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Dante's composure takes time, though I no longer judge him for what he's done. We all do things; regret a heavy weight upon our shoulders. We are all judged by the Moon Goddess, so for another to hold their own scrutiny is something that shouldn't be done. I learned so much in these moments...

...they are fleeting though, Dante standing to his full height now as the tears have nearly all dried.

He tells me, "I want her life."

"You will have it," I would not stand in the way, wondering now how he must have felt after Rose was the one to take on that endeavor. Though Laisha has directly ended Marc's life, she still holds ties to Dante's past that have shaped his future.

He deserves a better future and to find happiness.

"I will lure her here, Intel I intend to use as leverage regarding Rose to entice her, hopefully, it will pique Laisha's interest," Dante explains, well thought out as to bring her away from safety. Anything said in Castle Valentine could be jeopardized, so she'll enjoy the fact Dante wants to divulge information to her.

"Don't draw suspicion..." I warn him, "...if something is too good to be true, it probably is. Don't be overzealous with your approach or she might catch on that you're only luring her away."

Dante chuckles and sighs, "Don't worry, I have a perfect idea." After he pauses, he glances back to the tree and says, "However you can cloak yourself from being on the radar of both vampire and werewolf...even hybrid," as he adds this part, I flash him a cocky smile, "stay above and in the tree. I want her weakened."

"Oh?" I question, feeling a surge of energy through me at the thought of...

"I'm going to torture her," there it is, confirmation.

...a sadistic attack against Laisha.

Who knows?

Perhaps it will be much more violent than when Rose ended her life.

I'm silent for too long, Dante asking while arching a brow, "Do I sense your disapproval?"

"Even though I am one for getting the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible..." my voice trails off as I offer him a smirk, "...after what she's done and caused immense heartache, it seems only fitting she's returned the same favor she bestowed upon others."

"Good," Dante nods, taking from his coat pocket a gun. I quickly realize it is a tranquilizer gun the moment I hold it, Dante informing me, "It contains two rounds of liquid silver darts. Should you happen to miss, you have one in reserve."

"Why not just infuse rounds and give me a clip?" I ask, arching a brow.

Dante shrugs his shoulders, "I don't want you to accidentally kill her with a live round. I'm sure your shots are deadly, even if you're aiming to maim."

"Awe, making sure I don't get carried away?" I chuckle, pushing off the packed snow and landing on the lowest branch in the tree above Dante.

Dante shakes his head, "You never know how you'll feel until you're in the moment..." his voice trails off with an edge to it, not pushing him any further as I scale up to the snowy parts of the branches. While Dante walks away, heading to Castle Valentine, I maneuver my way to branches that cross over one another, providing small shelter from any visibility of a head-on approach. The way he will lead her, I'll be undercover, waiting for the moment to aid him in bringing her down.

Just before I fade away behind the branches, my eyes glimpse the enormous snowflake crystal that rests at the highest tower of the castle. The wind blows gently, wondering if this crystal will be enough to break through the devices that Grandma Laura created the amplification of this crystal, unlike the smaller ones that litter estate grounds by other council members. Ducking back down beneath the cover of the snowy branches, I wait...silence, hearing the beating of my heart as I enclose it from others, taking it off their radar with my magic.

Tempted Fate |18+ (Ménage)✔Where stories live. Discover now