother being born here...will my timeline end? Will I cease to exist until I am created in this new timeline? Will I remember anything? Will everyone's whose lives I've touched or impacted...will they remember me?" I hiccup a sob, shaking my head as I cry, "I bear the brunt of the consequences...what happens to me?"

"I-I, Dot..." Grandpa's voice teeters as Tresor narrows his eyes on him.

Brushing away the tears, I glare with anger, "There is one thing I do know though..." I point at Tresor and state, "...he is doing everything in his power to restore balance and keep me safe. He is the only one who's been in my corner since the beginning. He is the only being I trust with my life!"

Grandpa's eyes water, tears building before they finally fall. My chest heaves up and down, not able to calm myself any longer. For once, he had to listen to me...to honestly listen and understand me.

"I'm scared..." I breathe out just above a whisper, Tresor lifting the control he has over Grandpa. I see Grandpa begin to rise to his feet as my chin lowers, my gaze on the marble floor as I finish, "I'm so scared and no one can assure...nor reassure what happens...oh..."

My heart falls, looking up as Grandpa kneels before me. I glance over his shoulder and ask Tresor, "You said you are going to bestow the gift you have to my mother when she is born..." my voice trails off as I shake my head, "...she'll still lose part of who she is and cannot contain the power of Asteria until her dormant goddess soul is awakened and her body able to sustain and contain it."

Tempted Fate |18+ (Ménage)✔Where stories live. Discover now